Chapter 1: Back And Out For Blood

I stared at him with his dark skin, black eyes, charming smile. It always made my heart flutter... but that was before... Before he broke my heart and crushed it to pieces...

Many people when broken-hearted mourn for weeks and years... crying and asking the person to take them back... well, I'm not like any of those people.

My love for him is what I used to work harder and harder for my vengeance... and I'm here.

I got out of my private jet. Back in my home country, after I was heart-broken I worked very hard and I was able to study abroad and I have gained a lot of experience from studying abroad and I only got one thing in my mind and it's to him down!

My body temperature changed all of a sudden. I already feel the warm temperature of my home country... I strut across the airport carrying my luggage while my servants carried the other ones. The airport wasn't as crowded as it usually is...

Ugh. I can feel myself getting itchy from the heat. "Ugh! Why is it so hot in here! Where is the A.C!" I yell scratching my neck and my hair from the heatwave.

"You know... you should have worn something more for the tropical climate however I guess I can use my magic to cool you off and stuff." I hear a very cunning and familiar voice at the back of me.

Yes... magic does exist in our world. However, not everyone possesses them and it's often hidden from people. My friend is a witch and she has magical powers however she needs to keep it hidden or she might be the next one to get staked.

"Actually I think it's the sun causing the problems I'm experiencing," I responded taking off my scarf and snow hat as I grab my sunglasses and my sunhat.

"I can just make it night with a simple circle magic spell it's fairly simple." The woman responded.

"Pretty sure turning it suddenly to night time when it's the middle of the day is gonna be a headline for the news... the news people are gonna have a field day..." I squinted at the dumb idea.

"So now let's plan shall we!" I shout excitedly for my revenge against my ex-crush Louie. He's probably a CEO now.. but I think I'm better..... and since I'm rich now I'll just get my vengeance at him easily for playing with my heart.

"Uh.. what? What do you mean plan?" She looked me crossed eyed.

"I literally sent you a two-paragraph text about how I have repressed anger towards Louie from high school and I have come back here to exact my revenge."

"Wait? Oh sorry, I actually didn't read it... I was busy." She sticks out her tongue giggling.

Alas, my plan of vengeance has taken the wrong turn for the dumb person named "Sungah Tan" because she doesn't have the brainpower to even read a two-paragraph message. Cause she uses her magic to do her work instead of actually doing it herself.

"Hey! You know I can hear you right?"

I widen my eyes.. wait can she hear my thoughts now! Did she learn some type of spell to hear my thoughts now?

"How can you hear my thoughts now! Please teach me sensei! That is such a useful ability in business." I bowed to her. She looked even more confused.

"You do know you still have that habit of whispering under your breathe what you were thinking. I could tell because I read your lips. Also, there is a spell but the magical power is not strong here so I'm unable to cast." She continued to chuckle. "I guess you never do change Grace, or should I say, Ms. Baltazar."

Sungah Tan was one of my friends in high school, she was known to be very cunning and very clever although she is very promiscuous. I really don't know why I'm friends with someone like her. She's also a witch. A very good one at that I commend her for that but a bit of an airhead. and a total foodie.

"Ya... ya whatever... where is Greg Paolotonio? Shouldn't he be like here by now?" I ask looking around the airport.

"Hey! You should be a little more grateful that I came here you know? Legit I had to cancel my date with this extremely hot guy just so I can meet with you." Sungah pouted, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

"Not gonna lie I preferred Greg to meet me first." I laughed. "OH, I'm leaving. Goodbye." She starts to walk away until we hear Greg's voice.

"Hey! Grace!" He shouts waving to my direction.

My body moved along and we ran towards each other hugging each other tightly. It was so long since we've seen each other. We embraced for quite a while.

His manly muscular arms hugged me tightly as if he was trying to choke me to death. "GREG STOP! YOU ARE GOING TO HUG ME TO DEATH!" I yell out attempting to brush him off.

"You guys can stop hugging now." Sungah separated both of us.

Greg is also my friend from high school, He's the leader of the martial arts club when we were high school although he acts feminine and carefree, he's a very skilled fighter and he can whoop your ass if you mess with him.

"Sorry I took so long... I was helping a little girl find her mother..." Greg explained to us.

"That's fine. You never change Greg don't you. You are still that guy with the big heart." I complimented him.

"AWW! Let's hug!" He tried to jump to me before I stop him. "NO, YOU ARE GONNA CRUSH MY backbone. I'm not trying to be in the hospital, Greg!"

