Extras: Chapter 1-59 Reunion RECAP!

Hello Readers! Congratulations on reading Chapter 1- 59! Enjoy a funny segment in which all of the characters will talk about their experiences in the novel! P.S THIS IS NOT CANON AND IS JUST AN IMAGINATION ON HOW THE CHARACTERS WILL REACT IF THEY WERE GETTING A RECAP!


Host: WELCOME! I'm your host for this lovely evening! Today we will be discussing the love-filled story of "My Crush Is My Rival CEO and FOR TODAY! LET' US HEAR FROM THE TRIO, GRACE! SUNGAH! GREG!

Greg, Sungah, and Grace enter the stage. Making the audience clap for them.

Sungah: I didn't know I was this POPULAR! OMG.

Greg: Pretty sure they were clapping cause they were forced to.

Sungah: Shut up Greg! Stop ruining things for me.

Host: Hello! Everyone, you all look so lovely today.

Sungah: Thanks, I decided to style these bitches clothes today cause they are out here looking like a gorilla.

Host: Let's get this reunion to start by talking about what was the worst thing that you had to endure these few chapters?

Grace: For me. I think probably having to babysit these two idiots *cough* Sungah *cough* although I can tolerate Greg more.

Host: OOH... Is there some kind of animosity between the two of you?

Grace: Not really, I just wanted to say that sometimes Sungah just acts so immature that it's so annoying you know?




*Chapter 1: Back And Out For Blood Flashback*

"Actually I think it's the sun causing the problems I'm experiencing," I responded taking off my scarf and snow hat as I grab my sunglasses and my sunhat.

"I can just make it night with a simple circle magic spell it's fairly simple." The woman responded.

"Pretty sure turning it suddenly to night time when it's the middle of the day is gonna be a headline for the news... the news people are gonna have a field day..." I squinted at the dumb idea.

"So now let's plan shall we!" I shout excitedly for my revenge against my ex-crush Louie. He's probably a CEO now... but I think I'm better..... and since I'm rich now I'll just get my vengeance at him easily for playing with my heart.

"Uh.. what? What do you mean plan?" She looked me crossed eyed.

"I literally sent you a two-paragraph text about how I have repressed anger towards Louie from high school and I have come back here to exact my revenge."

"Wait? Oh sorry, I actually didn't read it... I was busy." She sticks out her tongue giggling.

Alas, my plan of vengeance has taken the wrong turn for the dumb person named "Sungah Tan" because she doesn't have the brainpower to even read a two-paragraph message. Cause she uses her magic to do her work instead of actually doing it herself.

"Hey! You know I can hear you right?"

I widen my eyes.. wait can she hear my thoughts now! Did she learn some type of spell to hear my thoughts now?

"How can you hear my thoughts now! Please teach me sensei! That is such a useful ability in business." I bowed to her. She looked even more confused.

"You do know you still have that habit of whispering under your breathe what you were thinking. I could tell because I read your lips. Also, there is a spell but the magical power is not strong here so I'm unable to cast." She continued to chuckle. "I guess you never do change Grace, or should I say, Ms. Baltazar."

Sungah Tan was one of my friends in high school, she was known to be very cunning and very clever although she is very promiscuous. I really don't know why I'm friends with someone like her. She's also a witch. A very good one at that I commend her for that but a bit of an airhead. and a total foodie.

"Ya... ya whatever... where is Greg Paolotonio? Shouldn't he be like here by now?" I ask looking around the airport.

"Hey! You should be a little more grateful that I came here you know? Legit I had to cancel my date with this extremely hot guy just so I can meet with you." Sungah pouted, crossing her arms and looking away from me.


Host: Ooh! As you can see from the clip. Grace definitely has some sort of annoyance towards Sungah from the beginning.

Grace: Because she didn't read a text which she could have done in like a minute.

Sungah: Not really! Who even sends long texts like that nowadays, honestly long texts are like those chain emails. So gross.

Greg: Aww! Did you want to spend time with me? How sweet Grace!

Grace: Of course you're my best friend!


Grace: Meh.

Host: Anyways! Why don't I continue my question towards Sungah! What's the least favorite moment you had to endure during these chapters?


Host: Ouch! Why don't we actually take a look at that moment!


Chapter 56: No Backing Down Now

You know... it's not nice to stalk pretty girls like me? Right?" I turned around to face her...

"You know... pretty girls like you...should already be at home right?" Whoever he or she is muttered.

I turned around to see a large body of shadows.. of a group of men... all armed and very intimidating...

"So this is the men that's going to welcome me? You know I would have expected some sort of gift. You know like flowers?" I giggled at her.

"You mean flowers. FOR YOUR GRAVE!" A blast of magic energy was aimed at me... I made haste and dodge.. it as I turn around and behind me. I am surrounded in this tight little alleyway...

Damn it! These people are not going to leave me alone are they... they are going to gangbang me so hard... if I'm gonna have a chance in trying to bet them.. maybe I'll make them upset... so they'll do something reckless... I have to act like I'm not afraid...

"You know.." I turned to the man in front of me. "My feminine friend, named Greg said that you guys fight so badly that you guys were such a good light workout... like I'd be afraid of a bunch of idiots.. can't even beat one man."

"Also you know it's rude to attack girls right? It's rude. 6 against just one poor little ol' me... that's really unfair... is a little girl really that hard to manage that you need 6 people to get me?" I chuckled and look at them.

"Well sorry sweetie.. life is just not fair... but don't worry if you make this easier.. for you... I'll give you a NICE and PAINLESS death. How about that?" The woman in front of me offered.

