Chapter 13: What Do I Want?

"So how about you! Are you seeing anyone by any chance? I mean I heard after high school.. you went to the states to study business... so? Are you married? Spill!" She bombarded me with a few questions... Questions that make me wonder...

"Uh. No... I'm not married whatsoever. See" I show her my ring finger without any type of ring on.

"Oh.. why though.. you're like so pretty and you're like so smart. I mean why don't you have a husband by now?" She giggled

Although she didn't really mean any ill intention with what she is saying. it's kind of just irritating me a little. The fact that my value is determined whether or not I get married or not and that I WAS DESTINED to get married is rather annoying.

"I guess it was just never really in any of my intention..." I answered her giggling, hiding the slight irritation I'm feeling.

"I don't even think Grace would make a good parent." Greg chuckled. "She has mentioned most of the time that she hates children!"

"GREG. YOU JUST DON'T TELL PEOPLE THAT." I pouted blushing at the embarrassment.

"That's normal though.. I mean I'm pretty sure not everyone is good with kids." Greg pats me on the back chuckling a little bit.

"Oh well you're gonna have to be good with kids! Since soon you will get married and have kids! You'll have to take care of them!" Dahlia chuckled along with Greg.

Yes... I'm not very good with children. Honestly, I don't know who wrote the rules of women having to take care of kids cause it's just not one of my specialties like when it comes to forming a business strategy I'm game but being a mother. it's like something that I have no idea on...

"As far as I know... I don't really think I'll have time to do all those things. I'm not finish with accomplishing things that I have to do. That's all... I don't really have time to spend time on dating and stuff.." I responded respectfully although her mindset is annoying the living hell on me.

"Although why are you so gone hoe in getting married? I mean like don't you have any type of goals in your life other than letting someone else do things for you." I passive-aggressively asked her giving her a big smile while doing it. "You know like being an independent woman like that."

"Oh.. I guess.. it's just that.. being married I kind of have a reason to succeed in life. Do you know what I mean? Like if I had children and a husband. Those are the people that I will use as my motivation to succeed." She answered me. "Well.. since you're not married. Who are you doing this for? Who's your motivation for this goal of yours?"

She brought back the question to me... making me think of my motivations... reflecting on myself... what was the thing that made me so determined to become a CEO, to begin with... I want to say... it's for myself... but I'm already sure that I'm already worthy enough...

I want to say it's for my family... but my father doesn't really care what I want to be.. as long as I'm happy...

But now I'm realizing it... my goal... to be a CEO and be the richest and most powerful woman... it was because of...


He stood there.. shocked before I heard it. His laughter.. laughing at me... looking down at me like I was some pest.

"Haha. You do realize that you are just a poor high school student. I'm an heir to a huge company. I'm totally out of your league. You know we are friends on all of that but honestly, I think you are just confessing to me for the money, aren't you? So fuck off cause I'm not interested. I'm not interested in gold diggers who go close to rich people. Why don't you make yourself something before " He turned his back away from me walking away..


He.. laughed at me... he humiliated me for my social standing... he made me feel like I wasn't worthy when I knew it myself that I was... the reason... why I did this.. was because... My goal... it was always to get him to look at me again.. and to realize that he made a mistake for humiliating me...

But.. why... do I want him to do that... if that were to happen.. I would be happy... but... is that really worth all this frustration... is my self-esteem worth that low for me to do this just for him...

Is it because I lov-

"Grace? Are you okay? You're.. shaking.." Greg comforts me.

"Oh.. I.. um.. nothing... excuse me... but I'll just have to go home now... I don't think I'm feeling so well.." I said to him.. making an excuse.

"Don't worry Grace... I'll go ahead and call Sungah so we can go home now.. since you're not feeling well."

Greg leaves for a bit to go and look for Sungah on the buffet table. Dahlia gives me a mischievous smile.

Huh? Why is she smiling all of a sudden... that's kind of weird... why is she so happy that I'm going home now...

"Hey.." She spoke catching me off guard.

"Yes?"I asked her.. something tells me this girl doesn't have the best intentions... like at all.. she's laughing and smiling about me going home because I'm sick...

"You've come to a realization don't you?" She giggled. "You see you know in yourself. What you want.. and yet you're using this goal as a mask.. a mask to just hide what you truly want. You know what you want." Dahlia says to me ominously.

"WHAT? YOU GUYS ARE GOING HOME?!" I can hear Sungah shouting and then coming here.

"Grace all of a sudden says that she isn't feeling well.." Greg tells her as they both come to my direction.

I look behind me to see Dahlia. Who disappeared... where did she go... I looked around to double-check.. she disappeared like a bubble...

"Ugh! Fine! You are so terrible... let's go... I'll go ahead and cook some soup for you, Grace!" Sungah attempts to cheer me up.

"Ya.," I said timidly

We all went back to the car... Greg being the driver goes at the front while Sungah and I are at the back of the car. One of the event hosts gave me a brochure of some sort... it's listed of everyone's names.

"The food was amazing! Although I don't expect to eat much at the reunion that's going to come tomorrow!" Sungah giggled.

I schemed through the brochure that they gave me... seeing pictures of the bride and the groom... but a particular section caught my attention... It was the bridesmaids... everyone's pictures of the bridesmaids were there along with their name... but...

Dahlia... the person we met.. who claimed to be a bridesmaid... wasn't on the list... who.. is she...