As both men reach the top of the stairway, they both pause, and Akachi approaches the door. He looks through the small window that is on the door and notices that there seems to be some sort of residue on it. He grabs a small vial from his vest and uses a set of small tongs to pull some of the residue off and placed it in the vial. As he is doing this Julian is watching the stairs. As he is scanning, he notices burn marks on the walls, tapping Akachi's shoulder, he pulls his attention to the burn marks. Akachi nods at Julian and turns his attention back to the door and tries to open it. After realizing that the door was systematically sealed, he pulls out a pen like object from his vest. Breaking the cap, he traces an arch on the door, that starts at the bottom arches under the window and goes back down to the bottom of the door. Once he was done, a strong acidic smell wafted into the air. It took a few minutes for the acid to work its way through the steel. Julian kept his focus on the stairway, while Akachi watched the acid do its job.
"Hey Akachi, something doesn't feel right, but I can't quite put my finger on it." Julian stated to his partner. When there was no response, Julian looks over towards Akachi. From behind it appeared as if Akachi was watching the door intently. Julian moved over to tap him on the shoulder. The moment his finger made contact, his finger sank into Akachi's shoulder. His hand immediately retracted and his face was that of complete revulsion. Using the blunt end of his machete he nudges his partner, who ended up sliding to the side before his upper body fell over with a sickening plop as his head hit the ground. Knowing that it was just the two of them in the stairway, he slowly moved around to see the front of what remained of his partner. On the ground where his head had landed, Julian saw that his eyes were hanging out of his skull. They were still attached by the optic nerve that appeared to be twitching. He also noticed that Akachi's tongue was moving out of his partners mouth, but it was covered with teeth as if it had taken them for its own armor. With machete in hand Julian stabbed the tongue, which released a high pitch screech.
Looking at the thing with disgust, Julian flings it off his machete. As he is inspecting Akachi's corpse, he noticed that the acid was done eating through the door in the corner of his eye. Deciding it would be best to continue moving forward, after grabbing Akachi's transmitter, he pushes the metal slab forward until he could squeeze his body through. Looking back through the window he took one last glance at his partner. Only to notice that Akachi's eyes were also looking up at him.
Seeing this Julian turns on his heels and delivers a kick to the slab hoping to push it in far enough to keep what was his partner in the stairwell. He then sprints down the corridor, following the map on his transmitter. Not noticing that his body was also going through slight changes under his clothing. . He kept moving forward, no more humor on his face. Skidding to a stop, he takes a glance at the transmitter and notices that he missed a turn and rushes back to the previous intersection. Once he got there and turned down the right corridor, he heard a wet plop behind him. Taking a quick glance back, the blood drains from his face, and he pushes forward as fast as he can.
While he could not see exactly what was behind him, what he did see petrified his blood, which now felt like lead in his body. He takes another look at the transmitter and takes the next turn and speeds up. He was at the final stretch! He could almost laugh, knowing that the thing behind him was not going to get him. He kept speeding up as fast as he could go, when suddenly he is sent sideways as the ship's thruster got hit. He hit the wall at such a degree that it causes some of his skin to tear open from the impact. Rolling on the ground he got back up and finished reaching the door. He hit the release and as the door opened, he hit deck and crawled under the opening door. Once he was through, he hit the latch on the opposite side. Stopping the door and having it close one the thing that was chasing him.
Bending at the waist to catch his breath, he did not realize that he was being stared at by not one but 13 different sets of eyes. When he does notice this, he is stunned. In front of him is Captain Maverick and the 12 other Captains of the other vessels. Erecting his back, Julian stands up straight. Trying not to look winded, not realizing that it was too late. The men in front of him have already decided that for the betterment of humanity, the ships thrusters needed to be taken out, and the ship needed to become a massive grave for those still in cryo.
Back, with Dr. Valencia, who is currently going through the room that is now hers, found several vials of blood that were kept frozen in the lab. After poking around, she stumbled upon the lab roughly 15 minutes after Lion and Snake left. She opens the safe and see that it was the blood vial to one of the Special Details team members. On the vial there was only one word, Wolf, deciding to see if it would be viable to the serum she had created, she starts the process of defrosting the blood and quickly moves over to see if there are any bits that could be used from Angel's now melted limbs. She noticed that she could not find any viable tissues to use for her experiment. Sighing to herself, she decides to use that last vial of the original serum she had left. What she had used on Subject 07 was a manmade version of what she had in her locket. Luckily with how she decided to carry the original serum, it was broken into two segments. If it worked one the one called Wolf's blood and had no adverse effects, she could use him to get the situation back under control. If it didn't, she would have to wait for the two who left to return to try their blood or wait for Shark and Coyote. She checks back on the blood and notices that she still has a few hours before it completely defrosts. Since she has to wait she decides to retire to her bedroom and take a much needed nap.