Remember To Keep Your Vow


Scanning Completed!

Multiple Signs of Life detected within a 15km radius.

The user's Level is too low to search above 15km.

Will the user like to extract the blood essence of the targets!

'Finally.' James wiped the sweat off his face as he stared at the majestic crimson tower constructed in between three symmetrical trees. The radiance of the sun bounced off the tower's glistening exterior, giving the impression of flowing blood in between the blackened tree trunks.

James's scanned his surroundings, appreciating the aesthetic stone ruins, each over ten thousand square feet, carved around the tower. Hundreds of people clad in the familiar robes of the caretakers roamed the stone walkways lining the settlement. A few rode exotic carriages drawn by equally strange beasts.

'Oh? The slaves and soldiers are here too...' James turned towards the second largest building in the settlement. An elliptical wonder spanning over twenty-four thousand square meters. Its golden walls glistened under the sun's radiance. However, no one stared at the monstrosity in awe. James could see the despair on the faces of those who wondered into its many entrances. While relief overwhelmed those who walked out from the beast's metal jaws.

'Not bad.' James nodded. He had little expectations when leaving his manor. He didn't expect to see such a distinct settlement within the unending forest.

"System, begin the extraction." James mentally commanded. He had encountered and slain another two groups while running towards the town. Both groups mistook him for another slave sold the dream of freedom. Unlike Kligork's group, however, both groups comprised humans.

James walked towards the settlement while readjusting his robes and causally brushing the leaves from his hair. Dressed in plain clothing, one would be hard pressed to determine his hierarchy within the village.

'This should invite all the troublemakers. Hopefully, I can go back with another twenty corpses.' James examined his surroundings with a shallow smile. Walking as timidly as possible while staring at passing slaves, soldiers and caretakers.

'This isn't what I expected.' James flashed a bitter smile. None paid heed to his presence. Only two caretakers spared a cursory glance. Both staring at his deep red hair.

'I should find where the slaves stay. It shouldn't be hard to find a dozen or more hotheads there.' James grinned. 'Isn't that... wait? Why is he wearing that?' His eyes suddenly lit up as he saw a familiar face.


'It really is him. This guy sure is resourceful...' James smiled slightly as he stared at the approaching figure.

"It really is you," Rowan said as he observed James from head to toe. "Didn't you pass the rights ceremony? Why are you dressed as a lowly peasant?"

The corner of James's eyes twitched as he heard Rowan's condescending words. "Forgive me your highness, but my taste isn't anywhere as extravagant as yours," James said.

"I can see that." Rowan retorted matter-of-fact. A brilliant smile hung on his lips. He thought those who won the rights ceremony lived extravagantly. But after seeing James, it assured him they were living just as miserable as everyone else.

James smiled bitterly. Even without reading his mind, he knew the thoughts in Rowan's mind. "Your majesty, why do you have those robes on?" James changed the topic. He needed to confirm his theory.

Unlike the other soldier and slaves, Rowan wore a black-and-white robe similar to the Caretakers. The gray star on the chest region the only difference.

Rowan smirked while crossing his arms across chest. "Unlike you, who lucked out in the rights ceremony. They have recognized me for my exemplary potential." Rowan paused. The arrogance in his eyes clear as he met James's gaze. "Believe me when I tell you that the rights ceremony is nothing compared to my current status."

"Oh?" James's eyes widened. "Please go on your highness. Enlighten me."

Rowan's smile brightened. He loved it when others knew their place before him. 'So what if you won the rights ceremony? Unlike me, you have no hope of leaving this place!' Rowan sneered as he gathered his thoughts. Clearing his throat, he continued, "I'm one of the few chosen to belong to the Caretakers. I'm not bound by the same rules and—"

"Pardon me for interrupting you your highness, but are you saying you're a Caretaker?" James's asked. His voice was unusually loud, drawing a few curious stares from slaves, soldiers and caretakers alike.

"Are you deaf?! When did I say I was a Caretaker?" Rowan bellowed. Impersonating a caretaker had steep consequences. At the very least, he could lose a limb or two. If he was unlucky, they would behead him.

James's features distorted in confusion. "Your highness, didn't you just say other caretakers were beneath you? Or did you mean Kynar is—"

"Shut your mouth!" Rowan seethed. He wasn't an idiot. He knew James was trying to set him up. If it were a random slave or soldier, he would have long silenced them. Fury warped his handsome face. If eyes could kill, James would have died over a hundred times.

"What's going on here?" A caretaker called out.

James and Rowan turned towards the old man.

"Sir, princes—"

"Nothing sir. We came from the same selection ground and we are only catching up. I'm sorry for the disturbance." Rowan hurriedly said. He dreaded the thought of James speaking before him.

