I Want You

Fives Hours Later.

The morning sun pierced through a blanket of gray and blue clouds. Striking down on the excited crowd filling the majestic coliseum. Slaves, soldiers and caretakers alike, sat at different sections of the coliseum according to their rank. They cheered, some more animatedly than others, while fervently gazing at the combating soldiers below.

Dozens of mangled corpses lay on the ground, with a thick and nauseating stench of fresh blood pervading the air. Explosions echoed without end, muffling the unceasing clash of steel against steel, and the groans and shrieks of the injured. Of the fifty soldiers who started the battle, only twenty remained. None without an injury.

James sat in the area designated for those who had special rights in the village. However, he didn't know how the caretakers at the coliseum's gates recognized him as one. Unlike the excited crowd, James wore a stern expression as his gaze wandered. Ever since he reached his designated seat, he caught a middle-aged man with sallow features sneaking glances at him. Coupled with the fact that silence had repeatedly answered his calls to the system. No matter the task.

"System? Why aren't you answering?" James mentally asked. Yet again, silence followed.

James paled. 'Damn it. What's wrong with the system this time?' An ominous premonition filled his mind. From experience, the system only went silent in the presence of a powerful foe.

'If only I could leave this place. I made a mistake coming here.' With the system's silence, he could neither absorb death energy nor scan those around him. The guards also blocked his path when he tried to leave. They told him that no one could leave the coliseum until the conclusion of the all the matches.

'Although the system isn't responding, I should be safe for now. Since there are other people like me here, they shouldn't randomly kill us off...' Just then, an ear deafening roar shook the coliseum. James raised his head to glance at the ecstatic crowd. Below, a brawny man raised both heads while basking in the euphoria of the excited crowd. He held the severed head of a Dark-Elf in one hand and his bloodied sickle in the other.

"Congratulations on winning the tenth battle. Proceed to the inner sanctum to proclaim your reward. The next battle will begin within the hour." Piri's soothing voice echoed throughout the coliseum. The agitated crowd regained their calm, watching as two masked caretakers escorted the triumphant soldier towards a hidden enclosure in the arena. Meanwhile, dozens of servants rushed out from various hidden openings. Dragging the mutilated and decapitated corpses to an unknown location. Majority of the crowd stared apathetically at the scene while a few nonchalantly chattered with each other.

James was one of the few who excitedly stared at the corpses with unmasked greed. 'If only I could get my hands of them. They would make fine additions to the Army of the Fallen.'

Just then, he heard an unfamiliar voice from behind. "Excuse me, do you mind if I seat here?"

James turned his head. His mind stirred. 'When did he get here?' James frowned slightly. While he had been watching the corpses, the middle-aged man approached him.

James slowly observed the middle-aged man. 'Who the hell is this bastard? Is he a cardinal like Soren?' A golden crown adorned his head; matching his equally golden cassock. From James's point of view, nothing stood out of the ordinary. However, he noticed that those around him grew agitated while staring at the man.

"I don't own this place. You can do whatever you desire." James replied indifferently. His cautionary gaze, however, betrayed his indifference.

"Thank you. May the Lord of light guide you. My humble name is Enel. I'm the current bishop of the Church of Balaa. What may I call you young friend?" Enel smiled slightly as he took the vacant seat beside James.

James's eyes widened. 'He's the pope?' James sharply stared at Pope Enel. A sense of unease gradually filled his mind. James took in two deep breaths. His indifferent countenance returned. Without staring at the pope, he said, "Your Holiness, I doubt someone of your status would waste his time staring at a nobody. Surely, Cardinal Soren would have told you about me."

Now that he knew his identity, it all made sense to James. Pope Enel chuckled softly. Inadvertently revealing his blackened teeth.

The sight surprised James, however; he showed no reaction.

"You are as wise as Cardinal Soren said. Pardon me for testing you, Kaleb. I also apologize for staring at you previously. I was excited to meet you," Pope Enel said.

"Oh?" James turned towards the smiling pope. "I don't believe I have done anything to elicit such an emotion from his holiness."

"Meeting new devotees is a blessing only Balaa can guarantee. How could I not be excited?" Pope Enel drawled. He met James's gaze while rubbing the back of his ears.

James said nothing. He pursed his lips while nodding.

"So, what can I do your holiness?" James asked blankly. From his initial probe, he figured Pope Enel was the type to talk in circles.

"You're straightforward, as Soren said. I won't beat around the bush." Pope Enel spoke in a low voice. His gaze softened as he gazed at James. "Have you considered our offer?"

James sneered inwardly while donning a pensive visage. 'Does he think I'm a fool? He obviously came here for something else...' From the way Pope Enel stared at him, he knew there was a hidden agenda behind his visit.