"Hahaha... I'll take my chances but..." I readied my spell. "No!" With a blast of magic energy, I aimed towards the girl who looks like me.

She quickly spotted it. Casting a shield in front of her. "You really have a weak magic blast." My imposter giggled.

"And you have bad aim. Sticks and stones lady. I've taken bigger trash talk from other people but let's just say you didn't HAVE AN APPOINTMENT!" I dashed forward in front of her. I'll do a little fake-out! As we go faced to face... "FOG!" I shouted casting a smoke of fog in the dark alleyway. As they all become immobilized. I made my way and teleported.

PANT PANT! I need to get out of this place! If this gi- OUCH! I felt a sharp pain in my back.. as I start to fall on the ground.

"Looks like the angel fell down the ground wouldn't you agree?" The girl who looked like me giggled.

"Nobody escapes me... you won't be any one of them... You see.. when I'm transformed into someone... I will know their location.. at all times.."

"I didn't know you were this stupid to go by yourself.. like this.. knowing that you will get ambushed.." She stepped a little closer as I looked around.. a road is an empty place.. just the street lights.. the moon and her...

"Magic blast!" I shouted shooting it to her direction. She yawned casting her shield in front of her.. as the beam of magic hit her. It had damage.. not even a scratch to her magic shield...

Damn it.. she's strong.. stronger than I thought... LUTHER WAS RIGHT! SHE IS REALLY SOMETHING TO AVOID! I'll have to get ou-

Glowing chains appeared from the ground.. grabbing my foot.. and dragging me around! " "ARCK!" I shouted as I got spun around like clothing in a washing machine. The puppeteered me like a fool.. swinging and moving my limbs around...


"Time stop!" I stopped her time making her frozen in place. "Sorry but I'm not really into BDSM. I prefer to be the one playing you around.. not the other way around! Goodbye!" I giggled as I dashed away. "Try the dominatrix at the red light districts though! Cause I'm not as good as them!" I sarcastically suggested. I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE QUICKLY! I'll HAVE TO WARN THE OTHERS FROM HER! I MEAN LIKE I'VE GOTTEN STALKERS BEFORE BUT NOT SOMEONE AS BAD AS HER... ESPECIALLY SHE'S THAT MUCH OF A FAN OF ME THAT SHE LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE Me!

I dashed for it getting as far as I could from the dark road.. with nobody in sight...THIS IS WHY I HATE GOING TO LUTHER'S PLACE! It's abandoned! I don't think I have enough magic to go back to the restaurant through teleportation... I'll have to run and dash there!

As I start to continue to run.. the group of men... carrying their weapons approach me... they are that imposter's henchmen... ugh.. they are so uglies... ecck...

They stood there.. blocking the way... well no need to deal with them... I have my pendant.. with me anyway. Not really into to them but desperate times call for desperate measures as they said.

I pressed my heart-shaped ruby pendant... "Oh, dear boys.. would you help a lady out?" I said charmingly approaching them. If I charm them maybe they have a car or something I can use.. or I can use them as a meat shield for my enemies...

I walked seductively strutting towards them... Hmm... that's odd.. they aren't moving a muscle...

They remained emotionless.. blocking my way... shouldn't my pendant have made them lovey-dovey and desperate to be with me already? Why are they just standing there?

As I touched one of them... POOF. The group of men faded away like a bubble on air... IT'S AN ILLU- "Surprise!" I turned around to see the other me with a taser...

BZZZT! The taser did its work making me go down to the ground.. paralyze.. and unable to move... damn it.. my legs...

"Who knew you would put up this much of a fight and here I thought you were just a little pig in heat.." She stepped on my back "UGH." I galloped in pain as her heels dig deep on my back. "WHO KNEW... You pathetic. LITTLE pig in heat would give me such a problem."

She continued stepping on my back.. with her heels digging even deeper into my skin... I clenched and flinched at the pain... as she continued to kick my body.

"Well... I guess now you know your place... pathetic pigs like you.. need to be put in the ground... LIKE WHERE THEY BELONG." She grabbed my face bringing it closer to her face. "Now that's a pathetic face you are making.. what happened to that spunk now? You're making me feel bad in killing you.. you know? How about! I have your body go inside out! OR I'LL HAVE A GROUP OF MEN VIOLATE YOU FIRST BEFORE I KILL YOU? WOULDN'T THAT BE FUN?"

I gave her a big bright smile. "You have no originality. The only pig here is FUCKING you." I BASHED my head to her head.

"TELEPORT!" I teleported away from the area... with the magic I had left... I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG SHE'LL TAKE TO GO HERE...BUT DAMN IT!

"DAMN IT!" I shouted grabbing my phone... I went ahead and called Louie! THEY NEED TO KNOW! THEY BETTER PICK UP!"

COME ON, COME ON! ANSWER! I grabbed an emergency call.


Sungah: Yes it was a very unpleasant experience, imagine getting gangbanged by like 5 dudes at once. That's how I would describe it at least. Like IT WASN'T FUN.


Sungah: I don't really care! I can say whatever I want. I speak my mind.

Host: Actually! Throughout the entire novel! Sungah was the type of girl that never lets anyone stop her from speaking her mind! How about we display a montage of that now!

Greg: Dear Lord Kill me.


Chapter 1: Back And Out For Blood

"Hey! You should be a little more grateful that I came here you know? Legit I had to cancel my date with this extremely hot guy just so I can meet with you." Sungah pouted, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

Chapter 4: Miss Have It All

"Maybe she saw someone so ugly that it made her face pale or something. I mean like there's a being called "shy guy" and if you look at it or a photo of it. It'll one hundred percent kill you. Maybe Grace looked at some type of variant of it." Sungah suggested.

