Chapter 2: Love At First Sight?


How did this happen? Why am I so angry at him... and why do I have an extreme urge to show him what I accomplished...

I guess it all started when I was just a 7th-grade high school student. After my mother passed away, my father stood as both my mother and father. Not that I liked my mother anyway. All she did was spend our money and is a total brute. She died when I was a 3rd grader.

She would punch, slap, and hurt me whenever I did something wrong but when she does something wrong she acts as if she was the victim. One time I remembered when she went out and got herself lost in a huge city because we were running out of money which was entirely her fault because she kept spending our money.

Not only was she wasteful, but she also got the laptops, the properties to mortgage and invested it in a "business" which ended up getting us scammed and now my family is poor all because of her and she has the right to die saying "Oh it's not my fault that we have a 100k debt." Acting as if she did not do anything.

That moment I got so furious. When she died I didn't even cry because I really wanted her to die after what she did to my father and I. Tricking him into giving her all of my father's money and then losing it and then getting us to debt and then saying she didn't do anything wrong.

I never attended her funeral. Even though I was her daughter. I hated her so much. Her foolish actions are what got us in a terrible situation.

So I swore to myself. I would work hard and not end up like her.

Due to my father being the only person in the house other than me and my dog cupcake. He was always at work from 7 am to 6 pm as a SPED teacher. He teaches special children because he has a background of being a physical therapist.

That's why I was always at home and I learned how to take care of myself at the age of 9 years old. I learned how to cook, clean, and do the laundry things people usually learn when they get out of their parent's house.

My father recommended me join a very prestigious school, a science high school to be exact. Only children who have exhibited a higher degree of academic intelligence are able to join and to my surprise. I passed the exams.

We had to take an interview because they needed to take students that were very articulate and very smooth with their words as a way to increase the honor of their school. I passed the interview with flying colors not that it was hard.

Tomorrow is going to be my first day of classes in my new school... I was excited and when I'm excited... I can't sleep... I've always had insomnia which is something that I hate about my body. I asked my father for sleeping pills to help me feel better but he says I was just being dramatic.

I tried closing my eyes. It didn't work. I tried getting into a more comfortable position. It didn't work. It's as if my body wasn't tired... and it was 1 am! I was going to wake up at 5 am because of my father's early bird nature and my somewhat slow time of preparation. Not only I couldn't sleep, but I was also slow at eating.

"Today was not the best." I sigh to myself as I got dressed in the school's uniform and my father locked the door.

I looked at the sky to see the sky still dark and the street lights still open as if we walked out as if it was night time. The chilling breeze feels cold being my uniform doesn't have long sleeves I can feel it from the cold chill winds on my arms.

"Why don't we take a picture since it's your first day!" My father suggested, excitedly holding out the camera.

I sigh and rolled my eyes as he knows that I hate taking photographs. I find it a waste of time. "Fine... just hurry up so I don't get late." I agreed to his request.

I stood still and gave the camera a little smile after taking the picture I reverted to my serious and somewhat bored facial expression.

"Oh, you look so cute in this picture!" My father said smiling.

"Right... just don't post it on social media or anything..." We continued walking to the road and see where the buses were at. So I can attend school since we were too poor to afford our own car.

I waved goodbye to my father as I jumped into the bus and sat down. I turned on my phone although he told me not to take it out because It can get stolen. I turned my earphones on and listen to my type of music. Lyrical and very jazzy songs.

I drifted into the music and wondered.... am I just going to end up like a worker for someone... Am I not going to achieve my goals and my aspiration... and what even is my goal in my life... I continue to ponder in my head until I reached the school.

I sigh in relief as I realize it was five minutes before the school bell rings. I wouldn't want to be late on my first day.

And there it happened. As I turned around to run towards the flag ceremony. Out of all the people I bumped into him. We both fall down as everyone stared at us. He stood up and cleaned after himself and he came to me with a worried expression.

"Sorry! Are you alright?" He offers me his hands.

And that was when my heart skipped a beat. His dark skin, he's tall, his dreamy eyes.

"Oh thank you sorry for bumping into." I took his hands and got up.

"Got to run! See you!" He waved goodbye at me running to the gym.

I know this isn't like some kind of fairy tale where I meet the man of my dreams by bumping into him for seeming coincidence and then we live happily after kind of thing but he is definitely my type.

I guess this what they call... Love at first sight? Well, I don't need to worry about it! I need to go to the gym before I'm late!

I shrugged off the whole thing. I didn't even notice how everyone was staring it was a bit humiliating. I guess I'll just stay quiet for now.

As I reached the gym... the bell already rang... DAMN IT! I SHOULDN'T HAVE STAYED THERE OOGLING MY EYES OUT FOR HIM. I should have just come here and then oogled at him.

"It's the first day and yet you are already late? You don't have a sense of responsibility don't you?" I see a girl with short eyes. Her uniform was white and had red blazers completely differently from our uniform which was black with white blazers.

She blocked the door as she stared at me intently.

"Ummm can I please enter?" I asked her as her eyes looked up and down from me.

"Please write in this logbook about your name and why you are tardy. I'll sign it." She said sternly.

Can I write that someone bumped into me and got me late? Probably not... I guess I'll just say I woke too late.

I sighed and signed the logbook of me being tardy. Although I can't help but notice her different uniform from us as I looked around there were other people that had different uniforms.

"Excuse me. If you don't mind me asking why are you wearing a different uniform?" I asked her.

"We are part of the student council during orientation. You must not really be paying attention aren't you?" She crossed her arms and makes a disappointed face.

I got a closer look at her I.D and it says "Sungah Tan" so her name is Sungah...

"Now come on in will you." She signaled me to come to opening the door for me...

Although... I hope I'll get to see that boy again... I guess he's just my type that's all... well best not to ogle at him and actually listen to what the principal has to say.

And there is begins! My first day in school and the first day I met him.