They Wouldn’t Be Traumatised

"W-What happened?" Rishana opened her eyes, feeling a headache as she heard an eerie sound of the wind that blew through the rocky terrain. She looked around, eyes widened as the surroundings beyond 30 metres were veiled by fog.

She heard some faint sounds of a bird echo. She was unsure from where it resounded. But considering the depth of the sound, the animal that produced it surely had powerful vocal cords. Rishana had zero intentions to investigate it; all she thought was in keeping herself safe.

"This is a hallucination…a hallucination…a hallucination." She got up, punching the wall lightly to feel a sting in her fist. Everything felt realistic. Loose soil fell off from the point of impact as she felt the protrusion vibrate.

"Dammit," She noticed the soil come off in thin streams from the place the protrusion was attached to the rock pillar. Rishana swerved her head, looking around to see the top of a rock pillar situated nearby.