Chapter 20: A Fine Line


"Sungah... there is like a lot of food... geez I think you will be able to get food." Greg giggled as he continued to draw in the ground with chalk.

"By the way, just a reminder that you can only use this flower once. It only binds to one soul, the invisible disappear after they prick someone so you won't be able to use it anymore and I am unable to make anymore siphoning flower... I lack the ingredients in my little pouch so be sure to make this count." Sungah reminded me.

"Thanks! Now I can finally make Louie suffer for what he did to me... I'll make him feel what I felt!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting but I am rather curious... If you hate this person why not just put poison in the flower's invisible thorns. Give it to him and you got your revenge. Why go to the trouble of doing this spell. I have hemlock flowers... just crush it and coat it to the flowers... he'll be dead." Luther stood up from his little corner suggesting someone.

"Well I don't think that's really who Grace is.. she might hate him and want him dead but she never wants him to die causing grief to his love ones especially his fiancee," Sungah said as if she knew but she's right... I'm not the type of person to murder... and I'll never do it...

"And if I'm being honest with myself... I do hate him but I still somewhat still have this feeling towards him.." I blush slightly.

"You mean you still like him but you are pretending you hate him?" Greg gave me a cheeky remark at the back. "OH SHUT UP KEEP WRITING ON THE GROUND."

"Also it's just that... there's a fine line where I can do things... I would never want to hurt anyone that wasn't involved... I just want to hurt him..."

"But technically if you control him and ruin his business his family would break down right " Luther spoke.

"I guess... but I don't really have a plan on killing him. Let him suffer first for a bit ya?" I laughed.

"Also ya... let's not really do anything illegal..." Sungah lets out a forced giggled.

It's kind of ironic that Sungah isn't doing anything illegal for once. I'm used to her using black magic." Luther giggled.

The fuck what? Black magic?! "What? What do you mean?"

Sungah looks at us sweating bullets.

"Sungah is actually a criminal in the magic council, especially she cast a lot of magic that breaks the rules of the council... Also, Sungah has been arrested three times already... I'm surprised you didn't know she is insane." Luther sighed.

"WHAT? I DIDN'T SEE A CRIMINAL RECORD WHEN YOU APPLIED TO MY COMPANY." I exclaimed confused and flabbergasted.

"You see I have this spell that could change the memory of someone. So when I get caught I just change their memory of what happened.. although I can only change one part of the memory since my magic isn't really strong enough so I just change the perpetrator... by changing it to another name so they get caught." Sungah explained happily...


"Also you know Sungah's signature spell? Charm? That's an illegal spell to use. You can only use it if you are wearing the ruby heart pendant as you can see Sungah is wearing it right now." Luther pointed to the red heart-shaped pendant that Sungah is wearing.

"I refused to hand it to the council because my grandmother gave it to me... so during high school, I charmed quite a lot of people since it's always on me.. in case the council may try to teleport to my house and take it." Sungah smiled.

"Wait so does that mean? Your charm is under effect now? Why aren't we getting affected and turning into your loyal slaves like back then in high school." I asked.

"The pendant doesn't work if the person knows I'm a witch.. since they would be numb to my charm... also it only works with the opposite gender unless you have a different sexual orientation. So right... it's pretty complicated even I don't understand it." Sungah said to herself.

"Well, whatever you do. Get the blood from Greg got it?" Sungah pats me in my shoulder.

"Wait if you have the charm spells why not use it on him?" I suggested holding her red pendant.

"I mean we could have tried that... although I am really confused... my charm spells don't work on Louie. Either he knows I'm a witch or he's gay and doesn't get attracted to a woman... otherwise, I am confused..."

"WAIT COULD IT MEAN THAT LOUIE IS GAY?" I hear Greg saying over at the corner.

"I mean he did cling into James a lot and they were friends... but he has a wife you know? I don't think he is gay." I said.

"It could just be a show you know since he is a C.E.O of a major corporation. I don't think he'll risk it by getting a boyfriend so maybe he got into an arranged marriage with Isabel since her father is like a really rich person from what I've heard.. so they got engaged but Louie really doesn't like her." Sungah proposed to us an explanation.

"I don't care if he's gay or not...I just want my vengeance got it?" I said to them sternly.

"The question is... how are you going to hand him the flower... if you were a man and Louie was a woman it would not seem strange at all since it will be a sign of being a gentleman although in this case, you aren't so right..." Luther said awkwardly..

"Wait a minute!" We can see Sungah's eye light up. "What if we dress Greg up as a girl and then have him give the rose to him? You see 10 out of 10 plan!"

"HOW DOES THAT HELP US... ALSO WHY ME?" I can hear Greg screaming.

"I don't know comic relief...." Sungah whistled to herself.

"Actually there would be no need... how about just hand it to him... like a normal person?" I suggested.

"I mean that could work too... Here take these." Luther hands me a pair of gloves..

"That totally clashes with the black and golden dress you know!" I hear Sungah whining.

"I don't really care about fashion but these gloves will let you touch the rose since holding it from the head is kind of awkward..."

"Don't you mean the tip?" Sungah winked naughtily.

"Shut up... you annoying hoe," Luther mumbled under his breath

"Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your meals! The lottery will start soon! So please come on inside and go to your tables!" We hear the MC from inside the venue calling everyone to go back.

"I'll stay here and gather the ingredients in the meantime... Grace you know what to do." Luther told me.

"That's right... I hope this is the right thing to do Grace." Greg said as he continued writing the symbols with the chalk.

I walked away from the place but I see Sungah following me. "Oh, you aren't staying there?" I asked her.

"Actually I'll come with you, Grace... My magic power is pretty low. I need to chow like right away so I have enough magic power to cast the spell... Just try to get Louie's blood got it? NOW WHERE IS THE BUFFET! HERE I COME!" I see Sungah storming over to the venue...

Although that really made me wonder... Do I still like Louie... I mean it's what Luther said... I can just kill him and get over my anger... but I guess... I have a fine line in things... I never want to kill anyone...