How to Deal with the Problem?

"I'll be keeping an eye on their mental states. If you go overboard, I'll intervene." The staff's voice resounded, turning gender-neutral, almost robotic.

Jyorta used all his concentration to nod his head, feeling the difficulty in even doing that. Manipulating four different hallucinations was already breaking past his limits. He was straining himself too hard to control it.

It was like performing four tasks at the same time. But here, each task was creating a world and maintaining the elements in play affecting it. Also, he had to cause changes according to the actions they took within.

The information transfer was too much. Most of the time, he just used superficial hallucination. The target would experience a different world, but their aura would still be within their bodies. So, the signals wouldn't be cut off. That's why they were able to move in reality.