Chapter 16: People Change

"Grace! Is that you!" I hear a voice from behind me.

We both turn around to see a woman dressed in a red dress...

"It's been so long Grace! It's me, Isabel!" She offers her hand.

ISABEL... HER?! SHE'S HERE! Well, this is a reunion so I'm guessing she is here.

"Grace...I am so glad to see you." She went up to me for an embrace. I just kind of stood there... as the memories flashing back on how she treated me like garbage over the years and she's here, hugging me as if nothing happened...

"You must have remembered everything that happened during high school... since I always did those horrible things to you in these hallways here... I know I was a jerk during high school... I'm sorry Grace. I treated you badly." She offers me her hand and gave me a genuine smile...

A part of me wanted to accept her apology but another part of me is burning with rage... She humiliated me and made me kiss the floor here... and they all laughed because I was just some poor lollipop vendor trying to sell them candy and their money was the only thing that keeps me alive...

I wanted to kill her back then... and I've always wanted to... see her groveling on the ground.

"Hey! You have a wedding ring now. Congratulations. Who's the lucky man." Greg noticed her diamond that glowed like sunshine.

"Oh! I think you already know who it is already. Isn't that right? Louie!"

My eyes got wide open... I can't believe it... they are... married... ARE THEY FREAKING KIDDING...

"Hello. Shouldn't we head inside?" Louie came out looking dapper as ever as he invited Isabel.

"Oh sure.. well we haven't married yet Greg! I'm his fiancee. Anyways it was nice talking with all of you. I hope we can talk more inside! See you guys later!" Isabel came with Louie to go to the venue...

Are they freaking kidding me... now they are a fucking happy couple... ugh. Disgusting... I guess it's good that they can have together since both of them are spoiled rotten.

"Are you upset about them getting engaged? Honestly you can just forget about them and find someone else Grace. You are like legit successful." Greg whispered to me.

"Ugh whatever.. it's not like I care... they can have each other for all I care.." I said to him. "Let's just find Sungah so we can go to the venue already... This is already turning out to be a terrible day for me..."

"Come on cheer up! Aren't excited to meet our old friends from school!" Greg said to me with enthusiasm.

"By people that I know through my selling but I never really bothered remembering their names but only memorize their buying patterns and lunch money...I guess so..." I sighed. "Also may I remind you that our classmates don't support me in my business and always talked trash about my lollipops... so I'm not interested in seeing them again like not in a million years."

"Do you know about the ship of Theseus?" Greg asked me.

"No. What does this have anything to do with some ship?" I asked him.

"You see in the metaphysics of identity, the Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. So if your cells die and get replaced... would you still be the same person if every cell from when you were young died already." He said.

Why is he acting like some kind of philosopher right now...

"What I'm trying to say Grace is that people change. People learn and they grow... I don't think that Isabel is that rotten when you met her during high school, she actually seemed nice for once." Greg tried to convince me that people change but I'm not buying it...

In the world of business the thing I learned is that you never trust anyone especially if they betrayed you... they will just betray you yet again... but he does have a point... I mean I'm not really the same person back then... I always was a doormat letting people step on me always but now I learned to set healthy boundaries for the people around me... So I guess he's right about people being able to change but I still don't believe that hoe...

"Also like I said... just forget about Louie and find someone else! You don't need to be with him..." Greg suggested.

I ignored him... turning my back.

"Why don't we go inside?" I told Greg who seems to be looking around.

"I mean we could but where's Sungah." He asked.

"I'm pretty sure she can just teleport to the venue. Just text her that we'll be going in. Okay?" I dragged Greg over to the venue which seems to be a difficult task since he's really tall and very heavy...

POV: Sungah

Hmm... what are these glowing balls of light? Aren't these? Fae light? Who could be using these right now? I guess I'll have no choice to follow them!

I walked and pranced around to see where the fae light leads to... It leads to my hang out spot... I guess I'm gonna expect who this is.

I open the door and see him sitting in his usual all-black clothing.

"Hello, baby! You must be expecting me here... you used a fae light to lead me here didn't you?" Sungah gave the man who is sitting in their hangout spot a wink.

"It's been long hasn't it Sungah and you are still reckless as always... I can detect the magic you use here you know?" The man scolds Sungah.

"Sorry, Luther... I'll be a good girl next time I promise" She winked at him, making him gag.

"Ugh, please since when are you a good girl... You are such a mess... and without me are even more of a mess than usual." Luther stand up, he chanted something under his breathe making all the fae light disappear.

"I don't know what you are planning to do but you have that look in your face that you are about to do something. You better not be doing something. Got it?" Luther looked at me with his cold eyes.

"Yup! I'm being a good girl this time geez!"

RING! I hear a notification on my phone... says here... that Grace and Greg already went to the venue... I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY LEFT ME! Hmph!

"You got ditched again didn't you?" Luther giggled.

"Ack! Stop reading my mind, Luther. Geez... it's so annoying." I snickered at him...

"Although I just need to get my spellbook for a little something... I think it might help my friend." I scanned around to find the book of shadows.

"Isn't the book of shadows easy to just make with magic. It just needs circle magic. Just get some chalk." Luther said as he looked at me trying to look for it.

"Well... I'm trying to do something... something that will help Grace get what she wants..." I winked at him...

"Something tells me you are planning something bad..." Luther sighed.

I guess we'll just see what happens!