"So what if it's longer and bigger than yours. Size doesn't really matter that much. It's about the technique. Well, mostly the technique and the consent that counts." Sungah winked.

Chapter 6: Be More Lady Like



Chapter 11: Gluttonous Girl

Sungah's cheeks puff up giving us both a sour expression. "You guys are so mean to food." She says with an impish smile still pouting. "If you guys don't want to go to the restaurant can we just get some take out? I'm like starving like hell."

"May I have.. 100 chicken nuggets... 2 large fries..." Sungah fiddled with her hair thinking of more things to others and Greg and I just looked at each other with our mouths wide open...

"I would also like 5 sundaes, 1 large diet coke and 1 chicken bucket.. the one with the 6 chicken drumsticks. Thank you." She smiled and then turned back to us still caught off guard. "Do you guys want anything?"

"YOU'RE GONNA EAT ALL OF THAT YOURSELF?" Greg shouted completely surprised.

"Yes. I need it to replenish my magic.. geez. Anyways... thanks so much for treating me..."





Sungah: Haha ya! I mean bitches don't realize how hard it is to use magic on earth, they know damn well that you need to eat to get your energy back so I ordered a lot of food and since GRACE IS paying for it anyway I just chose a lot.

Grace: You gold-digging bitch. I guess that's why all your boyfriends ended up getting broke.

Sungah: I mean like, who would date a broke bitch. Pretty sure no one would. *chuckles*

Host: How about you Greg? What's that one moment that made you had to endure something terrible throughout the novel?

Greg: *sighs* Honestly, I really don't know anything that happened that's even worth telling. I kind of feel like during these few chapters. I kind of just faded into the distance, Kind of like a supportive character for Grace and such.

Grace: Nah! Don't say that. You were actually relevant!

Sungah: Besides! Remember that time you beat the crap out of those guys that were trying to kidnap Grace's ass?

Host: Oh! How about we show a clip of what happened during that time!


Chapter 39: By Her Side

This was during that night of the reunion... when Grace was almost kidnapped.

We were all walking back home. I grabbed my stuff and thanked everyone from the party even though I didn't really join the after-party.. not really into seducing a bunch of poor men... as we were attempting to go home after the exhausting time from the reunion although we didn't really meet a lot of people since we were focused on making the spell...

I walked all wobbly... as we walk towards Grace's car. "I'm so tired!" I muttered out as my eyes are desperately fighting to keep open...

"You should have slept like at least 8 hours you know? Why do you even stay up late all the time."

As we continued walking we saw a shadow... no. a group of men carrying a woman who seems to be unconscious... what are they doing?!

"IS THAT GRACE?!" Greg yelled in terror as we saw the men taking Grace to somewhere...

"Maybe it's like a late-night date or something?"

"CLEARLY SHE ISN'T AGREEING TO IT. SHE'S UNCONCIOUS. WE NEED TO SAVE HER! Greg dashed forward to where all the men were going.

"Hello, dears!" He shouted in a flamboyant manner at them... they slightly turned their backs to face him... all of them scanning him from top to bottom...


"That's kind of like our friend.. do you mind letting her go for me. Please? Before I'd have to hurt you." Greg spoke aggressively with a hint of innocence.

The group of men giggled and said "Like I'd be afraid of a femboy. Come on just fuck off the kid and go to the parlor where you belong to."

They continued to mock Greg... as they all turned their back in him... Greg glowed with anger... at the speed of light, he dashed forward one of them punching them in the stomach causing them to go down...



Right! I grabbed my cellphone from my teeny tiny purse... and called in 911...

One of the men pointed their gun at him... threatening him to stop. he refused to kick the gun out of his hand before kicking him to the ground... they all tried to fight back towards him. Punching and kicking Greg but Greg was just strong... blocking every punch and kick and knocking all of them to ground...

It all happened right before my eyes... I can see the adrenaline hitting Greg's eyes... as he settled down... he chuckled.

"So now you are neutralized. Tell me.." He grasped the neck of one of the beaten victims from the ground.. "WHO HIRED YOU?!" He shouted at them... pulling back their clothing as the man started to struggle... he tightened his grip making the man shriek in pain... "WHO HIRED YOU!" Greg demanded an answer from them.

As he said that we all hear the sirens of the police coming through! Finally, they are here... although all of them have already been apprehended thanks to Greg...


Host: Ooh! Definitely a badass. Ngl for a femboy, you got some hands.

Greg: I suppose. Although I don't really condone to violence, I abhor physical altercations but I will if somebody is trying to harm me or my friends.

Sungah: NGL Greg is out here beating the crap of multiple men. Totally stan.

Grace: Of course, that's kind of why I hired Greg as a bodyguard since he was the strongest person I knew that could protect me at all costs. The only bad decision I made was hiring Sungah as my secretary.

Sungah: HEY I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO YOU THIS TIME. Also, I actually tried to save your ass like multiple times.

Grace: Barely, not gonna lie. You can't really do anything yourself, you need help.


Luther enters the stage.

Luther: I better get paid to be on this. Since I ain't going to be here for nothing.

He sits next to Sungah.

Host: So Luther? Why are you actually Sungah's right-hand man? Like what's the story with that?

Luther: Honestly I'm not really sure myself either, Sungah is kind of a dumb bitch so she kind of needs help more than anyone I know so I kind of grown accustomed to helping her since she can't go back to the Spirit Realm.

