Outer Body Experience

Izaac: I was About Fourteen years old and away at camp. I been to this camp 5 years in a row so I'm kinda well known. There were two kids that went to camp this year that really liked to bully me, Darren and Ray. One time they convinced me that ray was drowning out by the lake. I ran out there on the dock and looked for Ray. As I was looking for Splashing Darren came up and threw me in the water. That's just one of the pranks they liked to pull on me. The last day of camp something really strange happened. I was asleep in my tent and my friends Gorge and Sara came to wake me up. It was time to go kayaking, my favorite activity at camp. They kept trying to wake me up but I just kept moving my head back and forth. Sara ran to get are head counselor Freddie. He came in and asked if Darren or Ray had anything to do with this. They told Freddie that they haven't seen them all day. He shook me and kept saying my name until I finally woke up. He asked if I was alright and if I needed a doctor. I told him no, that I just had a bad dream. You ever have a dream were it feels so real. I stared to tell them about my dream. In my dream I dont know why but I got out of bed and started running towards the woods. I knew someone was in trouble. Just up the trail I ran into Darren and Ray. They were standing two feet from a black bear. I ran up just in time. for some reason I knew to bring cookies with me. I started throwing cookies away from us and the bear started to eat them. I told Darren and Ray to slowly walk back down the trail, not to run or the bear would chase them. They ran off while I stayed there distracting the bear. Just as I finished telling Freddie and my friends my dream. Darren and Ray came running up, out of breath and as scared as they ever been. As soon as they looked at me there eyes went wide open. How did you beat us here. What are you boys talking about said Freddie. Izaac just saved us said Darren. Ray and I were walking in the woods and this big bear came out of nowhere. If Izaac would have never showed up, we would be dead right now. That did make any sense. I was dreaming right. Freddie and my friends were trying to wake me up while this bear encounter was taking place. Till this day I still cant explain what happened. Only thing I know is that I saved two kids that day. I never had another outer body Experience since that crazy day at camp.