
The outline of the lonely crescent moon hid behind the blackened clouds in the starless skies. The wind blew through the town with a powerful passion, scattering fresh leaves as if they were the leaves of fall and banging the doors as if they were its chaotic drum beat.

James aimlessly swagged about the settlement. Slowly drawing a mental note of the town. He looked like any other slave, albeit one with some confidence. Most of the people who witnessed his squabbles with Sarkis and Rowan had long departed.

'This would have been a lot easier if I could use my damned souls. How long is this going to take?' James sighed. The settlement was a lot bigger than he expected. He would never risk summoning his items, especially in a place filled with Demons and those who practiced the dark arts.

'Should I call it a night?' Absorbed in his thoughts, James slowly drummed his fingers on thighs.

Just then a low voice reached him. "Hey! Aren't you going to your quarters?"

James turned his head. No one interacted or bothered him since the incident with the caretakers. A young lady dressed in a slightly worn dress stared at him. With a mere glance, James knew she was a slave.

"Thanks for the heads up, but I still want to gaze at the moon." James causally said. He wasn't in the mood to deal with some random slave.

Lina's mouth widened. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "Are you out of your mind?!" She blurted out. "You must be new here. Let me give you some advice. This place is crueler than you can imagine. If you wander alone at night, they might just come for you." Lina added. Her voice solemn.

James causally approached the young lady while donning a slight smile. "Miss, what do you mean by 'they'?" James asked. He had initially planned on ignoring the young lady, but her words piqued his interest.

Lina sighed as she rubbed her temples. "You really are new here." With all the disappearances within the village, she believed only a fool or a newbie would dare wander out at night.

James paused a few feet away from her. 'Is eyes are...' James's eyes surprised Lina. She felt a mysterious compulsion as she stared into them. A yearning to do whatever James desired.

"Those who come out at midnight never return. Nobody knows what happens to them. They disappear." Lina explained.

James's brows creased slightly. "Has anyone ever returned?" Lina's words were too vague.

Lina slowly shook her head, as she said, "Not that I can remember. However, there are rumors that..." she suddenly paused as she observed her surroundings. Two drunken caretakers held each other as they staggered towards a cluster of cabins. The duo spared a glance at James and Lina. However, they were too insignificant to warrant their interest.

Lina sighed inwardly as the caretakers ignored them. Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw James staring at the caretakers impassively, with a slight hint of disdain. 'Is this kid out of his mind? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?' Lina blinked several times. She didn't want to believe a mere slave could stare at caretakers with obvious disdain. 'What would have happened if they weren't drunk?' A chill ran down Lina's spine. She believed if she could notice James's glare, so would the caretakers. Their only saving grace was the alcohol in the duo's system.

"I don't know who you were or where you came from, but If you don't want to die young, never look at them like that again. Do you understand?" Lina warned sternly. Although she didn't know James, she believed it was only fair she warned him of the potential consequence of his actions.

James smiled slightly. He wouldn't waste words on a none issue. With his means, he could kill both caretakers, and Lina for good measure, before they even realize what was happening.

'This brat... I don't want to stay around him any longer. Who knows what kind of trouble he would cause.' Lina turned to leave. She wanted nothing to do with James further. She had seen countless arrogant youths waste their lives over the years. She didn't want to be collateral damage to James's impudence.

"Where are you going? You didn't finish what you were saying." James called out. He reached for Lina's hand, halting her steps.

"Leg go!" Lina forced her wrist out of James's hand. Before glaring at him. If not that he was only a youth, she would have slapped him. "I have nothing else to say. Goodnight." Lina scurried away before James could speak.


The User has placed Skill—Rot Inducement on the target.

Will the user like to Activate the skill?

James smirked as he watched Lina. "Yes." He mentally commanded.

Although Lina gave him incomplete information, he could form a theory on the missing slaves. 'If my guess is right, then the missing slaves are those kidnapped by the soldiers in the forest. Or could it be the caretakers using them for their research? Or is there another factor at play?'

He had little suspicions towards the caretakers because they were already in charge of the slaves. There was no point in kidnapping the slaves when they could order them freely.

James suddenly chuckled while shaking his head. 'There's no point thinking about it. I have enough time to figure it out.'

"That reminds me. Didn't Bronwyn say something about borrowing specialize tomes and scriptures?" James recalled his induction. His eyes lit up while a brilliant smile graced his lips. He would never pass up the opportunity to learn multiple new skills.


Forty minutes later, James stood at the entrance of one stone building within the settlement. After asking for directions, he had made his way towards his destination.

Despite his lack of artistic talent, he could appreciate the splendor of the building. From the intricate carvings on the walls, to the detailed Corinthian pillars, and the Gothic arch above the building's entrance.

"I wonder who made these buildings..." James muttered. He unconsciously turned towards the crimson tower in the distance. Although the buildings looked like ruins, he had the feeling they served a greater purpose. His analysis from surveying the settlement hinted at stone ruins forming a formation with the tower at the center. However, James could only form a vague mental picture of the formation since he had yet to conclude his survey.

"Leave if you're not entering. This isn't a place to daydream." An old woman donning the robes similar to the executioner warned.

She noticed James from the moment he climbed the stair towards the entrance. Unlike most caretakers, she didn't have any prejudice towards James. Whether or not he was a slave didn't matter. However, she would never tolerate someone loitering around in such an important place.

'Is she an executioner too? I didn't even notice her presence?' From the way the caretakers reacted to the previous executioner, James deduced they had considerable status within the town. However, he wasn't sure why. With a mere glance, he knew he wouldn't fare well if they fought.

James smiled sheepishly. "Forgive me. I lost myself for a minute." However, the old woman's impassive frown greeted his words. Coughing dryly, James continued, "I'm here to borrow—"

"What path of sorcery do you practice?" The executioner's interjected.

James fell silent. He expected such a question. After all, sorcerers from both paths were in the village. "Darkness," James said.

"Take the path by your right. You can only borrow two tomes, and you must return them within a month. The hall master will explain further." The old woman returned to her seat before gently closing her eyes.

'Two tomes?' James snickered within. With the system, all he needed was a touch, and he could assimilate the spells in any tome or scripture.

"Thank you. I'll be off then." James turned towards the passage the old woman pointed out. At that same moment, however, he heard a low clanking sound which gradually grew louder. Without hesitation, James turned towards the passage at the other end. He could see a vague figure slowly emerging from the darkness.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Threat to the User's life detected!

System Recommendation: Flee!

Before James could organize his thoughts, he felt a firm grip on his shoulders. His eyes quivered as he stared at the armored figure in front of him.

The set of armor had a pointed helm with a pointed, v-shaped opening leaving the eyes and mouth exposed. Attached to the top is a curved, v-shaped blade, the middle is attached to the center of the helm. The shoulders were fairly pointy, wide and large in size. Decorated with a row of small animal horns on each side, pointing backwards. The upper arms are protected by squared, half covering rerebraces which sit quite well under the shoulder plates. The lower arms are covered by vambraces, which has a skull without the lower jaw attached on the outer sides.

The breastplate is made from many vertical layers of leather and fur, with squared edges and decorative pieces. It covers everything from the neck down and ending at the groin, but the shoulder area is fairly exposed to allow for more movement space. The upper legs are covered by a skirt of circular layers of leather and fur reaching below the groin. The lower legs are protected by leather shin guards, which have rows upon rows of layered arrow heads.

"I challenge you to a duel! Do you accept?"