Stanford University. California.
October 29, 2005.
Inside a shared dorm room in the college, a blonde woman and a tall man with curly hair were hugging each other as tightly as humanly possible. Their kisses were unending. Finally, the man reached to lift the girl's shirt, but the girl stopped him.
"Hmm...sorry, Sam, but I can't do this today. Maybe later."
Any man in this situation would be a bit annoyed at the very least, but the curly-haired man acted as nicely as possible. He gave the girl a small grin, asked her if she was feeling well, and then slowly left and gave the room to the blonde girl.
The girl sighed. She laid back on her bed before speaking up, seemingly to herself.
"Come on Kil! You need to stop doing this! It's really unfair for Sam to keep stopping him like that!"
For a moment, it looked like the girl was going mad, talking to herself, but a voice rang out from the girl's mind and told the world she was far from mad.
"It's not my fault. I can't stand getting fucked by a man."
"Then get over it!" The girl exclaimed. "You have been in my body for 15 years! Either get used to being a girl, or learn to ignore what you're uncomfortable with! I am 21! There's no way I'm not having sex with the guy I love because you're uncomfortable with it!"
15 years ago, the man in the red armor, Killian, was near death after being smitten by the Angels. If he was at his full power, he could've easily gotten away safely and possibly even turned the table, but even before coming into this world, he has already been through a battle that left him severely weakened. When the situation got truly desperate, he had to abandon his body and escape with only his soul.
He wasn't a psychic major. His soul was too weak to survive on its own, so he needed a body to reside in. That was when he found this girl.
Jessica Lee Moore. A six-year-old girl.
A girl wasn't nearly Killian's first choice. Killian has always been a manly man. He rejoiced in sex with women, a lot. If anything, he wanted to go for the father, but at the same time, he didn't have much of a choice. Like he said before, he wasn't a psychic major. If he cherry-picked and went for the father, then the resistance of an adult might be enough to kill him.
A young girl was fine. In fact, it was great! There would be less resistance, and gradually, he could take control of the body and make it his own. After all, what could a six-year-old gal do to stop him, a deadly fighter from the Infinite Realms?
But as time passed on, Killian realized his plan might be a little flawed. Yes, the supernatural energy in this world that he could use to get back on his feet was plentiful, but at the same time, there were numerous powerful beings in this world. Again, when he was at his best state, they were mere infants, but when he has lost his body and was trapped in a human being, well, the tables have more than turned.
Perhaps engaging that heavenly smite head on was a mistake. Killian knew he was being too cocky. Slaying the four Angels with ease gave him a false sense of security. If he chose to escape instead, then he would be in a much better position.
After Killian tried to seize the body when Jessica was seven, and the outburst of energy attracted one of those Angels to investigate, the man decided maybe it was time to lay low.
Killian confronted Jessica when she was ten. The two souls shared the same body, so that wasn't too difficult. Killian explained his situation to Jessica. Of course, he left out the part where he tried to possess her body by force and simply extinguish her soul. There were some complications, but in the end, Jessica allowed Killian to remain in her body.
And just like that, 15 years went by. Killian followed Jessica from elementary school to middle school to high school and then finally to Stanford University.
Most of the 15 years was quiet, at least as long as you neglect when Killian helped Jessica maim a girl who bullied her, cripple a thug who tried to mug her, and implode a vampire who decided to snack on her.
Throughout these times, Killian developed a system of using his power without alerting those pesky Angels. He still couldn't jump out into the open and wipe out a city in broad daylight without being discovered, but he could throw in some stuff from the shadows.
Unfortunately for Jessica, while having a soul this powerful had its perks, there were downsides. For instance, sex.
"I'm sorry!" Killian exclaimed in Jessica's mind. "But you know me! I can't stand sleeping with a man! That makes me want to literally throw up!"
"Then cut off your ties with my body! Go dormant!"
Killian could choose to go dormant and basically block himself off from Jessica's body and shut off all ties with the outside world. He frequently did that when he needed some quiet time by himself.
"You know I can't do that, Jess." Killian sighed. "I really wish I can, but every time your heart goes faster, I have this instinct that you are under attack, and I open up my senses, only to find you sleeping with one man or another."
"I'm not going to be under attack!" Jessica complained loudly in her mind, a skill she grew really good at across the years. "This is Earth, Kil, not the Infinite Realms! There's no Protectors or Voyagers or Supplicants coming after you! You're safe!"
"I wouldn't say safe. Tell that to the vampire that tried to suck your dry!"
"You turned that vampire into dust! He wasn't nearly a threat!"
"Nonetheless, my point stands. I can't protect you if I completely cut off, and if you die…"
"You also die." Jessica tossed her arms up. "Yes. You have reminded me that more times than I can count. So what? We're going to stick together forever? Is that it?"
Killian's reply came after a few minutes of careful consideration.
"No. Just a few more years, Jess, and I will be powerful enough to leave your body without being spotted by those damn Angels. At that point, I will move into another body. I will leave you alone with your boyfriend."
Jessica bit her lips. She felt a little sorry for what she said. After all, she and Killian were closer than she and her parents. He went through everything she did. He saved her life multiple times, and he has shared with her secrets that could shake the world.
The Infinite Realms. The Protector Corps. An array of worlds with infinite opportunities and infinite danger to which the one they were in right now was just a tiny part of.
She glanced at the calendar before suddenly smiling.
"So, Kil, what do you think about Halloween?"
"If my old pals back in my world saw me like this, they would laugh their faces off."
Right now, Jessica was in a nurse's costume. After all, this was Halloween. Killian was fine with nurses, but he still had a few words of complaints when he was the one doing the dress up.
"Oh quit complaining." Jessica smirked before calling out for her boyfriend. "Sam! Are you coming?"