"Your Holiness, I already told Cardinal Soren I need some days to make my decision. Surely, he would tell you that." James said flatly.

Pope Enel didn't take James's actions to heart. His smile brightened. "He mentioned something like that. Forgive me, but it's hard to remain calm when there are those needing salvation."

James chuckled but remained silent. If Pope Enel wouldn't state his true goal, he had intentions of entertaining him further. Just then, Pope Enel's voice drifted into his ears, "I heard you're interested in visiting the church. If you don't mind, we can go after the last bout. What do you say?"

James turned towards Pope Enel. "That was yesterday. Unfortunately, I have no intentions of visiting right now." He donned a dazzling smile which stunned the middle-aged man. The corners of Pope Enel's eyes twitched. 'Didn't Soren say he wanted to meet me? And why isn't the bewitching gaze working on him? Is he immune?' Deep within Pope Enel's blue eyes, and hidden to the naked eye, a rolling mist of gray luminance flickered. The mist churned as he stared at James. However, James showed no reaction. 'This is fantastic. No wonder it has its eyes on him. I really want him now. I can't wait.' A thin line of drool streaked down the corner of Pope Enel's mouth. He subtly leered at James. Smacking his lips as he wiped the drool from his face.

Just then, James sighed. Waking Enel from his fantasies. "Your Holiness, it seems you're not bold enough to state your intentions. Forgive me, but I won't bother with you anymore."

For the first time, a frown distorted Pope Enel's face. 'Can he see through my thoughts?' A smile quickly replaced the frown as soon as it appeared. "Kaleb, what do you mean?"

James didn't bother to look at Pope Enel. His eyes roamed the arena below. Staring at the slaves cleaning the bloody earth.

Throughout their discussion, no one had pried into their discussion. However, a few keenly stared at the duo.

'Haha... this little brat is ignoring me? Haha... I want really want him now...' Pope Enel cleared his throat before saying, "I apologize for not being straightforward. I won't beat around the bush anymore." James nonchalantly turned towards Pope Enel. He knew he had more to say, hence he remained silent. He was also interested in what Pope Enel had to say, even though his countenance said otherwise.

"I want you." Pope Enel declared.

James's brows creased. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I want you to be my lover." Pope intoned.

James's mouth opened slightly, unable to believe what he had just heard. A moment later, his cheerful laughter filled the air. Tears streaked down his cheeks while he clutched his stomach. His actions drew uncanny glances towards his direction. They wondered what was so funny that made James tear up. That Pope Enel smiled by his side only heightened their curiosity.

"I'm surprised you didn't immediately rebuke me." Pope Enel rejoiced inwardly. "But I mean what I said. If you agree, I will make sure your days in the village are blissful. You will be my successor, and I will also make you a cardinal. You wouldn't have to take part in the grueling combat in the arena or the nightmare that is the Akalite race when your rights expire. I'm not someone filled with envy. You can have whoever you desire to warm your bed. I will also—"

"Haha… Y-You think… Haha…" James struggled to complete his statement. The more he stared at Pope Enel, the funnier he found his proposal. Never in a million years would he have imagined such a scenario. A few minutes later, James regained his calm. He met Pope Enel's gaze as he said, "Whether you like men or sheep is none of my concern. I have no intentions of being your lover… haha…" James slowly shook his head while laughing.

"You don't have to give me an answer now. With time, you'll know how generous my offer is." Pope Enel declared with a tender gaze.

James shook his head. "Your Holiness." James said sarcastically. "It doesn't matter how much time passes. My decision is final."

"Think over it. I hope you'll give me a favorable response the next time we meet. May lord Balaa be with you." Pope Enel stood up before walking towards his seat.

James's visage slowly darkened as he watched the pope depart. 'That bastard tried to beguile my soul.' James stared at a gray, ghoulish projection hovering slightly above Pope Enel's head. It cackled in the spirit realm while clawing at the air. It's black wings fluttered while it wagged its reddish tail. Just then, it sensed someone's gaze. It turned around, facing James's direction. James showed no reaction. His eyes still focused on Pope Enel's back while muttering to himself. A moment later, it turned around and paid James no further attention.

"So, what do you think?" Pope Enel asked mentally.

"Are you doubting me?" A low impish voice replied.

"I wouldn't dare. I'm only—"

"Enough! I told you I can sense something delicious in him. Do everything you can to consummate with him. His value is greater than a million offerings. I need to sleep now. Don't disturb if it's not important."

The ethereal projection entered into Pope Enel's head, and a dull gray light filled his eyes.

'Greater than a million offerings?' Pope Enel's eyes lit up. He unconsciously stared at James unable to hide his greed. Drool slowly poured out of his mouth as he smacked his lips.