Chapter 45: Stubborn Little Girl

POV: Louie

"GODDAMN IT!" I throw the communicator furiously hearing a slight spark from it as it hits the wall hard.

"Wait?! Isn't that expensive?! How can you just throw tha-" "I'LL JUST BUY A NEW ONE. I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE I'M A MAN WHO HAS A BILLION IN THE BANK... OR ANYTHING"


"You really need to calm down Louie...." Greg said in a soft gentle voice.


"Not really... You are like screaming your balls out... Grace never really screams like that... and you might attract the attention of the employees... so keep it down please." He said quietly handing me a piece of lollipop...

Am I some kid... Ooh. This is my favorite. I grab the lollipop and chuckled it in my mouth. UGH! "WHAT ABOUT THE PRESENTATION... WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NOW. I CAN'T HAVE MY PERFECT RECORD ME RUINED!" I panic and shout in terror as I continued gobbling up the sweet confection that I am holding.

"Don't worry Mr. 100% perfect. Greg had it covered. Well not because of me of course." Sungah giggled behind me.

"Where did you go suddenly? I didn't even notice you were gone for a bit." I said to her confused.

She gently touched her neck area... "You see I gave Grace my pendant. You know the heart-shaped ruby pendant... she should be able to handle it for herself."

"How does giving your pendant actually fix the issue of my company not getting the investors I need POTENTIALLY DESTROYING MY IMAGE AS THE 100% PERFECT!"

"Shush..." She said quietly as she winked at me and sat down crossing her legs. "Don't worry Mr. 100% Perfect. You know if you get stressed.. you'll get wrinkles which are such a turn-off... for men nowadays... anyways that pendant is no ordinary pendant. It's a magic item.""What does it do then?" I asked her...

"You see Greg kind of was worried that Grace might fuck up the presentation so we came up with a countermeasure. In case something does go wrong. I am to time stop the people there and give her my pendant. The pendant by pressing it releases gas of female pheromones... causing males around the area to follow the wearer's every word." She chuckled. "Haha, honestly it's illegal to have one in the magic society that's why I'm not in the spirit realm."

"You mean Grace can charm the investors into agreeing?" I said a little skeptical.

"Yes.. surely you already know how it works Mr. Perfect..." She said teasingly.

I sighed.. Yup... I definitely remember how a crowd of jocks always surrounded her.. as they followed her every word even if it's ridiculous... "Yes... I remember.. during high school..."

She chuckled slightly, giving a bright smile. "Yup. So I know what that pendant can do big boy and it can do a lot of BIG things... " She licked her lips seductively making me cringe... "Although back then I couldn't really control how strong the pendant or when it's active... so honestly I just wear it when I need to seduce some boys and then take it off... but now I learned so much about it..."Although... I'm still filled with worry... I mean back then I was able to snap out of her seduction... "Back then.. I was able to snap out of your seduction right? How are you sure this is full proof if I snapped out of it.""Pretty sure those men have a high libido... since you know how rich men are." She winks.

"No, we don't..." Greg said facepalming at the joke. "Also surely you don't think Grace is that defective...""From what I observed... she's nothing but a carefree goof... I'm sorry.. both of you are like her friends but it's one of her mistakes to hire her friends in the company... especially making friends in the company... this is supposed to be a professional environment." I said to them sternly.

Greg's vision grew dark... "Greg! Calm down!" Sungah grabbed Greg... who seems to be gritting his teeth in anger... He took a deep breath. "This carefree goof. Is the one that was able to start her own business and expand it from scratch... she didn't rely on her family... like legit her father never cared about her... and secondly... don't underestimate Grace like that. She might be bubbly and goofy but she isn't a doormat. She can make decisions... and stand by those decisions... I know so because I've supported her throughout her time... until she moved out of the country where she really got big."He came close to me, looking at me in the eye. "And she wasn't a stuck up person who got her money from her parents giving her money. She worked hard with her blood, sweat, and tears for it. She didn't ask daddy's wallet to earn. She worked for it." He then takes another deep breath... "I don't appreciate you telling lies straight to my face... it's unbearable...

The tension grew... thicker and thicker by the second... it's so thick you can cut it with a knife... I guess I really went a little too far... with what I said... but I guess... it should be fine that Grace didn't get investment...

"Uh.. guys... Grace is calling!" Sungah yelled out grabbing her phone and putting it on speakerphone...

We all went silent to hear the answer... "I got the investors to agree!" I hear her voice which fills me with relief... Well, I guess the pendant really did work... I owe it to them...

POV: Grace

Do you ever get the feeling that there's a straight path laid out for you... it's the easy way... but due to your pride and ego... you still take the hard way... I got that... that's why...

I placed the pendant.. in the table... smiling to myself. I didn't use the pendant... because I didn't need to... just doing it the easy way never satisfies me... I think... I guess I'm still...

That... stubborn little girl... the one that's not accepting anybody's help... the one that'd rather take the hard way... rather than the easy way for the sake of my pride...