"Even if you came from the same kingdom, you shouldn't shame your position by mixing with slaves. As an assistant caretaker, carry yourself better." The old caretaker reprimand. He shifted his attention towards James, before saying, "Despite being a slave, you—"

"If I'm a slave, then you're a sickly beggar."

Silence enveloped the area. Many unable to believe what they had just heard.

"Did he just call him a beggar?" A young man muttered. Disbelief plastered on his face.

Rowan, on the other hand, could hardly believe his luck. He had been plotting how he would deal with James. Little did he know the little bastard would dig his own grave. He couldn't stop himself from smirking as he stared at the visibly shaking old caretaker.

"What did you call me?" The old man's fists trembled as he stared at James. He couldn't believe a slave had the gall to insult him to his face.

"I said, if I'm a slave you're a rubbish, sickly old beggar." James repeated impassively. "That I had to repeat myself despite speaking so audibly, it seems you're also deaf and quite daft too."

Deathly silence followed. Most had yet to recover from James's previous statement, yet he dropped another bombshell.

Rowan's jaw dropped. If he could, he would cheer as loudly as possible. He had seen no one who could dig their own grave as wonderful as James.

The trembling old man suddenly let out a bout of rancorous laughter, shocking everyone gathered.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Target has begone transformation!

Name: Byrank Toad Transformation!

Origin: The target has implanted the cells of the Byrank Toad into the spine.


- The Target's tongue possesses the venom of the Byrank Toad.

- The target can secrete poisonous water balls.


- The User's Grim Reaper form is immune to the venom of Byrank Toad.

- The User's flames can obliterate the venom and poison in the target's attacks.

Odds Of The User Eliminating The Target: 80%

"It seems we have been too lenient to the slaves." The old man continued laughing. However, his voice suddenly turned slurred as he said, "I will use you as an example to all the fools out there. If I, Sarkis, don't send you on your way today, then I'm truly a beggar!"

The caretaker dropped his walking stick while dropping to his knees as a frog. His eyes turned reptilian while his already wrinkled skin became more rough and dried. His throat had swollen to ten times its size while a croaking echo filled the air.

Many spectators eagerly distanced themselves from James and the transformed caretaker. However, a few remained, mainly caretakers who had been incensed by James's comments.

"You little bastard. I hope you're prepared to meet your maker?!"

James covered his nose as the old man screamed. "Old beggar, as much as I'd love to beat the living hell out of you. I'm afraid I don't want to soil my hands with you disgusting blood. Wait for another nine months, then I'll send you on your long overdue trip to the underworld." James retorted.

Sarkis could barely control his rage. 'This cocky bastard! Since when did slaves become this confident?' He only stepped out of his laboratory to breathe in some fresh air when he noticed James and Rowan squabbling with each other. Never in a million years would he have expected a mere slave to insult him to his face and with extreme arrogance to boot.

'Wait... what does he mean by after nine months? Could he be…?' Just then, a loud shout filled his ears, "What do you think you're doing?! Stop this nonsense at once!"

A masked figure wearing all black robes appeared in between James and Sarkis. At that same moment, all the Caretakers dropped to their knees while most of the slaves and soldiers fled the area.

"E-Executioner, that brat—"

"Did I say you could speak?!" The masked figure glared at Sarkis. Instantly, his transformed body reverted to his feeble physique.

Sarkis panicked. Dread gripping his tensed heart. "Forgive me. Please forgive me." Sarkis begged. His voice hoarse while tears gathered at the corners of his eyes.

The executioner turned his attention towards James, who was the only person standing in the area. "Someone of your position should reframe from inciting the caretakers. I will pardon you for your unruly words. There won't be a second time." The executioner turned towards the crowd watching in the distance, "What are you all looking at?"

Within seconds, the crowd watching in the distance dispersed, and calm returned to the area. Saying nothing further, the executioner mysteriously disappeared.

"It seems today isn't your lucky day old man. Remember to keep to your vow. Since I'm still alive and kicking, it seems you're now a..." James's words trialed off, unable to suppress his urge to laugh anymore.

Sarkis gritted his teeth while his bloodshot eyes glared at James. He had valiantly declared that he would become a beggar if he didn't kill James today. However, with the executioner's intervention, he didn't dare to follow through with his promise. Since the executioner hadn't eliminated James, he knew he was a victor from the rights ceremony or one of the few with special privileges in the village.

'I don't care who you are. I will make sure you regret this day!' Sarkis seethed.

James suddenly turned towards Rowan. His smile turned dazzling. "See you next time your highness. You can get up now. I feel embarrassed if you continue kneeling before me." James walked away with his head held high. Laughing as he waved at random people in the crowd.

'Kaleb, I will kill you!' Rowan's rage surpassed the caretaker's. He gritted his teeth as he watched James walk into the distance.