Eight Combatants

"Wait here for now." Zeekedus pushed James into a fairly large waiting area. The room spanned over fifty meters, lined with broken glistening marbles, and a black crystal which emitted a fragrant earthy aroma. Tens of racks, stacked with hundreds of common and rarely seen weapons, divided the room into four unequal halves.

"I hope you'll cherish these last few minutes. You'll be going into the arena next," Zeekedus said. He smiled while glancing at the other occupants of the room. 'I don't know what this brat did to piss off the headmaster, but there's no way he survives this lineup.' Zeekedus gaze lingered on a man was well over six feet tall and built like an ox. Even given the rusted state of his mismatched armor, he cut a fearsome figure.

'This kid is unlucky to be in the same group with Higgins.' Zeekedus took in a deep breath.

James, too, also observed the seven figures within the room. They comprised five males and two females, with both females being Dark-Elves. Two of the five males were human like himself, while the other three comprised a Demon and two Halflings. They exuded a frightening, bloodthirsty aura. One can only imagine the number of people that had fallen by their hands. As James quietly observed the group, they also stared at him with varying interest.

'With Higgins and the Damak twins here, there's no way he can survive this...' Zeekedus turned towards James again. At that moment, his brows creased. Contrary to his expectations, James wore a faint smile while glancing at the group. 'Does he realize how brutal these maniacs are?' Zeekedus had seen many posers during his time in the village. To him, James's external confidence was only a front to hide his internal dread.

"Let's leave. I don't want to waste another minute with these miscreants." Zeekedus usher his men out of the room, before sealing the copper door. Silence enveloped the room. Most had diverted their attention away from James. Apart from his age, nothing looked remarkable about him. Instead, they stared at a perforated silver door at the end of the room.

James leaned against the bronze door while crossing his arms across his chest. 'This is going to be troublesome. I can't determine their level without the system.' James panicked. Although he could use all his abilities, he had grown accustomed to determining his opponent's level and abilities before eliminating them. With the unique nature of curses and other nefarious abilities, he would have to act with caution before engaging anyone. 'Can I win without using my Grim Reaper form?' He couldn't imagine the trouble that would emerge if he used his Grim Reaper form. Although he could use Mana Manipulation to mask it, he believed the higher-ranked caretakers in the coliseum would easily dispel it. After all, they came to revel in the arena's bloodbath.

'I don't even know who's responsible for this mess...' He had a few suspects; however, he had no way of confirming who acted against him. While James considered his options, the other soldiers quietly polished their weapons. Unlike James, they knew what would happen once the silver door springs open. None had any intentions of wasting words.


Within the hidden room, Zeekedus bowed in front of Piri while making his report. "That's everything, headmaster."

"That's quite interesting. Do you think he's faking it?" She wore a relaxed smile while fiddling with a small, golden pebble. She had taken a special interest in James after Zeekedus highlighted his nonchalance to his predicament.

"I'm not sure. I have seen countless arrogant youths over the years, but he doesn't look like he's faking it." Zeekedus hesitated slightly before continuing, "However, I don't think it matters."

Piri's brows shot up. "Oh? Why is that? Who is in that block?"

"Excluding the Damak twins and Higgins. Filore and that lava abomination are the more notable ones there." Zeekedus reported.

The room fell silent. A few caretakers stared wide eyed, unable to believe what they heard. Piri turned towards the executioner by her side. "You picked quite the line up. "

"He shouldn't have a problem if his potential is as good as Sir Zakaria believes," he said.

"I agree. I can't wait to see how..." Piri suddenly paused. She mumbled some incoherent words while licking her lips. "Have you decided on what type of match it will be?" Piri couldn't hold back her excitement as she stared at the executioner. A faint sparkle of gold flickered in her soulless black eyes.

The executioner shuddered while taking a step back. "I-I left the honor to you, headmaster." He took another step while reaching for his inner pocket.

"There's e need to summon the barrier. I will not lose control." Piri chuckled softly. She then turned towards Zeekedus. The lanky man paled upon meeting Piri's eyes. "Listen carefully, prepare..." Piri spoke in a tone only audible to Zeekedus. With each passing second, Zeekedus countenance darkened, and his body trembled without end.

The two executioners glanced at each other for a moment. Neither of them knew what Piri was planning.

A few minutes later, Piri wore a seductive smile as she filled her mouth with grapes. She chuckled occasionally while muttering to herself. She had finished instructing Zeekedus, and the trembling caretaker had long departed the hidden room.

Her actions stirred the curiosity of the caretakers and executioners, but none overstepped their bounds. While Piri wore a charming smile, they knew how ruthless she could become.


An hour past noon, a loud gong echoed throughout the coliseum. The slaves, soldiers and caretakers in different sections turned towards a certain part of the arena.

