Chapter 15: This Feeling of Worthlessness

"Are you okay miss," Louie said to me as he raised me up from the ground. "You should be careful next time. Your dress is very immobile in fact. Although you do remind me of a certain person I also bumped with during orientation." He said in a toneless voice as he started to walk away.

He was dressed rather dapper, the suit and tie complimented his eyes and his hair was styled much like a strict man.

I.. I guess he doesn't remember me... Well, who would remember someone like me... I'm a mere pest in his line of fight.. and I'm not even someone important... I'm just pathetic and worthless like I don't deserve my company...

"Grace!" I hear Sungah's voice from my little trance. "What's happening to you! Why are you so pale..." She touched my cheek as I noticed I was sweating and my skin was pale as snow.

"Are you sure you are okay Grace? You look really bad...Maybe you want to rest?"

"I'm fine don't worry about me," I said timidly.

"Alright then if you say so... come on let's all go look around first before we go to the gym. There are a few minutes before it starts." Sungah suggested.

"That's a great idea! I want to see the club rooms again so of course! Let's go try it!" Adrian agreed

"Shouldn't we sign up first and then just explore?" I brought it up as I pointed the table outside of the gym where everyone is signing up.

"Sure why not." Sungah grabbed my arm. They both frolic around taking me with them to the flock of people in the signing sheet.

I'm not fine... why do I feel this way about me...why do I feel like I'm worthless and I don't deserve to live... I.. did seeing him just make me felt this way... I don't want to feel this way...

"Are you sure you are really fine? Grace... please... tell me if something is bothering you... I'll understand." Greg asked me as he lowers himself to match my height.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I smiled at him...

He's just gonna find it humorous that the CEO and Founder of a multimillion-dollar company are feeling insecure over a little high school crush... I mean why would I feel worthless... I have the money... I have buildings... I'm successful my brand is flourishing but why.... do I hate myself.

We all got into the signing booth, I signed my name in it as well as Greg and Sungah and then we all decided to go to our usual hangout spots... under the cover of moonlight we saw a few people smoking and chatting...

"Why don't we check our classroom!" Greg suggested.

I nodded to Greg's request.

"You guys can go on ahead... I'll just check my secret hang out a spot before. I'll be back. Okay?" Sungah smiled as she walked away from us.

"Let's go check out our classroom!" Greg said excitedly as we all walked across the hall of classrooms... We counted each number before we found it! Our classroom!

I looked back at the classroom hallways and I saw myself selling my lollipops to every class... I remembered that I had memorized everyone's break times and their schedules. Their purchase rate, their allowance rate, and the number of students in each classroom. I pretty much-memorized anything... to help.


"Hey! You want money right?" Isabel yells over to me carrying my tray of lollipops, one her friends bumps into it. As everything falls over.

"Hey! Why did you push me? Now I'm going to have to pick all these up considering I only have 1 hour to sell. You just made me waste 4 minutes of my time!" I said to them as they both giggled.

"Why don't you just go outside and sell there like a vendor. Isn't this supposed to be for learning? We don't want poor-ass vendors in our school." Isabel made a remark at me. "Certainly Louie doesn't like getting involved with a homeless person like you." Her other friend said ridiculing me of my financial status...

I remembered how tough it was.. my father barely paying the bills so my selling of lollipops was the only way we could eat food... and I would get my lunch money from and it's all because of my mother...

I just stood and grabbed all the lollipops as I tried to walk away from them.

"Hey, get me my latte. I'll give you money. Remember your family is like about to go homeless right? Think of this as a donation to the poor got it? So hurry up." She giggled looking down at how pathetic I was...

I swallowed my pride as I bowed to them and grabbed her latte... as much as I do not want to kiss up to these rich people I had no choice... I knew they can easily just get me terminated or make up a rumor to destroy my lollipop business...

I followed along like a loyal little puppy following their orders... they made me do embarrassing and the demoralizing things just for the sake of money... it's all for their entertainment to humiliate me.... and I always see her with Louie...

"He's my boyfriend and you aren't going to get him. You poor bitch." She said to me... as I lay flat on the floor.... as she threw the money in my face like I was some lowly stripper in the street.


"This was the place...where she ridiculed me and made me feel like I was worthless..." I whispered to myself...

"Oh, I had fun memories here! Remember when do girls were bullying here. I stood up for you back then!" Greg said to me...

That's right! I didn't remain just a lowly girl... Greg was there!


"She may be poor but she has the heart of gold. Something that you won't even get cause not only your face is plastic. Your heart is as well." Greg stood beside me helping me get up.

"Who the hell are you?" Isabel asked surprised.

"It's that fairy from the martial arts club who's just looking to harass the jocks and manly men, what a fucking faggot." Her friend mocked Greg's feminine nature.

"You are lucky that we are in school because when we are outside I don't care if you are a girl but you deserve an ass whooping to make that pathetic head of your at least learn something. You got it?" Greg deepened his voice as he approached the girl...

The girl shivered in fear as she spoke up.. Sungah cut her off.

"Aren't you suppose to be Ms. Sunshine and rainbows when you applied for student council? I can't believe someone as pitiful like you is picking on a student with a financial problem.. if only you spread love and kindness as much as your spread your legs... then maybe this school would be more peaceful wouldn't it?" Sungah stood behind me mocking the girl.

"WAIT! IT'S NOT-" The girl tried pleading.

"You aren't getting in the student council. We don't let trash through the door got it?" Sungah made a stern look making her run away and cry.


Now I remember now... My friends were there for me! They stood up for me even in my lowest of the low.

"I guess you remembered the bad part that happened here right? That's why you were feeling down..." Greg approached me as he comforts me... "Remember when you were laying down on the ground. Sungah and I were behind you... and we'll never leave you got it?" He reassured me.

"Grace! Is that you!" I hear a voice from behind me.

We both turn around to see a woman dressed in a red dress...

"It's been so long Grace! It's me, Isabel!" She offers her hand.