Chapter 57: Something Strange....

POV: Louie

I wipe the sweat dripping from my face as I saw the last person in the company dinner had finally gone home... FINALLY THIS DAY has ended... talking with these people is not my cup of tea...

"Congratulations. I'm glad you made it through all that... honestly..." Greg patted me in the shoulder...

"Do you honestly think greeting people is something to be wary about? This is just child's play compared to my actual work in the company. So now, would you excuse me... I'll have to go home now... it's rather late.." I looked at my phone.. to see it was already 9 pm. I have a lot of work tomorrow so I'll have to go home...

"Aren't we going to wait for Sungah? She said she'll go here to the restaurant but she isn't here yet..." Greg said to me, prancing around in a little concern.

"Maybe she got attacked or kidnapped? It is very dangerous for a lady to go out in the middle of the night it's when dangerous men and thugs come out..." I said fiddling with my phone.

"Nah. I wouldn't be worried with Sungah... She's a tough cookie.. did you forget that she has magic? She also has her pendant.. so I think she'll be fine..."

"I hope she returns soon.. otherwise we'll have to go and leave her.. the restaurant closes at 10 pm.. we can't stay here longer." I turned to Greg.. seeing him looking at his phone. "Why did Sungah go out again in the first place? Greg asked me...

"I'm honestly not sure.. something about the doppelganger and stuff... that we saw early.. which honestly I think she just wanted to ditch the dinner.."

"Right... I guess... I mean she didn't really looked pleased with the dinner to begin with... because she wasn't able to get her pendant until then.."

We waited a long 5 minutes.. just staring at each other and occasionally texting her to where her whereabouts is. Although no response from her.. other than her sudden call.. although what was that muffled voice I heard back then... I guess I'll just have to ask her when I see her.

"Hm... maybe we should wait for her outside? I think we are looking like buffoons just waiting here...: I suggested to Greg.

Greg was fixing his hair.. "Oh sure... I guess we can wait outside... I'll just keep these.." Greg put all his make up stuff in his little bag.. and went along with me to go outside.

We went around strolling the parking lot which was in front of the restaurant... the moonlight shined down on us as we walked towards our car... "Maybe we c-"

"Hello guys! Sorry I took quite a long time! I kinda just got held up by something!" Sungah made a silly expression.

"Oh that's okay.. we were about to go to the car anyway.. let's go home now.. the dinner is done now," Greg said to her. "Also how come you never answered our texts? You know we were worried about you."

"Sorry... I kind of lost my phone.. right now... I've been through a lot you see.."

I took a closer look to her.. her hair was rather messy.. and her body was beaten.. like she went to rough time.. just coming here... "Are you okay? You look like you went to rumble or something?" I asked her to point out the messy hair and dirty outfit.

"Actually.. let's talk about what happened right now... let's talk about it in the car... I don't want anyone seeing us here... actually I don't want anyone to hear us... he or she might be watching us.. or something.."

Sungah tip-toed in her walking.. looking around cautiously... dragging us to a car.

"Uh.. our car is here... where are you going?" I pointed towards Grace's car.

"Oh.. right right... I have an explanation for that... let's go inside..." We all went inside the car..

She took a deep breath before explaining it to us. "You see... I got attacked. When I was having a date with someone.. and when I was about to go there to you guys... someone.. or something.. they looked exactly like me... They attacked me. Well they wanted to kill me... they tried to but I manage to escape.." She showed her wounds to us.

"You mean the doppelganger? Attacked you?! Shouldn't we call the police about this?" I said to her.

"I doubt.. they can do anything with that... I'm pretty sure whoever this was pretending to be Sungah... it's a magic-user..." Greg explained.

"Whoever this person was... they are very powerful... I mean look at my phone." She took out our phone.. it was shattered and broken. "While I was trying to escape I got blasted with magical energy and we brawled. Luckily I was able to escape but she was very strong..."

"Should we tell Grace about this?" I asked Greg.

"Of course! WE SHOULD. WHOEVER THIS PERSON IS STALKING US... It is very dangerous. They even tried to kill Sungah who knows what she'll do to Grace.

"Grace? Aren't you Grace?" Sungah puzzled and confused pointed to me.

"Huh? Did you forget or something? You do know it was you that switched our bodies right?" I said to her sternly.

That's strange... how come she doesn't remember that we switched... surely she should know.

"Oh.. actually the person that attacked me was able to edit memories... I don't know what they did but they erased some of my memories.. so I'm honestly not sure what to do.. although I still remember you guys... I don't remember anything... so I might be clueless.. sorry.." Sungah looked down and frowned.

"Don't worry maybe we can ask Luther. Surely he must know something? After all he's a skilled druid.. he can do something about this." Greg suggested..

"Well you guys can do that.. but I'm too busy tomorrow.. but ya..."

"Don't you need to plan the charity drive tomorrow?" Greg asked me.

"I'll let Grace plan it.. I don't really know what to do... Sungah can you schedule me a meeting with Grace.. and then label it as a business deal. Got it?" I turned to Sungah.

"Oh sure." Sungah smiled.

Well... I'm not sure what to do with the charity... I hope it ends well... cause I don't know what to do... Ugh! What was Grace even thinking to come to a poor area.. with no WIFI or any necessities.. ugh.