
"Have you made preparations for the next match up?" Piri's soothing voice echoed within a small chamber. A transparent, silver screen covered the entrance to the hidden chamber. She wore a seductive smile while staring at the servants cleaning up the arena. Filling her mouth with blue grapes from a small table next to her silver throne.

"Preparations are ongoing, headmaster. Everything is proceeding according to plan." A masked executioner reported. One stood either side of Piri's throne, mindlessly watching the view below. At the end of the room, dozens of caretakers sat in rows of four. Slated across the room.

"Good." Piri impassively nodded while filling her mouth. She suddenly turned towards a certain section of the coliseum. "Have you found him?" She asked.

"Yes, Headmaster. I have sent someone to notify him."

Piri nodded but said nothing. She leaned her head while her fingers drummed on the armrest of the throne. Her blackened eyes suddenly glowed with a golden radiance. At that same moment, a thick lavender fragrance filled the chamber. Inducing a condensed purple mist within the chamber.

Both executioners retreated by a step. A blue, pulsating screen appeared before them. The purple mist churned as it approached the barrier, and a faint acrid stench followed. The caretakers joined hands while chanting a series of incantations. A weaker blue screen covered their bodies while the mist constantly clashed against the barrier. A web of cracks covered the barrier with each collision, while a thick acrid stench slowly filled the chamber.

"Marie? Marie! I can't believe it's you!" A caretaker suddenly called out. His eyes had grown listless as he stared at the churning mist.

"Don't let him go! You'll be in a lot of trouble if he enters the essence!" An executioner commanded.

The man closest to the deranged caretaker paled. He gritted his teeth while using his legs and body to pin down his counterparts. At that same moment, the barrier shuddered. Several intricate cracks covered its surface, and a section released a dull hum.

"Use all your power! You're done for if it cracks!"

The caretakers hesitated slightly, before spitting out blackened blood towards the barrier. The blue screen slowly turned black while releasing a series of loud chimes, and the crack on its surface visibly mended.

A moment later, the golden radiance in Piri's eyes disappeared. The purple mist and acrid stench had disappeared. Only the hums of the barrier and the caretaker's low chants filled the chamber.

"You can stop now. I have it under control," Piri said casually. She didn't bother to stare at the soaked caretakers, or the executioners. Both barriers slowly disappeared.

Wordlessly, the executioners returned to her side. Neither of them had any intentions of speaking about the previous incident. The caretakers also silently gazed at the arena below. Unlike the masked executioner; however, they couldn't hide the dread in their hearts. Especially the caretaker who almost lost himself. He shuddered as he thought of what would have happened to him.

"Headmaster, do I have your permission to speak?"

Piri waved towards the executioner without turning.

"I believe we might incite the rage of the other right holders if we proceed with Sir Zakaria's recommendation." The executioner said slowly.

"Do you think I haven't thought about this?" Piri replied helplessly. "There's nothing we can do. Although we have authority over Kynar, what do you think will happen if word reaches Lord Cassius that we disobeyed a direct order from his general?"

The executioner shuddered slightly. His mouth opened several times underneath his mask, however, he couldn't say a word.

"We will worry about the backlash later. He should have some potential if Sir Zakaria recommended him." Piri suddenly paused. Her smile turned bitter. "If he's useless… today is the day he dies."

The executioner bowed slightly. "Thank you for accommodating my thoughts."

"I understand your concerns. If things get out of hand, we'll make some minor concessions to them. If they act beyond that, we'll purge them all." Piri declared in a haughty tone.

Saying nothing further, she leaned on the throne while closing her eyes. Meanwhile, a few caretakers had recovered, and they chatted with each other in hush voices. One, however, stared at a particular section of the coliseum. 'That brat is lucky I won't have to lay my hands on him. At least I'll get to see him squirm like a little maggot before he dies.' Dacio chuckled while stroking his chin.


"Kaleb, I don't know what that heretic offered you, but I'll double it if you join our Brotherhood."

James rolled his eyes as he heard Ainsley Hall's offer. Barely a minute after Pope Enel returned to his seat, three members of the Brotherhood approached him. The trio had spent the last couple of minutes probing James about what he discussed with Pope Enel. They had also smeared the reputation of the church with their words, while offering James many benefits if he joined their group. However, James showed no intentions of agreeing or turning down their offer. His actions had left the trio hugely frustrated.

"Kaleb, is there anything you want that—?"

"Forgive me, but I've already said I'll let you know my decision in due time." James cut Ainsley Hall off. He wore his irritation on his face. All he wanted was so absorb some death energy and gather a few corpses. He had no time to dabble in the politics in the village.

Ainsley Hall donned a wry smile. Although he wanted to speak further, he knew it would further irritate James. The only reason he approached James was because he didn't want him to join the Church of Balaa. Not that he feared James, rather he would rather see the Brotherhood strengthened than their enemies.

"Brother, we don't have to take nonsense from this brat. It is..." Haider's words cut off as he saw Ainsley Hall's raised hand.

He glared at James with open hostility. From his point of view, James was just a brat who had lucked out in the rights ceremony. Even if the church wanted him, why did they have to recruit him? He believed if given the chance, he could eliminate James in one fell swoop. Although their numbers would remain the same, at least their enemies wouldn't strengthen either.

James smiled towards Haider's provocation. What was the point in getting angry with someone who had little time to live? Naturally, he would only dispose of him when he sucked his Exp dry.

"Don't take Haider's word to heart, Kaleb. He's just the straightforward type." Ainsley Hall mediated. He wore an apologetic smile which heightened his amicable visage.

James shook his head as he said, "If I took the words of every random person I have met seriously, I would have died from rage long ago."

