Chapter 59: Strange Offer

POV: Grace

After a long exhausting day of work.. well just sitting around and typing, and looking over paperwork... I'm finally done! So many meetings this guy has... ugh and these people have so many issues whether it's the budget or the designs and such... I'm pretty sure Louie doesn't trust his workers enough to leave them with something without his guidance...

"Hello. Excuse me sir." I hear the door slightly opening... with Ms. Fletcher coming in with a list."You don't have anymore meeting for today. Although you have a friendly meeting with Ms. Baltazar from the Bittersweet Food Corporation. She sent her secretary here earlier and scheduled an appointment."

Oh this must be about planning for the charity event... I'll go and look over what Louie had in mind. "Thank you for informing me Ms. Fletcher. You may go now, have a nice night with your husband." I gave her a smile.

"Thank you sir.. but I don't have a husband or anyone in that matter." She giggled awkwardly.

OH MY GOD... I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT... TO HER.. UGH.. "Oh. That's surprising.. a lovely lady such as yourself not having a boyfriend." I giggled slightly...

Well speak for yourself Grace.. you don't have a boyfriend or husband as well and you're already in your 30s! Ugh...

"Thank you sir. Although this is a surprise that you talked to me about something personal. Usually, you would just be sitting down on your chair with a cold expression and would just be silent but I'm glad I see a more humane side to you sir." Her mood brightens up a little.


"Since we are both heading out. Care to join me... I'll take you home. I checked the route and I'm passing by your house before I go to my meeting place with Ms. Baltazar." I stood up from my seat and got my coat.

"Oh! Sir!" She said blushing... "Are you sure you're okay? You are really in a good mood... like you never talk to me personally ever.." She kept bawling her eyes out in shock.

Geez.. It's not like I asked you out on a date.. why is she blushing so fever high like that...

"Alright then... I got my things.. let's go to my car now." I said to her.. she walked out waited for me to turn off the lights and walk out of the room.

We walked along the busy hallways.. a lot of them had overtime.. and such in the company... that's a normal thing although... it's rather strange... no one greets me good evening or goodbye atleast.. in my company the workers always do that but not in here...

Maybe if Louie spent more time on his workers and didn't treat them like robots then maybe they'd be more productive and lively.. morale is everything after all.

I notice to beside me... Ms. Fletcher.. ogling and staring at me. "Can I help you?" I said to her turning her face away from me.

"Oh. It's just.. that.. never mind... haha.." She giggled.. as we reached the outside I can see a person waiting for her outside.

"Uh. Sorry sir. That's my cousin.. I didn't know he was going to pick me up today.. thank you for the offer though." She smiled at me going into her cousin's arms.

Cousin my ass.. okay... "Alright then. See you tomorrow Ms. Fletcher." I answered her..

As I continued to walk to my car. I see Sungah in the distance with a big bright smile. "Hiya sweetie! Missed me?!" She giggled hugging me tightly.

"If someone sees us... people might think we are in a relationship Sungah!" I pushed her away.

"Aww.. and here I thought you'd be glad to see me! You know how long I waited around here for just to see you! You should be more appreciative of me! I had to stand over these bug-infested trees in the dark like I was rejected by someone you know!" She exaggerated pouted.

"Well THEN DON'T STAND HERE!" I shouted at her.

"Anyways.. good news! We got a sponsorship from a company the Yamada corporation.. they run those malls and stuff... I don't know why they wanted to sponsor the charity event especially with little to no planning but I guess they choose to. They also sent me a proposal for what they had in mind." Sungah hands me a folder with the proposal inside.

"Maybe we should go to the cafe first before we like to take a look at the proposal. SO I CAN ACTUALLY SEE IT. We are legit in the middle of the parking lot."

Although that's kind of weird.. why would the Yamada corporation a really large company by the way... like it has malls worldwide.. be interested in a little charity drive that I have? The thing itself is strange itself... I guess I'm gonna have to check if this is too good to be true... like they said there's always a catch when it comes to these things...

"Fine.. I'll just teleport us there! Hold tightly to me!" Sungah grabbed my hand.

"Wait? Can't you only teleport yourself.. you were never able to teleport more than 1 people at the same time you know..." I asked her.. that's weird.. suddenly Sungah can teleport more than 1?

"I studied more and I believe I can teleport more than 1 now. Geez. You don't believe me do you.. you should try it first before you judge me." She giggled.

With a blink of an eye. There we were... teleported to the middle of the cafe... "HEY! WHY DID YOU TELEPORT US IN THE MID-" As I looked around everyone was time stopped... huh? Sungah was able to time stop this many people? These are a good amount of people... I guess she's gotten stronger...

"Now would you sit down will you." She sat down on the sofa seats.. signaling me to join her. "Louie should arrive soon with Greg.. so Grace.. why don't we talk? You know?" She gave me an innocent smile.

Hm.. what's this aura.. huh? what's wrong.. with this.. somewhat her presence.. makes me feel weird..