Sungah: Wow that's rude Luther, I honestly thought you'd be the one that's going to defend me here.

Host: Let's go ahead and show the times Luther came to help our cast!


Chapter 17: The Start Of Malice

POV: Sungah

"HELP ME FIND THE BOOK OF SHADOWS HERE!" I scanned around the darkroom to look for the book of shadows... The book of shadows is a book of spells for any witch. It's a very expensive book so I really need to use it...

"Why are you even looking for the book? What do you even need it for?" Luther asks me.

"FOR SOMETHING! Just generate fae light so I can at least see the surroundings thank you?" I said to him.

"Fine." He sighed and he used his staff to generate a fae light. A ball of light similar to a star that illuminated the room. "Just hurry up before some gets here and gets us in trouble."

"Ya ya whatever..." I continued to look for the book...

"Actually... I'm looking for the spell of mind control." I said to him.

"I don't think that'll be in the Book of Shadows... that's in the dark magic section... also why? Why do you want to mind control someone?" He asked sternly.

"Oh, nothing really important!" I giggled as we continued to look for the book in the dusty boxes.

Chapter 18: The Spell To Get Vengeance

"Oh! Luther... we're going to perform the spell soon but I just need a few things to get... let's see... I feel like you can help us... although Grace.. perhaps you can talk to Louie?" Sungah requested me.

"What! Why do I need to talk to him! I literally hate him..." I pouted.

"You see for the spell to work... I need his blood, a droplet is fine but I need just a sample of his soul." Sungah patted Luther's back. "GIVE ME A SIPHONING FLOWER!"

Huh? Siphoning flower what's that... Most a druid magic... You see from what I remember Luther is a Druid which focuses primarily on nature magic while Sungah is more of a witch.. relying on the moon for her power.

"A siphoning flower is a flower that collects the blood of a person. Just get Louie to get pricked by this flower. Make sure to not prick yourself with this... It can only take one's blood sample. HEY LUTHER USE YOUR MAGIC AND SUMMON A SIPHONING FLOWER." She nudged Luther.

"But that's a witchery alchemy spell... I don't know anything about that..." Luther sighed.

"FIND A WAY THEN! Please..." Sungah blew a kiss in the air causing a pink heart to appear and fly...

Luther dodged the heart. Keeping a straight face. "Don't use charm on me you femme fatale. Also sure... I'll find a way to get a siphoning flower." Luther bowed and walked out.

"Also... I need to cast this spell at midnight... the moon is strongest at 12 pm... also you guys must be in the same area for this spell to take effect. So you really need to cling to Louie a lot tonight..." Sungah said as she made chalk appear in her hands.

"It should just be a simple circle magic spell... Luther will find a way to get the siphoning flower but in the meantime. Stick close with Louie for a bit and try to get his attention got it?" Sungah asked me as she started to walk outside... "Okay walking in heels is hard..." She sighed as she continued to walk out..

Chapter 28: Dream Weaving

"Basically Louie has this like obsessed somewhat stalkerish fiancee who is literally putting Grace in danger for some reason... haven't really seen the girl in action but like ya... Louie insisted that Grace was in danger so we need like something to communicate with her since Louie doesn't want us calling her through a phone." Sungah said in her valley girl accent.

"Don't change your voice like that geez... Also can't you just use telepathy? It's a fairly simple spell.. pretty sure someone with brainpower like yours can do it." Luther made a little smirk.

"Genius. I need something to bind it with. I need to talk with Grace and to do that I need something from her mental aspect...and clearly I don't have that so ya..." Sungah said sarcastically

"Can't you just use Grace's body right here? Surely it would work since this is her body... after all." Luther pointed to me

"Actually it won't work... since technically... this is only Grace's physical aspect... I need to have contact with her mental aspect... which is like close to impossible right now." Sungah stated.

"Can't you guys just wait for the spell to wear off... when is this spell going to wear off anyway?" Luther asked.

"I think it'll wear off tomorrow..." Sungah said timidly

"What do you mean you think? You aren't sure?!" I raised my voice at her...

"Honestly I'm not sure how long it'll last... if it doesn't wear off tomorrow honestly I'm not sure what would happen..."

My eyes darken with anger... I better not stay at her body for too long... I have duties to do... father would be most disappointed if I don't perform my duties perfectly...

"Actually I have an idea... you can use dream weaving to communicate with her. It should be easy to perform." Luther stated.

Dream weaving? "What's that? All this magic stuff isn't really making sense to me." I told them...

"With the use of dream weaving we can get into someone's dreams... and change it and manipulate it to how we like it. It's a pretty convenient spell if you want to terrify someone..." Luther chuckled a little.

"But wouldn't that need the mental or emotional aspect of Grace's soul? You do realize we don't have that right now right?" Sungah clarified.

"Not exactly... the only thing it needs is a few ingredients and the name of the person written in a paper. Although yall better pray that there's no one near us named Grace Baltazar because the spell detects the closest person. Trust me... trying to do it on a name just Alex... it made me go to all sorts of dreams. Even wet dreams..." Luther blushed to regret what he saw.

"That's good enough of a spell. Let's do it." Sungah said.

"Although what do we need for it? From what I know spells usually need something to perform them." Greg asked everyone.

"I just need a lighter... the instructions are to burn all the ingredients and inhale the smoke of it. That should be easy wouldn't you agree?" Luther said to us...

All this magic stuff... it's very surprising to me... honestly... I've never had anything this exciting honestly for a while.. it had always been a cycle of suffering and torture from what I remember... now that I think about it... is it really so bad to return to my body... when Grace's life is like one of the most relaxing things I've ever been to.