Ainsley Hall's brows creased. However, he still maintained his smile. Haider seethed. Contrary to James's expectations, he remained calm, but his bloodshot eyes betrayed his calm exterior. The last of the three stared at James curiously. He hadn't spoken a word since he arrived.

"We won't disturb you anymore. Please consider our offer. We'll be glad to accept you in the Brotherhood." Ainsley Hall signaled to his companions. He wanted to leave before events took a turn for the worse.

James smiled. "Don't worry. I will..." James's voice suddenly trailed off and expression turned gloomy. His sudden reaction stunned the trio, and they quickly turned their heads.

"Huh? What are they doing here?" Ainsley Hall muttered. Five men glad in a caretaker robes constantly looked at a parchment while heading towards their direction. It was common knowledge that caretakers shouldn't encroach on their section of the coliseum.

"Zeekedus, what's the matter? Why are you here?" Ainsley Hall called out to a familiar caretaker.

"Ainsley? I almost didn't recognize you. Haider and Kirby. It has been a while since I saw you two." Zeekedus was a lanky man with pale, bland features. He wore a faint smile as he greeted the men from the Brotherhood.

Haider and Kirby nodded. Ainsley Hall had already voiced their thoughts.

"We are here on official matters," Zeekedus said. He then turned his head towards James. "Ainsley, is he one of your men?"

James frowned. Although Zeekedus spoke in a neutral tone, a sense of unease overwhelmed him. Ainsley Hall, Haider and Kirby also turned towards James. They knew something was up from the meaningful look in the caretaker's eyes.

"Not yet. However, he's someone we hold highly. Did Something happen?" Ainsley Hall asked slowly. Speaking in a voice that showed James was just an acquaintance.

Zeekedus nodded. "I'll give you a friendly advise since you helped me in the past. Stay away from him."

Ainsley brows creased. Just as he wanted to speak, Zeekedus continued, "... from this day forward, and by the order of the headmaster, he���s stripped off his right."

At that moment, gasps filled the area. Since Zeekedus hadn't controlled his voice, others eavesdropped on their conservation. Majority wore stern expressions. Although most of them didn't know James's identity, this was their first time witnessing someone losing their rights. Kynar had always handled it privately, and from James's appearance, they were certain he recently entered the village. What could he have done to lose his rights so early? If someone could lose their right arbitrarily, wouldn't it be their turn soon? They mused.

Naturally, James countenance had turned unsightly. He had done nothing to lose his rights. "What do you mean by the Headmaster has stripped me of my rights? Surely you'll give me a reason?" James spoke in a calm voice, contrary to his furious visage.

"I don't owe you an explanation," Zeekedus said. "However, for the integrity of the headmaster, I will announce the reason." Zeekedus added. All eyes in the area landed on him. His expression remained impassive. However, he internally rejoiced. He loved being the center of attention wherever he went.

"Here is a list of your crimes." Zeekedus unrolled the parchment once more. "First, you attempted to attack caretakers on three separate occasions. Second, you brazenly tried to steal from the Acedus Library. Third, you tried to eliminate someone with a similar status as yours. Tell me, for someone who only arrived two days ago, isn't the headmaster's punishment lenient?" Zeekedus narrowed his eyes as he stared at James.

Ainsley Hall and most of the soldiers wore queer looks. Many of them had done something similar, and a few had done far worse. None of them were idiots. They could read in between the lines. James had offended someone in the upper echelon of Kynar. Some even speculated it was the headmaster. How James manged to do that in only two days, left them amused.

"Thank you for letting us know, Zeekedus. I'll treat you to some wine when next we meet." Ainsley Hall turned towards James. He opened his mouth yet, he said nothing. He sighed before turning towards his companions. "Let's go."

Just then, James's voice came from behind. "Does this mean your Brotherhood is no longer interested in recruiting me?"

Before Ainsley Hall could speak, Haider's laughter filled the air. Without warning, he sent a slap towards James's face. James's head rocked to the side while a thin line of blood dropped from his nose and a gash on his lower lip.

"Know your fucking place. The next time I see you, I'll break that jaw of yours." Haider spat on the ground. Saying nothing further, he walked away. Kirby and Ainsley Hall only stared at James for a moment, before walking away.

"Haha... I'll be waiting!"

The trio paused in their steps. Haider turned to glare at James. The fury in his eyes clear. He wanted nothing more than to slay the redhead in front of him.

James spat out a mouthful of blood while sporting a dazzling grin. One wouldn't detect the slightest trace of malice on his face.

"Haider, leave him be. He's not our concern anymore." Ainsley Hall whispered.

Reluctantly, Haider turned his head before walking away.

James parted his hair while staring at Zeekedus, "What now?" He wore a mysterious smile.

'Does he realized the trouble he's in?' James's laid back attitude surprised Zeekedus.

"Follow me. You'll be taking part in the next match. Don't even think of running away." Zeekedus admonished. His words stunned everyone in the area. James chuckled softly but said nothing. He stood up while using a small cloth to wipe the blood on his face. "Lead the way." James gestured.

Wordlessly, Zeekedus nodded towards three caretakers. They stood behind James, leaving Zeekedus and another caretaker ahead of James. Wasting no time, the party walked towards the corners of the sections. There they would descend via the steps. Eyes filled with different emotions fell on James with each step he took. Some took delight in his misfortune, while others harbored sinister thoughts, and a select few stared at him with indifference.

James silently smiled at everyone his eyes fell on. A few meters away from the steps, he suddenly paused. He laid eyes on a familiar face. She donned a dazzling grin while making odd faces at him.

"I'll save you if you become my slave?" Aebalar mouthed while winking.

"Why did you stop? Are you—"

"It's nothing. Let's go." James interjected. He stared at Aebalar and her companions meaningfully before turning away. Within seconds, the group disappeared down the winding stair.