Chapter 145: Undestructable Murderer

POV: Louie Quinones

"But.. but why on earth would they do that?! What could their reason be to just try to kill us? I mean surely they must have a sort of motive or goal right?" I murmured.. that doesn't make sense.. why on earth would they try to kill me and Sungah? I'm starting to think that whoever did this has a motive to kill anyone that's associated with Grace... since it went after Sungah and myself, well if I was in Grace's body that is...

That does raise a lot of questions... could it be that whoever is doing this is trying to stop my wedding with Grace? Surely that should be the reason if they wanted to kill us this day... at least that's what I think about the situation.

"Well whatever that fucks happening, we need to get the hell out of here. It's not like we can just sit our asses here in the hospital." Sungah tells us bluntly.