"You okay Grace? I mean Louie? Do you seem to be deep in thought? You know when Grace was like that she was usually thinking of someone..." Greg gave me a little smile.

"Oh.. I am.. thank you for checking up on me though." I smiled back at him showing my appreciation.

Luther grabbed something from his little pouch it seems to be small though it carries a lot of things. He noticed me staring. "It's a magical bag. It has bigger storage somewhere. I usually have lots of ingredients in case we need something like this. If you were wondering about the bag that is." Luther commented.

"Oh ain't that a pretty neat thing to have."

He pulled the ingredients out from his little pouch. A bag of purple dust, a blue leaf, and some type of rock.

"Sleeping dust, Moonglow Leaf and Moonstone..." He said to himself...

"How do you memorize spells like that Luther.. you really need to teach me." Sungah complimented Luther who seemed to be flattered with it.

"By the way... Grace needs to be sleeping for this work. Surely you realize that to be in her dreams she should be dreaming. That's like the whole point." Luther states toward us.

"It's like morning... I doubt she'll be sleeping right now." Greg said.

"Well, it's worth a shot. If we don't exactly try we won't be able to talk with her..." I said to them...

Actually I'm really curious...and I have a lot of questions for her... I hope this spell works... so that my questions can be answered.

We all walked inside Grace's tiny room again and put the ingredients in a metal bowl full of twigs as fuel for the fire.

"I'll burn the ingredients... this better work... don't jinx it." Luther lights up the twigs...


Luther: I'm pretty sure I helped them more than the ones shown there but okay.

Grace: Ngl can we just replace Sungah and just have Luther do everything. He is legit more useful than Sungah.

Sungah: Whatever Grace! All you did was legit rant about how you hated Louie and Isabel being together, I was actually the one that suggested the magic idea. SO IT'S KIND OF YOUR FAULT. DON'T GO PUTTING YOUR FINGER AT ME.

Host: SPEAKING OF ISABEL AND LOUIE! IT WOULD BE A SHAME if they weren't here to witness Grace's words! Come on out you two!

Grace: fuck.


Greg: Oh boy...

Louie and Isabel entered the stage.


Louie: Ugh. No. I'd rather sit over here. Please stay away. WHILE I'M STILL ASKING NICELY.

Louie sits next to Greg.


Isabel sits next to Luther, the farthest away from Louie's seat.

Luther: This girl beside me is giving me crazy girl vibes. Crazier than Sungah even.

Isabel: Why am I crazy exactly? Like I didn't even do anything wrong the whole novel. You guys are just hating CAUSE YOU BITCHES ARE NOT EVEN THAT GOOD. YOU JEALOUS BITCH


Greg: Honestly that thing's kind of messed up.

Sungah: Idk I think Louie is the type of guy to be into that kind of thing I think that's just his kink or something.

Louie: Excuse me? I'm not into those kinds of things. This lunatic of a woman is the one that's doing those things. I'm not some kind of hidden masochist.


Isabel stood up pointing towards Grace


Grace: *sighs* Trying to argue with this lunatic is so mentally draining.

Host: Actually! How about we just let the clip speak for it! Show it!


Chapter 26: Here Comes The Crazy:

"After this can, we get out of the hospital? I actually have work to do." I told her.

"Oh dear... perhaps we should stay here a little longer? I don't think you are feeling well yet." She told me... with desperation in her eyes...

"I just bumped into a post that's all.. actually I need to meet up with Grace today. I need to thank her for helping me." I said to her.

"But no I insist stay here... don't come out today. Okay?" She gives me a forced grin.

What... why doesn't she want me to go out for some reason? I guess I'm just going to downplay her...

"Thank you for being worried about me but I really need to see Grace today. It's very important." I insisted.

"Fuck off..." She whispered to herself... as her eyes darken...

"What... What did you say..."

"You know if you were just fucking obedient I would never have to be angry like this you know? But you are really forcing my hand honey... don't fucking go outside... I'll fucking kill Grace. Got it?" She said to me sternly maintain her smile.

Her eyes dead, her body crooked like she has no humanity left in her... what the fuck did I just get myself into.

"You- I." I couldn't speak at what I was witnessing...

"You know..." Her voice starts to ghastly and her aura turned haunted... "If only you hadn't remembered that Grace saved you... I never really planned on telling you to begin with... so what are you going to do? Go to her and then fucking leave me? You think you can run away from me?" She starts grabbing my shirt... I stand there terrified.

She gave me a crooked smile, her head twitched as her pupils grew more erratic.

She got closer to me and whispered. "If only I poisoned your porridge.. you'll be too sick to even go to her... although I am curious honey... you are a lot nicer to me... perhaps when you are sick? You know that you need me."

She pulled in closer... I can hear her hot breathe whispering into my ear... "If only I can injure you to the point that you'll be in a bed forever... I'll just have to take care of you forever... Wouldn't that be perfect?" She said playfully...

This woman has lost it... what the hell is wrong with her head.

"You are freaking crazy! I am getting out of here. So get out of my way." I stand up to go to the door as I stand up my legs starts to feel weak as I fall down the ground... WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS GIRL DO TO ME... I can't move...

"HAHAHAHAHA YOU CAN'T MOVE..." She giggled to herself. "STAY HERE. STAY HERE STAY HERE STAY HERE STAY HERE..." She said repeated as she grew more grotesque... the kind and the gentlewoman I saw before was no more...she was just a monster. She's nothing but a horrid monster.

