Chapter 67: Single Since Birth

POV: Grace

A.. a lover?! I don't remember anything like that. What is he talking about... I never had a lover. I've been single since birth! That must be some kind of misunderstanding... or something because I absolutely have no idea what he is talking about...

"I'm guessing you don't know who Claude is talking about?" Louie talks to me, he might have realized it with my sudden change of tone.

"No..." I responded. "I have no idea who or what he is talking about... I don't know what he saved me with.. but it's something that I don't remember for the life of me..."

I closed my eyes hoping I would remember.. but nothing really popped in my head.. all I remembered was how I studied in the back corner...


I remembered it like it was yesterday... the hard surface of the tables as I learned towards it due to boredom...