"Anyways I'm hungry when can we hit the food court. Having to babysit your rugrats is the worst." Sungah rolled her eyes.

"Sungah? Why are you still wearing that outfit? it's a bit over flattering... Perhaps you can change?" Greg pointed out Sungah's scandalous attire.

Now that he mentioned met. I looked closer to what Sungah was wearing. She get-up was fishnets mixed with a very skimpy crop top which attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Sungah...Change.. you look like a sex worker. If I'm seen with you people can spread rumors about me hiring you or worst being friends with you." I shooed Sungah away.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll change... you guys have a bad taste in clothes." She walked away rolling her eyes and stomping her feet.

"By the way Grace, what decided you to come back?" Greg asks me.


"Oh! Sorry! It's just that usually a lot of my friends send me chain mails and they were like long paragraph sentences about how you will die if you don't repost it and stuff so I usually don't read them." Greg giggled putting his hand behind his head and giving me an awkward smile.

"Okay...I guess I'll just explain... why I'm back.." I say stuttering my words on how angry I was...

"Heyo! I'm back... I wore this shirt I guess it's not skimpy so it should be okay?" Sungah fiddled around with her shirt.

"Not gonna lie no matter what you were you still look like a trashy sex worker. Anyways since none of you read my long heartfelt narrative on why I'm back we'll just discuss it over lunch I guess." I told my servants to take my belongings to my place which I have already reserved ahead time.

"Okay let's go." I grab my wallet from my bag and walked with Greg and Sungah. "LET'S HIT THE FOOD COURT!" Sungah yelled and shouted.

"Yall better not spend so much." I sighed at both of them cause these two are like bottomless pits. They are hard to satisfy... I don't even know how they maintain to be skinny while just water makes me fat.

"Well, I canceled my date with this guy! So you better satisfy me Grace." Sungah snickered.

"Actually it was a good thing you canceled because he also canceled his death because he's just gonna realize that he's gonna get a massive debt just by eating with you and then he's probably gonna go to some shady place to get his kidneys removed because of how much you ordered," I muttered to her which made Greg wide-eyed.

"How dare you! Just because your ex-crush rejected you. You don't have the right to be mean to me. It's not my fault you are ugly as heck." She giggled.

"ATLEAST I'M NOT A PIG WHO IS LIKE A BLACK HOLE. ALSO, HE DIDN'T REJECT ME I REJECTED HIM." I talk back as we start bickering and Greg just stood there confused and embarrassed as everyone stared at us.

"We just met each other for the first time in a few years and you guys are already bickering." Greg sigh and took both of us to the nearest fast food.

Yes... as much as we are friends... we usually bicker a lot. It's just how we show our love... the more we hate each other the more we love each other.

"Ew.. what is this place?" Rose turns to me. "I know right what is this place." I turn back to her as we both looked at Greg squinting his eyes at both of us.

"This is a fast food joint called QuickBee so that Grace doesn't end up homeless and living in the streets we'll eat here since the food is cheap." He said as he pulled us both inside the door.

"Mah gadd... this is for poor people..." Sungah exclaimed somewhat in disgusted.

"Well thank you for being considerate Greg since Sungah here might be planning on making me homeless we can eat here." I smiled thanking Greg.

As Greg got into the counter after I gave him my credit card since pretty sure he can't afford the appetite of this garbage can girl beside me. Sungah and I sat down on the sofa seats because it was more comfortable than sitting on plastic chairs.

"So why did you come back again?" Sungah asked me as soon as we sat down.

"I'm back for Louie Gardner. I want to show him what I achieved so far and make him regret rejecting me." I said sternly.

"Why are you still obsessed over him... geez... it was years ago... and you are still thinking about him.." Sungah rolled her eyes, smiling at me. She seems amused.

"No. This is when I put an end to this. After I show him how good I am and how rich I am I'll leave him open mouth and then that's the end of it." I got comfortable and crossed my legs and laid back into the seat.

"Just text him geez. I have his number." Sungah hands me her phone.

"No," I say pushing away her phone.

"So let me get this straight. You came back to the country just because you want to end things with Louie and by the way. I'm pretty sure it's already ended... since he doesn't really care about you anymore.." She said squinting her eyes at me.

"No. Duh! I'm also here to expand my company. I'm thinking of making a branch here as well." I said dodging her eyes.

"You still have his photo saved on your phone right?" She peered into my eyes... wanting me to tell the truth...

Well... what did happen to get me to this state,,, why do I want to prove to him I'm in a good financial state and rub it on his face...

Could it be... that I still like him?