Chapter 18: The Spell To Get Vengeance

"So what do we do?" I asked Sungah who seems to be intently looking in this very dusty book she brought us.

"What's that? Also are you sure we are going to do this spell or whatever here? Can't we just be friends with them and talk and settle it out you know? Like decent human beings!" Greg suggested while Sungah and I both ignore him.

"Nobody wants peace." Sungah giggled.

"Also DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HOW LOUIE AND ISABEL TREATED ME. Louie ghosted me, played with my feelings like we were playing in some carousel. No matter how I try to reach for him we spun around, me being unable to reach him and Isabel being the little bitch she is tried to humiliate me and tried to do things to me to embarrass me so of course, they deserve this." I said sternly.

"Also look at them... smiling and having fun as if nothing happened while I'm here still can't get over it! It's like they killed me and broke my spirit and thought nothing of it. Smiling because it's fine to step on little poor old me. Well not any longer... I am sick and tired of being stepped on." I add to my argument.

"You never really know what their lives are like? Maybe they are just faking a smile because they've been doing it for a while. They got used to it?" Greg suggested.

"You think your life is hard? Imagine being high school junior wearing size thirteen Nikes MEN size thirteen Nikes." Sungah interrupted.

"FIRST OF ALL YOU AIN'T A HIGH SCHOOLER. Also, why do I feel like that's some kind of reference from somewhere." I asked her. She giggled and hid her face with the book.

"What my point is they treated me badly.. they treated me like shit.. and karma's a bitch so I have to do this. So Greg excuse me." I try to shove Greg away but he stood strong blocking my path with a stern look in his face.

"You aren't like this Grace. Stop this, please. Jus-" I interrupt him by shouting. "BY BEING WHAT A FUCKING DOORMAT WHERE SOMEBODY CAN JUST FUCKING STEP ON ME AND THEY SAY OH IT'S NO BIG DEAL IF SHE'S CRYING THEY ALL CRY. IT'S FINE TO JUST KEEP STEPPING ON HER BREAKING HER. IT'S FINE. right. THEY FUCKED ME UP! Got it! If you were my friend you would respect my decision." I yelled at him.

He stayed silent... not batting an eye at me.

I sighed and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Greg... I know you have a strong sense of justice and you are just looking out for me... but I really need to do this... I hope you can respect that." I said to him.

He sighed and made a sad expression, still staying silent... although he moved out of my way.

"Oh hello there? What's happening over here?" I see a man wearing all black come... now, who is this again?

"Oh! Luther... we're going to perform the spell soon but I just need a few things to get... let's see... I feel like you can help us... although Grace.. perhaps you can talk to Louie?" Sungah requested me.

"What! Why do I need to talk to him! I literally hate him..." I pouted.

"You see in order for the spell to work... I need his blood, a droplet is fine but I need just a sample of his soul." Sungah patted Luther's back. "GIVE ME A SIPHONING FLOWER!"

Huh? Siphoning flower what's that... Most a druid magic... You see from what I remember Luther is a Druid which focuses primarily on nature magic while Sungah is more of a witch.. relying on the moon for her power.

"A siphoning flower is a flower that collects the blood of a person. Just get Louie to get pricked by this flower. Make sure to not prick yourself with this... It can only take one's blood sample. HEY LUTHER USE YOUR MAGIC AND SUMMON A SIPHONING FLOWER." She nudged Luther.

"But that's a witchery alchemy spell... I don't know anything about that..." Luther sighed.

"FIND A WAY THEN! Please..." Sungah blew a kiss in the air causing a pink heart to appear and fly..

Luther dodged the heart. Keeping a straight face. "Don't use charm on me you femme fatale. Also sure... I'll find a way to get a siphoning flower." Luther bowed and walked out.

"Also... I need to cast this spell at midnight... the moon is strongest at 12 pm... also you guys must be in the same area for this spell to take effect. So you really need to cling to Louie a lot tonight..." Sungah said as she made chalk appear in her hands.

"It should just be a simple circle magic spell... Luther will find a way to get the siphoning flower but in the meantime. Stick close with Louie for a bit and try to get his attention got it?" Sungah asked me as she started to walk outside... "Okay walking in heels is hard..." She sighed as she continued to walk out..

I guess I'm just gonna have to stick close to that dick again... like in high school...

"Hello! Everyone! The program is starting! First, before the program starts! We will have our buffet first since all of you will get hungry when we do our raffle! So please as I call your tables... Please come to the buffet area and take your food!" The MC said calling the numbers..

I noticed Greg turning his back from my line of vision. "Hey?" I tried to console him. "Yes?" He said timidly.

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened earlier... I really just got mad... that's all... I never meant to yell at you..." I said.

"It's fine... I'm an adult man so it's fine... although since you choose to do this... as your bodyguard/friend I'll help you with whatever you need!" Greg offered me his hand.

"Thank you!" I take his hand.

As I turned around I see Louie and Isabel already lining up for the food... I guess they are the first tables that were called... well no matter the time to play a little game called being a socialite.

"By the way... should we get food for Sungah and Luther?" Greg asked.

"Of course! It must be tiring to get those.. also I think they need magic power and they get it from their food... I mean you know how Sungah's appetite is?" I giggled.

"Sure... I'll get some food for them... You can go socialize with Louie and Isabel got it?" Greg said.

I nodded in agreement... Time to use my manipulation skills and a little flattery I learned from my business to the test...