"Now... you don't need to go to Grace okay? Stay here with me... Don't worry... I'll take good care of you..." She patted my head.

"YOU GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY LUNATIC!" I slapped her hand away from my head.

"Oh... you are making me upset you know? You know WHAT FUCKING HAPPENS TO BAD BOYS LIKE YOU RIGHT?" She maniacally laughed as she grabbed a syringe from her purse.


"Like I said... sweetie... Shush... this room is a V.I.P room.. we are far away from the other rooms.. so it's only us on this floor." She chuckled and fiddled with the injection.

"If only my attempt to kidnap Grace... worked... she would have been already gone... Honestly, I don't know what you see in her Louie... She's just a wretched slut and pretending to be all goodie-goodie with her is annoying." Her true colors showed more as she rolled her eyes.

She's the one that was responsible for what happened last night but... Louie... thinks something of me?

"Well, no matter... Good night... Louie." She giggled stabbing my leg with the injection. "Sleepy, Sleepy... you'll wake up soon... love you." She whispered to me as my vision starts to fade...

Damn it! I need to get out of this hell hole! I thought Louie abused her but... she was the one that abused Louie...

What the fuck... I thought the spell would wear off already at this time? Why am I still in Louie's body... this is freaking bad... like really bad... I could miss a day of work yesterday but I have so much to do.

Chapter 30: Escape!

"Good morning sweetie-kins... it's always fun watching you sleep but it always gets a bit old after six hours you know?"

"ACK!" I jump off the bed to see Isabel leaning in the bed looking at me with a lustful stare... making me feel really uncomfortable... she is freaking creepy.

"You have the nerve to talk to me after drugging me? You serious?" I turned to her giving her a sour expression.

"It's for my love for you Louie my dear...I can't have you running away from me... and when you work you always run away from me... so why don't we stay a bit longer in the hospital..." She giggled.

Hell, the fuck naw. I don't know what kind of mind-altering drug this woman is on but honey she ain't gonna keep me here. LADY I'M NOT EVEN LOUIE. I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT.

As I start to stand up my stomach started to rumble so much... this is what I get for sleeping all day and only eating porridge... I'll need to get a distraction so I can finally get out of this hell hole of a hospital... Guess time to distract her.

"Well if you want to be such a good wife? Why not give me breakfast... and like maybe not add something to do it? Got it?" I said to her in overly exaggerated

"Alright then! I'll be right back... better not run off from me! I'll give you a taste of me!" She winked making me gag. "See you in a bit." She starts to walk out of the room.

TIME TO RUN OUT! I took a deep breath and dashed towards the door. As I tried to open it I was met with.. a lock! Damn it! Why did she lock the door... I can't open it!

"You better not be trying to run away sweetie-kins... I locked the door of the hospital room and there are chains attached to it so I can hear if you try to open it." She shouted from the outside... her voice echoed along the empty hospital hallway...


Grace: 10/10 WIFE EVERYONE!


Louie: I'm quite happy that I didn't have to endure that. Switching with Grace was actually the best thing that happened in my life.

Host: Speaking of switching. Why did you guys switch again exactly?

Grace: Actually I don't know with Sungah and Luther. I told them that I wanted to control Louie's body for a bit NOT ACTUALLY LIVE HIS LIFE. It's like total hell.

Louie: True. Honestly, I'm not even going to deny how my life is so hard. Having to keep this expectation of other people. People respect you out of fear like all of it was painful.

Host: Honestly I find it funny how at the start. Grace was so jealous of Louie's life. Seeing that he has a wife and he acts all happy. Only to find out that it was just a facade that Louie puts on.

Grace: Uh... I was never jealous. What the hell are you talking about?

Sungah: BITCH you lying. You were jealous.

Greg: Ngl you kind of were.

Host: Show the clip!


Chapter 16: People Change

A part of me wanted to accept her apology but another part of me is burning with rage... She humiliated me and made me kiss the floor here... and they all laughed because I was just some poor lollipop vendor trying to sell them candy and their money was the only thing that keeps me alive...

I wanted to kill her back then... and I've always wanted to... see her groveling on the ground.

"Hey! You have a wedding ring now. Congratulations. Who's the lucky man." Greg noticed her diamond that glowed like sunshine.

"Oh! I think you already know who it is already. Isn't that right? Louie!"

My eyes got wide open... I can't believe it... they are... married... ARE THEY FREAKING KIDDING...

"Hello. Shouldn't we head inside?" Louie came out looking dapper as ever as he invited Isabel.

"Oh sure.. well we haven't married yet Greg! I'm his fiancee. Anyways it was nice talking with all of you. I hope we can talk more inside! See you guys later!" Isabel came with Louie to go to the venue...

Are they freaking kidding me... now they are a fucking happy couple... ugh. Disgusting... I guess it's good that they can have together since both of them are spoiled rotten.

"Are you upset about them getting engaged? Honestly, you can just forget about them and find someone else Grace. You are like legit successful." Greg whispered to me.

"Ugh whatever.. it's not like I care... they can have each other for all I care.." I said to him. "Let's just find Sungah so we can go to the venue already... This is already turning out to be a terrible day for me..."

Chapter 15: Feeling Of Worthlessness

I.. I guess he doesn't remember me... Well, who would remember someone like me... I'm a mere pest in his line of fight.. and I'm not even someone important... I'm just pathetic and worthless like I don't deserve my company...

