Chapter 144: Road Trip

As my dream world started to fade away from oblivion when the room started to fade. I can finally feel myself going back to the real world but I have this feeling... a feeling of discomfort in the nape of my neck as I can feel it being sore also, I can sense the fact that we were moving. I can hear these faint voices of people talking with each other but I-

BUMP! My head suddenly got flung out of the car seat I was sleeping at as the car ran over a pebble or something large on the road. The force made me go up from my sleeping position and completely wide awake and I realized that I was in my car.

"Sungah! Be careful! Stay out of the rocky terrains!" Luther shouted at Sungah who was driving the vehicle. 

"HEY! I'm trying okay! Also, why am I the one driving us again?! Shouldn't you be the one driving if you think you're that perfect!" Sungah argued as she focused on the road.