Chapter 66: Memory Blocks

"You really don't remember me do you? Well, I guess you didn't.. you never really liked big crowds and preferred being alone during college.." He said in a serious tone... as it was somewhat depressing... What's Grace's History with this dude?! "You didn't tell me... you had something to do with this guy," I said to Grace a little surprised... "Huh? Grace are you still there?"

Grace remained silent as a mouse.. contemplating something.." I don't know.. who he is.." She said surprised as I am.

"What? You have no idea who this guy is?" I asked her inside my mind.

"As much as I try to.. I just can't.. surely I would remember someone as handsome as him.. and someone as rich as him.. but I just don't remember him... it's as almost as if.. my memory of him was gone..." She spoke timidly.

I can feel Claude's sharp stares at me.. awaiting for me to answer him.

"Oh.. sorry.. I really don't remember you... maybe you can tell me more about yourself?" I answered.