Eat, Sleep, and Shit

"Most of everything the academy has done consists of general education. Only when we try something or require a certain piece of knowledge or technique do the staff take a hands-on approach. As these students hadn't ever tried to do anything, they weren't taught personally by the staff." George offered his conjecture.

"Even otherwise, if they changed their methods or gave a bit of individual attention to these students. I'm sure they would fare better than their current selves." Dalna Doppler frowned.

"It's because they cannot afford to do so," Jyorta sighed, "Remember that all these students have the least Sync Rate possible. No matter how hard they worked, they won't make any difference in the grand scale of things. Only if their efforts led to a qualitative change would it prove worthy. But for that, they would have enough drive from the start to do so. Such students wouldn't end up at the bottom and would crawl their way to the top no matter what."