Chapter 65: Do You Remember Me?

"Excellent! Let's go shall we!" He leads the way... showing his sparkle and shine making all the nearby women faint at his presence.. this is one of a rollercoaster ride...

"OH MY GOD! HE IS SO DREAMY!" One of the girls shouting and screaming across the group of people being stopped by bodyguards...

"JUST how popular even is this guy? Is he really this popular that women scream the top of their heads of and legit lose their sanity just to get a smile from this guy or something?" I asked Grace in my mind.

"Apparently Mr. Yamada is an actor as well." I felt Sungah's nudge in my shoulder whispering to me slightly as we continued walking Not only is he a good businessman. He's also a big shot in the acting industry. T.V shows really want him to be in there so it's obvious he has fans." Sungah explained behind my back.