Chapter 56: No Backing Down Now

"You know... it's not nice to stalk pretty girls like me? Right?" I turned around to face her...

"You know... pretty girls like you...should already be at home right?" Whoever he or she is muttered.

I turned around to see a large body of shadows.. of a group of men... all armed and very intimidating...

"So this is the men that's going to welcome me? You know I would have expected some sort of gift. You know like flowers?" I giggled at her.

"You mean flowers. FOR YOUR GRAVE!" A blast of magic energy was aimed at me... I made haste and dodge.. it as I turn around and behind me. I am surrounded in this tight little alleyway...

Damn it! These people are not going to leave me alone are they... they are going to gangbang me so hard... if I'm gonna have a chance in trying to bet them.. maybe I'll make them upset... so they'll do something reckless... I have to act like I'm not afraid...

"You know.." I turned to the man in front of me. "My feminine friend, named Greg said that you guys fight so badly that you guys were such a good light workout... like I'd be afraid of a bunch of idiots.. can't even beat one man."

"Also you know it's rude to attack girls right? It's rude. 6 against just one poor little ol' me... that's really unfair... is a little girl really that hard to manage that you need 6 people to get me?" I chuckled and look at them.

"Well sorry sweetie.. life is just not fair... but don't worry if you make this easier.. for you... I'll give you a NICE and PAINLESS death. How about that?" The woman in front of me offered.

"Hahaha... I'll take my chances but..." I readied my spell. "No!" With a blast of magic energy, I aimed towards the girl who looks like me.

She quickly spotted it. Casting a shield in front of her. "You really have a weak magic blast." My imposter giggled.

"And you have bad aim. Sticks and stones lady. I've taken bigger trash talk from other people but let's just say you didn't HAVE AN APPOINTMENT!" I dashed forward in front of her. I'll do a little fake-out! As we go faced to face... "FOG!" I shouted casting a smoke of fog in the dark alleyway. As they all become immobilized. I made my way and teleported.

PANT PANT! I need to get out of this place! If this gi- OUCH! I felt a sharp pain in my back.. as I start to fall down on the ground.

"Looks like the angel fell down the ground wouldn't you agree?" The girl who looked like me giggled.

"Nobody escapes me... you won't be any one of them... You see.. when I'm transformed into someone... I will know their location.. at all times.."

"I didn't know you were this stupid to go by yourself.. like this.. knowing that you will get ambushed.." She stepped a little closer as I looked around.. a road is an empty place.. just the street lights.. the moon and her...

"Magic blast!" I shouted shooting it to her direction. She yawned casting her shield in front of her.. as the beam of magic hit her. It had damage.. not even a scratch to her magic shield...

Damn it.. she's strong.. stronger than I thought... LUTHER WAS RIGHT! SHE IS REALLY SOMETHING TO AVOID! I'll have to get ou-

Glowing chains appeared from the ground.. grabbing my foot.. and dragging me around! " "ARCK!" I shouted as I got spun around like clothing in a washing machine. The puppeteered me like a fool.. swinging and moving my limbs around...


"Time stop!" I stopped her time making her frozen in place. "Sorry but I'm not really into BDSM. I prefer to be the one playing you around.. not the other way around! Goodbye!" I giggled as I dashed away. "Try the dominatrix at the red light districts though! Cause I'm not as good as them!" I sarcastically suggested.I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE QUICKLY! I'll HAVE TO WARN THE OTHERS FROM HER! I MEAN LIKE I'VE GOTTEN STALKERS BEFORE BUT NOT SOMEONE AS BAD AS HER... ESPECIALLY SHE'S THAT MUCH OF A FAN OF ME THAT SHE LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE Me!

I dashed for it getting as far as I could from the dark road.. with nobody in sight...THIS IS WHY I HATE GOING TO LUTHER'S PLACE! It's abandoned! I don't think I have enough magic to go back to the restaurant through teleportation... I'll have to run and dash there!

As I start to continue to run.. the group of men... carrying their weapons approach me... they are that imposter's henchmen... ugh.. they are so uglies... ecck..

They stood there.. blocking the way... well no need to deal with them... I have my pendant.. with me anyway. Not really into to them but desperate times call for desperate measures as they said.

I pressed my heart-shaped ruby pendant... "Oh, dear boys.. would you help a lady out?" I said charmingly approaching them. If I charm them maybe they have a car or something I can use.. or I can use them as a meat shield for my enemies...

I walked seductively strutting towards them... Hmm... that's odd.. they aren't moving a muscle...

They remained emotionless.. blocking my way... shouldn't my pendant have made them lovey-dovey and desperate to be with me already? Why are they just standing there?

As I touched one of them... POOF. The group of men faded away like a bubble on air... IT'S AN ILLU- "Surprise!" I turned around to see the other me with a taser...

BZZZT! The taser did its work making me go down to the ground.. paralyze.. and unable to move... damn it.. my legs...

"Who knew you would put up this much of a fight and here I thought you were just a little pig in heat.." She stepped on my back "UGH." I galloped in pain as her heels dig deep on my back. "WHO KNEW... You pathetic. LITTLE pig in heat would give me such a problem."

She continued stepping on my back.. with her heels digging even deeper into my skin... I clenched and flinched at the pain... as she continued to kick my body.

"Well... I guess now you know your place... pathetic pigs like you.. need to be put in the ground... LIKE WHERE THEY BELONG." She grabbed my face bringing it closer to her face. "Now that's a pathetic face you are making.. what happened to that spunk now? You're making me feel bad in killing you.. you know? How about! I have your body go inside out! OR I'LL HAVE A GROUP OF MEN VIOLATE YOU FIRST BEFORE I KILL YOU? WOULDN'T THAT BE FUN?"

I gave her a big bright smile. "You have no originality. The only pig here is FUCKING you." I BASHED my head to her head.

"TELEPORT!" I teleported away from the area... with the magic I had left... I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG SHE'LL TAKE TO GO HERE...BUT DAMN IT!

"DAMN IT!" I shouted grabbing my phone... I went ahead and called Louie! THEY NEED TO KNOW! THEY BETTER PICK UP!"

COME ON, COME ON! ANSWER! I grabbed an emergency call.

POV: Louie


"Oh, who's that calling you Grace?" One of the people asked at the dinner asked me.

"Oh.. I'm not sure... let me check I- Huh? Sungah? Why is she calling me?"

"Hmm.. maybe she got stood out again from a date or something?" Greg suggested giggling.

"Hm... I guess if that's just that... I'll just call her later..." I said to them.

"Hmmm, what if it's an emergency?" One of the workers suggested. "You should just answer.."

"Ya... I'll just go ahead and answer it.." I said to them answering her call.

"Hello?" I said to the phone

"Oh hi! Ms. Baltazar. I just wanted to say that I'll be returning there at the restaurant if you guys are still there that is?"

"Yes we are there still... we'll wait for you.." I answered.

"Alright then!" Sungah said cheerfully. "I'll go ahead and- MMH!" I hear a muffled sound on the mic.

"What was that? Is there a situation there or something Sungah?" I asked her.

"Oh.. I just dealt with someone that's all.. although I found out who was impersonating as me! I have them tied up here right now! I'll go ahead and go there now okay?! See you later!" She giggled hanging up.

Alright then... I guess we'll finally know who's the one that pretended to be her... I hope nothing bad happened to her though.. that would be bad...