Chapter 18: The Spell To Get Vengeance

"Also DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HOW LOUIE AND ISABEL TREATED ME. Louie ghosted me, played with my feelings like we were playing in some carousel. No matter how I try to reach for him we spun around, me being unable to reach him and Isabel being the little bitch she is tried to humiliate me and tried to do things to me to embarrass me so of course, they deserve this." I said sternly.

"Also look at them... smiling and having fun as if nothing happened while I'm here still can't get over it! It's like they killed me and broke my spirit and thought nothing of it. Smiling because it's fine to step on little poor old me. Well not any longer... I am sick and tired of being stepped on." I add to my argument.

"You never really know what their lives are like? Maybe they are just faking a smile because they've been doing it for a while. They got used to it?" Greg suggested.

"You think your life is hard? Imagine being high school junior wearing size thirteen Nikes MEN size thirteen Nikes." Sungah interrupted.

"FIRST OF ALL YOU AIN'T A HIGH SCHOOLER. Also, why do I feel like that's some kind of reference from somewhere." I asked her. She giggled and hid her face with the book.

"What my point is they treated me badly.. they treated me like shit.. and karma's a bitch so I have to do this. So Greg excuse me." I try to shove Greg away but he stood strong blocking my path with a stern look in his face.

"You aren't like this Grace. Stop this, please. Jus-" I interrupt him by shouting. "BY BEING WHAT A FUCKING DOORMAT WHERE SOMEBODY CAN JUST FUCKING STEP ON ME AND THEY SAY OH IT'S NO BIG DEAL IF SHE'S CRYING THEY ALL CRY. IT'S FINE TO JUST KEEP STEPPING ON HER BREAKING HER. IT'S FINE. right. THEY FUCKED ME UP! Got it! If you were my friend you would respect my decision." I yelled at him.


Grace: OKAY STOP SHOWING THOSE! OKAY OKAY! I ADMIT IT! I WAS JEALOUS. It's because they really just pissed me off that's all.

Isabel: Ha. This bitch is so jealous. How sad.

Greg: Honestly back then I thought that you were very immature to act that way. You still held onto the past when you could have moved on.

Grace: I know and that's when I realized that I didn't need to, hold on into that. Well, I realized it when I switched places with Louie since I got to stand on Louie's shoes and I realized how hard his life was. So Switching places wasn't actually a bad experience.

Host: As of now. What do you guys think your relationship is Louie and Grace?

Louie: Nothing but a mere business relationship. Obviously, I mean I already told it at one of the chapters if I'm not mistaken. So no need to dance around the issue.

Grace: Ya. Just a business relationship.

Host: Really true to your word huh? SHOW THE CLIP!


Chapter 36: Just A Mere Business Relationship

"Ugh... anyway... the reason why we are here is to discuss a few things... firstly... in order to do flawlessly in your presentation... I'll give you this ear communicator." He stands up and takes something from one of his big drawers.

"Oh! That's pretty smart..."

"With this, I can coach you and give you tips... or honestly just tell you what you need to answer... So we don't need to study the PowerPoint furthermore... Actually I am quite curious about something." He settled down...

"What? What are you curious about?" I sat down on the bed.

"We need to share information about one another... frankly if you are going to pass off as me.. you are going to have to act like me... You did acting before right? Pretty sure you'll do good."

I licked my lips and looked at him with pride. "Of course... I'm confident with my acting ability."

"Great. Why don't we exchange information about each other's life? So that you can easily expect what to say and you'll know what to say when you see that person."

I guess it's a good idea to tell him about how we act, our family and friends and such. Honestly with his life being this crazy... I keep getting jump scared.

"I will start first... Since you will be going to the company for your presentation. Proper posture is a must. You must not look slump as so." He stood up, chin, and walked straight.

"HAHAHA! Not gonna lie that fits you but seeing someone like me... who is like so small acting like that is pretty weird itself." I burst out laughing.

He rolled his eyes... "Be serious... you have to act appropriately and strict in my company or people will just rip you apart... I guarantee you I'm doing you a favor by teaching you this."

"Alright... although why? Why do you get ripped apart at your own company? Aren't you suppose to be the boss? Like the one that's suppose to be respected?" I asked him.

"You see.." He sat down. "Not everyone is fond of me being there because no one liked my father... although they worked for him... no one liked my father and the fact of me inheriting it. They focused all their anger on me... I have no choice... they all set to try to humiliate me any chance they get. You know what they say. The business world is a dog eat dog world."

"Oh... I guess we are really totally different..." I said timidly.

That's horrible... why would they do that to him...

"Anyways my secretary, Ms. Fletcher ... she will always send you a schedule of things and will always remind you of things so no need for a reminder... although I hope your secretary Ms. Tan can keep up with me demands. People don't call me the cold prince for no reason."

"I don't think you're cold... I actually think you're pretty sweet... maybe you should just smile a bit more? You know instead of scowling all the time... you know? Like how you do this?" I scowled showing him what he looks like.


Host: Do you guys think that both of you will fall in love with one another Louie and Grace?

Grace: Highly doubt it. We kind of just moved on from our feelings and I doubt Louie will so ya. Not gonna give my self some false hope.

Louie: Same. Although I never had feelings, begin with.

Host: SPEAKING OF LOVE. How about you Sungah and Luther? Just looking at this chapter of the two of you. It clearly means something.


Luther: Not really. I just want to delete that moment from my memory.



Chapter 53: Old Friend Or Something More?

"Oh hello.. seductress..." I hear his voice from behind as his shadow grew more smaller... "What business do you have here?"

"Did you miss me... my dear?" I giggled going close to him giving him a tiny peck in the cheek.

"No. Being with you is mentally and emotionally exhausting..."

