
"Who there?!" Kligork panicked. Despite their sharp sense of smell, they couldn't locate the origin of the voice. Coupled with the fact that the darkness had rendered their keen eyesight useless.

This was their territory. Only the human scum who provided them with food and women knew of the Oak groove.

Instinctively, the Ogres huddled together, back to back. Each staring into the nothingness surrounding them.

"We fight! We kill enemy!" Kligork declared. They had overcome many foes over the years. Hardened by the brutal trial of combat. None desired to fall. Their breathing slowed. Their bloodshot eyes cautiously wandering around. Just then, the group heard a voice coming from behind them. "Fantastic! Let us begin then."

Before they could react, the mist churned. Folding and collapsing like a surging tidal wave, gathering at the perimeter of the oak groove.

The Ogres stared in utter stupefaction at the walls of darkness which had sealed every route of their escape. However, their eyes lingered on a masked figure donning robes of burning black flames. Behind the eye slits of the mask, they could see wisps of red and purple, silently calling out to them.

Kligork's hands trembled. The rings on his long sword chimed as he struggled to maintain his calm. "Who you?! What you want with Kligork and brothers?!" He took a step forward. As a proud Ogre, he couldn't show fear. He would rather die as a proud warrior than disgrace his tribe. His brothers followed. Although they had killed several races over the years, they had seen nothing like what stood before them.

"Who you?! What you want with Kligork and brothers?!" Kligork declared a second time. Silence, however, followed once again.

Kligork's countenance darkened. "Brothers! We Kill! Him not better than us!"

A deafening roar followed. Each Ogre smacked their right hands on their chest while pointing towards the James with the weapons in their other hand.

"Come." James taunted with his index finger.

Bloodlusted. The Ogres charged towards James. Maddened from their desire to live.

Trig and four other Ogres arrived first, each launching their rusty maces toward different parts of James's body. Kligork and the other Ogres blocked James's path of retreat. No matter what, he had to die.

James, on the other hand, chuckled slightly. His gaze turned towards the maces inching towards him. He couldn't stop himself from giggling as he saw the murderous gleams in the eyes of the Ogres.

'Do they actually think they have a chance of defeating me?' James causally raised his hand.

'What he doing?' Kligork couldn't believe his eyes. Even with his sturdy physique, he wouldn't dare to block such an attack with his bare hands. His surprise soon turned to delight. 'Can't believe me afraid of this.' After all, only a fool would do something so foolish.

'I drink blood when he go boom.' He couldn't wait for the inevitable scream that would accompany the crushing of bones.

Only a few inches separated James's arm from the barrage of maces. Trig cackled. He could already hear James's screams within his mind. "You go—" Before Trig could finish his statement, a blur flashed passed him.

"Eh?" Trig stared absentmindedly as his mace halted in midair as if an invisible barrier blocked it. No matter how much strength he used, it remained in the same position.

"What going—?" A sickening below cut Trig off. Rain of fresh blood descended on him and two other Ogres. He turned his head, only to see James standing over two of his brothers. They lay on the floor with blood gushing out of their bashed skulls. With James holding a crumbling blood soaked mace.

Kligork and the other Ogres watched in utter disbelief. None of them could follow James's movement. One second it looked as if Trig would bash him to bits, only for them to see the corpses of their brothers laying on ground.

For the first time, dread gripped the hearts of the Ogres. They weren't the predators, rather they were James's prey.

With the sudden realization, they turned to flee. Damn their warrior pride. Just then, however, a massive screen of black surrounded them.

"Where do you think you're going?" James cackled. "The fun part is just starting!"

With inhuman speed, he appeared before Trig. Sending his fist in the form of a claw towards the Ogre's chest. Puncturing it with a swift motion. Before removing his fist once more. Silence enveloped the area. The Ogres retreated as they stared at James's right hand. Trig's eyes quivered non-stop. His lips trembled. However, he couldn't say a word. His eyes remained fixated on the fleshy organ in James's hand — his heart, pulsating ever so slightly. A gentle gust of wind blew pass the area, sending Trig's body crashing face first to the ground. Disbelief still plastered across his face.

James cackled. Slowly staring at the frightened Ogres. He raised his right hand into the air; bewitched by his movement, the Ogres raised their heads. With a gentle squeeze, he crushed Trig's heart into meat paste. At that moment, the Ogres threw their weapons on the ground, scampering with all their might to flee.

James shook his head while walking towards the Ogres. "Is that all the proud Ogre warriors can offer?" The Ogres didn't pause in their steps. James was nothing like they had ever faced. They slammed their fists on the barrier, seeking to tear it down. However, their violent clash only caused faint ripples on its surface.

Kligork's mind went into overdrive. He didn't want to die. His eyes frantically roamed his surroundings, searching for a means to escape. His gaze fell on Laira and the other ladies who become unconscious. Kligork's eyes lit up. A sudden realization dawned him. Since James arrived, he had only attacked them and not the ladies. He believed if he played his cards right, he could use them to save himself. Gathering his thoughts, he dashed towards the closest of the five. Raising her via her neck, he stared at James as he said, "I, Kligork, kill human! Leave Kligork and brothers alone!"

James suddenly paused.

