Chapter 19: Ice Cream Dream

They were standing there. Chatting with a few of their friends as they lined up to pick the food from the buffet...

Time to scan the targets... which literally means me blabbing into my mind for like five minutes straight... but I need to get my information before I strike with my honeyed words to woe them into being my friend.

I observed Isabel. A typical lady vibe. The posture is perfect. She doesn't seem to be into makeup because she is not wearing any complex makeup... went to a salon before coming here. Mannerisms are lady-like but with a hint of playfulness... so much jewelry... I think being the typical lady-like woman would get her attention... although my plan is to be close with Louie... He's very difficult to read.

He stands tall and straight and he speaks articulately although he doesn't show enthusiasm in speaking... I think he just finds this whole event boring... he gives me a very strict C.E.O vibe... which is one of the type of people I avoid on a daily basis. I guess I'm going to have to use Isabel to get close to Louie.

With the use of the triangular method and scanning the person's whole being... the topic that I think that she will be interested in is fashion.. she also gives me the vibes of a fujoshi trying to act innocent... although I can't bring up anything like that in front of her.

I gulped and went to approach them. I walked and stood tall as I saw everyone staring at me like I was the belle of the ball... my dress which was white and golden similar to a wedding dress made me stood out around the crowd.

"Greetings again Isabel! We saw each other before yet! Why don't we catch up! Also, I find those pieces of jewelry you are wearing quite delightful.. they suit you perfectly!" I gave her a fake smile. If a hippotamus knew how to wear something I'll look like you...

Louie looked at me, scanning my whole body until offering me his hand in a handshake. "You are?" He asked giving me a smile.. which is obviously fake...

"I'm Grace Baltazar. A pleasure to meet you..." I gave him a smile and accepted his hand. "Fucking scumbag... you should die," I muttered under my breath.

"Excuse me did you say something?" He asked.

"Oh! I'm just mumbling to myself... that's all..." I gave them a little forced giggled.. ugh.

"I'm glad that you guys are actually getting along... for a second I thought you would start a scene you know after what happened at high school." Isabel smiled.

"What? Something happened between me and this woman?" Louie asked confused...

My eyes widen as I tried to bite my tongue.. this fucking asshole... he doesn't even remember a thing of what he did to me... I guess he looks down on me soo much that he can't see me... is that it huh? GOOD FUCKING LUCK WHEN THE SPELL IS DONE I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PATHETIC COMPANY FALLS DOWN TO THE GROUND WITH YOU CRUMBLING DOWN WITH IT. YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

"Oh.. it's all water under the bridge now. After all, we have all matured it would be childish to bring up the past." I said to them... calm thyself.. well the past where they tormented me and treated me like garbage... right...

"I'll be getting some more wine. If you would all excuse me." Louie stood up and went to the drinks section of the buffet.

"Isn't he just dreamy? I remembered back then when we were young... we fought for him... I remembered us being rivals back then... Perhaps you found the gentleman that's for you?" She stared at him leaving... like she was mesmerized.

"Oh.. I'm not really too keen-eye on dating... actually I have a company to run... I never have the time to date." I giggled a little...

Let's just forget the fucking fact you tried to almost kill me by pushing me off the roof because you got mad when I was with Louie... let's just forget all of that and call it "rivals"...

"Oh! A company? Are you a director there?" She asked curiously.

"No.. I'm the C.E.O, we actually make sweets and ice cream. It's called Bittersweet Corporation. Perhaps you have heard of it before?" I asked her.

"Oh my! You are the C.E.O of Bittersweet?! I'm quite honored to meet you... I always had the taste for your strawberry ice cream It's called the "Strawberry Dream" it is such a wonderful flavor... even though the company of my fiancee manufactures the same products... I still prefer your strawberry ice cream." She giggled bring her fascination with my strawberry dream ice cream.

Although I am a bit curious... she mentioned that Louie's company also sells ice cream? What the fuck? I thought he was into cars or something... like his annoying father...

"Oh, I thought Louie was interested in cars like his father... I would have assumed he would do cars." I made a fake chuckle.

"Actually he was... although something in him said that he should manufacture ice cream... although his ice cream is not as good as your company's. He still tries his best to design the flavors... perhaps it was during the time when we made ice cream in the subject "Consumer Chemistry" is when he found out that he wanted to do them.

Consumer Chemistry... it was back then...


"Did you guys bring the ingredients! I brought the flavoring and stuff." I said to them as they sat down on the laboratory chairs.

"We brought everything although we don't have ice... and strawberries.." One of my team members said.

"What?! Louie was supposed to bring the ice and strawberries right?" Another one of my teammates said blaming Louie.

"Hey! I'm sorry you guys... my father used the ice in the fridge... also I wasn't really able to buy the strawberries..." He pouted...

Everyone ganged on him for forgetting but like an idiot who likes him I stood up for him.

"Don't worry. Louie, you can just buy some ice from the cafeteria. They should have ice there so don't worry guys... also I think this strawberry flavoring is good enough." I brought my strawberry flavoring...

"Oh! How did you get strawberry flavoring? Also eww that's processed." One of my classmates said in disgust.

"I dried some strawberries and crushed it using a food processor. It was simple actually..." I smiled giving them the powder of strawberry.

I saw Louie take it and taste it... "Hmmm this is delicious.." he then gives it to James as he also tasted it and said it was delicious...

We made our ice cream, the consistency was perfect... I planned it however due to James and Louie's test tasting of the strawberry flavor. The flavor became faint and the teacher gave us deducted points... Ugh...

Like an idiot... I didn't stop him from tasting it... which lead to us not having enough flavoring for our ice cream... I'm such a fool back then... I just let them get away with things because I liked them...

"Hey excuse me for a second." I hear Greg coming to me. I stand up and excused myself to Isabel which agreed and let me go.

I went outside with the others... under the cover of moonlight, we are in the secluded part of the school... I see a circle with strange symbols in a circle formation as Sungah keeps trying to write from the ground.

"GREG CAN YOU HELP ME. IT'S HARD TRYING TO DRAW A CHALK CIRCLE IN HEELS PLUS AN IMMOBILE DRESS!" She stands up and hands Greg the chalk which he proceeded to draw the symbols in the book.

"Anyways this is the siphoning flower." Luther hands me a rose with a thornless stem. "The thorns are invisible. Hold the flower on the head part or the bottom part if you do not wish to get pricked..."

"Hand the rose to Louie today so you can get his blood got it?" Sungah told me and grabbed my shoulder.

Yup! I'm ready. Time to get his blood with the flower.