"Oh! You are so funny Luther... I'm pretty sure it's just your physical part that's exhausted..." I burst out laughing...

Nothing brings me more joy than teasing Luther... although he doesn't show a lot of emotion from my little teasing I know he's just flustering inside... Haha! "Right... what do you want from me.. surely you must want something.. since you come in here strutting your legs with that outfit." He then sighed.. giving me a lantern.

"Well I've been longing to talk with you.. so let's talk.. or would you prefer we do something else..." I naughtily winked.

"Like hell, I'd do anything with you a crazy witch like you. Just cut your fake sweet crap and tell me what you need..." He pushed me away.

"Aww... it's not nice to push away a woman like me."

"You mean a thot."

"That's not something you should be saying to someone." I giggled.

"Well if you act more of a person rather than a slut then I would consider.. anyways here." He hands me a blanket. "Cover up.. it must be cold here... and with that revealing outfit, you'll get even colder. Follow me in my magic shop. Let's talk there." Luther sighed and proceeded to lead the way with his lantern illuminating the way.

"Oh.. thank you.." I said a little flustered.

Although I act really foolish towards Luther... and how he shows clear distrust and dislike towards me.. he never really feels to help me. His mouth is saying he doesn't like me but his body says otherwise.

As we continued to walk under the cover of the dark alleyway... I look up to see a full moon... hmm.. this means magic is strongest... I said to myself.. until I hear a large thump.

"Reveal the door." He said to a wall.. which a door did appear.. it was brown and old similar to a pirate ship's door. He then opened it and signaled me to come in first.

I slightly nodded looking down at the dark cellar-like door... "Ever heard of lights?" I said to him sarcastically. "That's why I gave you a lantern.." He responded.

"Fae light," I whispered.. appearing a ball of light in the lantern. Luther looked at me surprised.

"You learned fae light? I thought you weren't interested in druid magic spells?"

"Nah... honestly I find them quite cool now when I got a druid magic spellbook. I also learned this spell." I whispered the words and brought out a rose. "For you..." I smiled.

"This is not a siphoning flower right?" He asked me, wary of my motives.

"Of course not. Think of it as a gift my dear... You really love flowers right since you are a druid." I smiled.

(In case you forgot what a siphoning flower is. It's a flower that can get the soul of a person when the person touches the flower. It's often used in dark magic. It's the same flower that Grace used to get a part of Louie's soul during the reunion.)

"Thank you..." He slowly grabbed the flower and looked at it intently.

"See.. no thorns." I smiled.

"You really need to stop worrying about my true intentions and trust me you know?"

"Right... like I'd trust a criminal..."

"You know we've been friends for quite a long time.. and I'm still quite wary of you.. especially when you are in my presence.." We both got down the dark stairway.. he then continued to talk. "When I'm with you... I always have this feeling you are going to do something to me... something dangerous."

"I thought we were more than friends..." I chuckled softly... making him dead silent...

Huh? What's wrong with him all of a sudden.. why did he suddenly just turn quiet... that's pretty weird... what's with this awkward atmosphere around us...

"Here we are..." We are in front of a door... as he opened it.. we are now in a shop.. somewhere... "Where is this exactly?" I asked him.

"It's in the spirit realm. We went to a hidden spirit realm portal... we can't exactly go in the main gate.. you're a wanted criminal."


Just these little things with him... I don't know why he tolerates me... he knows that bringing a wanted felon in his shop will have him also get arrested.. and yet he still comes over and helps me. It's just really weird to me...

"What are you standing around there for.. sit down." He said to me.

"Oh right..."

"Would you like some tea and biscuits?" He asked me.. as I sat down on a coffee table.

"Yes... I would love to... although.. we could have talked in the human world you know.. it's not like what I'm going to say will take that long for you..."

He turned his head to me to answer as he's preparing the tea. "I'd rather not go out in the cold night... vampires and other night creatures go out at that time... we can get killed if we stayed. You know you should go out in the dark like that. You might be put in harm's way."

"Aw.. are you worried about me baby? Maybe you can walk me home after this then.." I giggled.

"Ya right... whatever... I'm just acting concerned.. because we are friends. That's all.. nothing more to it..."

He then comes back to the coffee table bringing the tea and biscuits... Hmm.. these cookies are appetizing... my mouth watering..

"There's more if you want more.. something tells me you want the cookies." He giggled.

"Oh right... you know this kind of looks like that we are on a date.. you know that?" I said to him trying to push his buttons.

"Ya right!" He blushed as red as a tomato. "Anyways..."

"What is it that you need to talk about exactly? Surely you didn't come in here just for a conversation with me..."


Grace: Imagine having an entire chapter dedicated to the two of you flirting.


Greg: Honestly these few chapters were crazy. Although I do admit that I did have fun seeing Grace and Louie switched.

Louie: That's because you weren't the one that's SUFFERING.

Host: Anyways! To finally close and end this reunion! Is there anything that you guys would love to say to one another? Since you guys are probably not gonna remember this even happened on the original series.

Grace: I just wanted to say. I'm sorry Louie. I was so jealous of your life until I finally got a taste of it and I regretted it. You may act all cheerful and happy but you've been through hard times.

Louie: Thank you. No need to have hard feelings about it.


Isabel: Uh. You can't break the fourth wall girl.

Host: THIS IS THE END OF THE REUNION! THAT'S A WRAP! THANKS, EVERYONE FOR READING My Crush Is My Rival CEO! More chapters to come that's for sure!

Sungah: Ngl there's literally 102 chapters by the time this was written.