A cruel smile suddenly flashed across Kligork's lips. He couldn't believe his conjecture was right. The other Ogres also noticed James's pause. Wasting no time, they also mimicked Kligork's actions. Each staring with James with bloodshot eyes.

"Leave Kligork and brothers alone! Or we kill humans!" Kligork declared. Emboldened by James's inaction.

"Go ahead." James replied coolly.

The Ogre panicked. "I do it. I kill hu—"

"You talk too much." James suddenly kicked the mace laying in front of him. It torpedoed through the air. Landing on the face of one hostage. Burying itself deep into her skull.

Kligork released the corpse. His brothers simultaneously but unconsciously following in his step. They all stared at James, who had finally taken off his mask. None of them could speak, neither could they move. The baleful aura sealed by the mask of the dead overwhelmed them. They could see was the Mask of the Dead slowly turning into a scythe while James walked towards them. One after the other, James decapitated the Ogres, not bothering to speak a word.

12 corpses saved in the user's inventory.

'System, extract their blood essence.' James mentally instructed.


Subjects do not possess any bloodlines. Using the Blood Essence of the subjects could weaken the purity of a Bloodline template.

Does the user wish to continue essence extraction?

"Do as you're told." James retorted.

Blood Essence Extraction Starting!

Blood Essence Extraction Completed!

Essence stored in the user's bloodline vault.

James nodded, before turning towards Laira and the other unconscious ladies. 'They won't make if I don't act fast.' With a gentle flick of his wrist, he sent congealed blood into the mouths of all four ladies. Splinting one drop into four smaller drops.

Instantly, their bodies spasmed. Their tightly shut eyes snapped open while their mangled limbs slowly rotated to their natural positions. Their screams echoed in all directions. The cuts and bruises lining their bodies slowly closed. Although still covered in filth, their original complexions slowly returned.

'It's time to begin.' James donned his mask once more. Complementing his now snow-white robes. "Do you seek salvation?" A melodious voice filled their ears. They could feel their souls trembling as if standing before a monarch. However, pain continued coursing through their bodies.

"I have heard your cries, and I'm here to save you. Do you desire Salvation?" They heard the melodious voice once more.

"Please help me! Make the pain stop! I'll do anything!" Laira screamed. She couldn't take it anymore. She could feel her insides twisting and turning.

One after the other, the ladies cried out to James.

"Come out and receive my blessings."

The screams of the ladies intensified as a new world appeared before them. They could see an ethereal projection tearing away from their bodies, rushing towards a figure in white. White flames gathered around him, forming a perfect lotus. They felt their ethereal bodies quiver before the figure, unable to calm their fears. Just then, four flames launched towards the ladies. Their screams filled the spirit world as black flames slowly tore through their souls.

The User has initiated four Soul Contracts!

Terms: The User will have complete control over the target's soul.

Terms hidden from the target!

Duration: None!

"Do you accept me?" James asked.

"Yes!" The ladies screamed. The flames slowly merged with their souls. A moment later, body and soul merged once more.


Bloodline Assimilation Completed!

Race: Human.

Bloodline Template: Liverwort Worms.

Bloodline:??? (User's Creation).

{Bloodline Ability}

- Regeneration


- Soul Bound.

- Evolved.

'It worked. Sharing one drop among them was a great idea.' James stared at the ladies who lay on the ground with an impassive gaze. Most of their injuries had sealed, and their limbs had returned to normal. However, they hadn't recovered completely. They still had broken bones and ruptured tissues.

"My lord, are you the great Balaa?" Laira squeezed out her words. Despite the pain she felt, her eyes gleam with fervor as she stared at James. Only Balaa could have saved them and also healed them. The others also had the same thought in mind. If they could, they would prostrate on the ground in worship.

"My children. The church has gone astray. They no longer keep to words. They have allowed themselves to fall to the temptations of this world. They no longer seek salvation." James declared.

'It's really Lord Balaa…' Laira could barely contain her excitement. She was a firm believer of the church. She never expected her god would visit her personally. The other ladies also had the same reaction. Joy filled their hearts, and their faith deepened. Others had mocked them, but now who would?

"My children. I have chosen you to represent me in this world. I want you to teach my words to those lost. Help those suffering. And judge the wicked. Will you serve me?"

"We are willing!" The ladies answered together.

"Then take my blood. For it shall give you the strength you need. From pain will strength come. Endure it until you are whole!" James flicked his wrist, sending another drop of congealed blood into the mouths of the ladies. Instantly, the ladies felt a searing heat assaulting their being. Cracks covered their skins as boiling blood poured out in mass.

James wore a devilish smile behind his mask as he watched the ladies squirm on the ground. Their screams and cries a sweet symphony. 'It's proceeding just as planned. But I still need a lot more test subjects. These four should be able to convert some slaves in the town.' James nodded. With absolute control over their souls, he could voice his thoughts into minds which they would assume as Balaa's words.

'It might take a while for them to recover. I should move on.' James transformed back into his human form. "Come out." He said. The second captain class Army of the Fallen emerged.

"Protect them until they recover. Then return to the edge of the town, I will pick you up when I'm done." Saying nothing further, James unleashed a frightening burst of speed. Running towards the direction of the town.