"It's time for our next match. Open the gates!" Piri's voice boomed throughout the coliseum. The crowd cheered widely, staring at the arena below. Their gaze lingered on eight receding silver doors. Some watched with bathed breaths, eagerly awaiting the next round of contestants.

A short man with clad in fiery red leather armor emerged from the first door. Different scars and acnes lined his caramel skin. His crooked nose bent awkwardly to the right. While scanty black hair grew on his scarred skull. He held a halberd, an unusual weapon for someone his size. At that moment, however, a section of the crowd erupted in cheers.

"It's Filore! My bet is on Filore!" A bald-headed man roared. Soldiers and caretakers alike used various resources to back up their wagers. There wasn't anyone who hadn't heard about the notorious man. He had survived over five arena matches, rendering all his opponents in multiple halves each time.

The next gate opened, and an oddly shaped figure emerged. He had the head of a raven and the body of a wolf. The sand beneath his feet burned with each step he took. Leaving deep red scorch mark in his path, and a faint but noticeable heat haze surrounded his crimson fur.

"It's Liko! The lava monster is here too?!" A charming lady cried in terror. The crowd sucked in a breath of fresh air. Terror distorted their expressions as they stared at the Halfling. Dozens of soldiers had met fiery deaths at the hands of the Halfling.

Just then, another gate opened. The crowd turned their attention towards the new combatant. This time, they neither cheered nor did terror grip their hearts. No one knew who he was. He wore an uninspiring tunic above his breeches and leather boots. An odd choice for someone taking part in a brutal arena match. "Who the fuck is the redhead?" A slave whispered. That he held no weapons further compounded their confusion.

James nonchalantly gazed at the crowd. His attention shifting between them, Filore and Liko.

Pope Enel gazed at James intently, his features echoing his concern. Meanwhile, the group from the Brotherhood watched with little interest. Although they didn't know the full extent of James's abilities, none expected him to survive a battle including Liko and Filore.

A moment later, the next gate opened, and two identical dark-elves wearing a short black dress walked out in light steps. Glistening silver daggers hung unsheathed on their waists. They held a beautiful longbow, with a leather quiver stacked with Dimiri arrows strapped to their back.

"Fuck yeah! It's the Damak twins! I'm betting on them!" The crowd erupted in cheers once more. Those who had initially wagered on Filore and Liko cursed aloud. If they had known the Damak twins would make an appearance, they would have wagered all they had on them. After all, who didn't know about their mysterious, but utterly devastating combination attacks? They had won over eight battles in the arena, with no one even grazing their skin. Their opponents either fell from their graceful but deadly archery prowess or they had their neck slit with their daggers. The two beauties coldly glanced at Filore, Liko and James. They had no intentions of basking in the awe of the excited crowd.

Two more gates opened, and two more combatants revealed themselves. Although they weren't as famous as Filore and Liko, or the Damak twins, many people recognized them. They had won two and three matchups in the past.

"What's happening? Is this a rights battle?" A confused demon muttered. Most of the crowd watched in bated breath. None expected a star-studded lineup. A few of the connected soldiers and caretakers subtly made enquires. They knew something big was happening. The only question was what? None could contain their excitement, especially the bookies who were basking in their potential windfall. While the crowd cheered passionately, the last gate opened. A loud thud echoed, burying a low clanking dragging along the dusty ground.

"No way! Is that?!" A Lizardman muttered. His jaw dropped while staring at the brawny man emerging from the gate. His mismatched armor covered only four parts of his hulking body. His shinny, but perforated basinet glistened under the sun, and a few could see his bloodshot eyes through the visor. Dark caramel leather covered his arms while an inky black breastplate made from the skull of several beasts covered his chest, and rusted brass greaves covered his lower legs.

"It's the butcher! It's Higgins!" Multiple slaves screamed in unison.

He dragged a long sword with a double-sided serrated edge of the ground. He casually glanced at the other combatants. The two before him dodged his gaze. Meanwhile, a trace of dread appeared on the faces of the beautiful elves. Liko's visage had turned bestial, while Filore's gripped tightened on his halberd. James, however, met Higgins' stare with complete indifference. It startled the brawny man, and he couldn't help but take a second glance at James. At that same moment, the crowd had gone wild. Higgins appearance changed the odds of the wager. Who in their right mind would bet against someone with over ten wins in the arena?

"Silence!" Piri's voice echoed within the coliseum. Her voice sent the crowd into a trance. None could overcome her call of the siren.

"The next match will begin shortly. However, this is going to be a special match."

The crowd stared excitedly at the combatants without making a sound. A few had predicted the contest wasn't the usual. They could only anxiously wait for Piri to clear their doubts. Meanwhile, James's expression had turned solemn. Although he didn't know why, a sense of unease gradually overwhelmed him. Just then, Piri's voice thundered once more, "Whoever eliminates the soldier named Kaleb will become a right owner! Begin!"