As Sam walked out and the two lovebirds exchanged words, Killian couldn't help but grin inside.
Sam Winchester. Killian knew something was off with the college student the moment he saw him. On the surface, he was mortal, but deep down, he had the potential to be one of the most powerful beings in this world.
Demon blood...
He might be a useful asset…
The night went down smoothly. Sam, Jessica, and a couple of their friends went to a local bar for some drinking and celebration. Jessica kept on cheering Sam up for the law school interview on Monday, but Sam complained about how his parents didn't care about his academics.
At the end of the day, much to Killian's irritation, the two exchanged kisses. When they finally went home, he had to sever all ties with Jessica so all the sex that happened wouldn't make him want to throw up.
He really needed to get out of this body. Either that, or make Jessica gay. Both options would work.
At night, Killian suddenly heard something. After the first few hours, he finally reconnected to the outside world. First, it was some noise in the living room. And then, he sensed Sam getting up. He quietly waked up Jessica.
"What is it?"
"There's some sort of intruder." Killian scanned the house. "Might be a burglar. Go grab the gun!"
"Since when did you need a gun against a burglar?"
"Since I realized I'm not exposing myself to your boyfriend over a common thief." Killian urged. "Go!"
Jessica stood up from the bed, went to a shelf, and pulled out a petit handgun. Was it illegal to have weapons on college campus? Sure. But neither Jessica nor Sam seemed to have a problem with it.
The blonde girl moved swiftly but calmly. She knew what the other soul inside her could do. With him protecting her, one hundred burglars couldn't lay a finger on her. She just needed to make sure this burglar didn't hurt Sam.
Some commotion came in from the living room, and Jessica moved forward without hesitance. When she turned around the corner, she was reaching for the light switch with one hand and raising the handgun with the other.
The lights were turned on, revealing Sam on the ground, wrestling with a man slightly shorter than him. He wore a dark jacket and a maroon polo. Jessica raised the gun.
"Don't move!"
But it was Sam who jumped up first and defended the intruder.
"Hold on a second, Jess! Jessica, this is Dean. He's the brother I told you about. This is Jessica. She's my girlfriend."
"Wait, your brother Dean?" Jessica turned off the safety and lowered the handgun. At the same time, she was complaining to Killian from the inside. "Too bad. I really wanted to show Sam how much of a badass I am!"
"You'll get your chance." Killian grinned.
"I love the smurfs." Dean smiled flirtingly, referring to the smurfs on Jessica's t-shirt. There was a cut in the center of the t-shirt that showed off large parts of her skin. Killian protested against the idea, but that protect was nullified.
"You know, I got to tell you, you are completely out of my brother's league." Dean glanced at the handgun that Jessica rested on the counter. Most people would be freaked out to have a gun pointed at them, but in his line of profession, Dean could only compliment Jessica on how vigilant and decisive she was.
If she wasn't Sam's girlfriend, he might try to get in the sack with her.
"Just let me put something on." Jessica glanced at Sam nervously.
"No, no. I wouldn't dream of it, seriously." Yep. That wasn't creepy at all. Thankfully, that was when Dean turned away back to Sam. One more second of his crap and Jessica would've broken his nose. "Anyway, I got to borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business, but nice meeting you."
Jessica put up the most polite smile possible.
"No," Sam suddenly stepped in. He walked to beside Jessica and wrapped his arms around her. "Whatever you've got to say, you can say in front of her."
"Okay." Dean obviously seemed surprised, but he continued nonetheless. "Um, dad hasn't been home in a few days."
"So he's working overtime on a 'Miller Time' shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later."
Dean paused as he discovered the best way to pass his meaning across without alerting Sam's little girlfriend of what was truly going on.
"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
That was enough to get across to Sam. His gaze still didn't leave Dean, but his tone has changed.
"Jess, excuse us."
"Well, so much for that! 'Whatever you've got to say, you can say in front of her.'" Jess groaned as she returned to the bedroom and tossed herself back onto the bed. "Kil, who the hell is this Dean?"
"I have a few guesses." Killian replied quietly. "Remember how I told you this world isn't what you think it is?"
"Yeah. There are Vampires and Angels and all sorts of creepy monsters in the dark."
"Well, most people don't have a guardian-not-angel like me, and when they get attacked, they die in horrible ways. The few that survived are determined to go after those monsters to avenge their loved ones. They call themselves hunters."
"Wow...that sounds noble!"
"And stupid." Killian had little respect for these so-called hunters. "If you survive an attack by a powerful entity, you keep your head down and run as far away as possible. Go after these supernatural monsters as mere mortals? As far as I can see, these hunters are suicidal sociopaths whose death is in a matter of time."
"Ever so cynical, aren't you?" Jessica grinned, but there was some concern in her smile. "So, is Dean a hunter?"
"Yep. Sam is too, or was. I don't think he has ever hunted after he became your boyfriend, but he's definitely got experience with weapons."
"No wonder he was fine with me buying a gun." Jessica shrugged. "But I don't get it. Why didn't he just tell me?"
"As far as Sam Winchester knew, you are just a normal girl. Hunters live a dangerous life, Jess. Even if you don't think he's mad for telling you all about monsters under the bed, introducing you to the supernatural world can put you in a lot of danger."
" I should thank him for his concerns? Is that it?" Jess had another question. "That Dean said his father was missing. They must be going after him. Will it be dangerous?"
Killian shrugged.
"I don't know. I am powerful, but I'm no omniscient God, but if the pair have hunted for this long, what are the chances that this time will be their last? Plus, there's no way Sam will allow you to go with him. We should stay here and wait patiently."
"Fine." Jessica sighed. "Sit back for a weekend? I'm fine with that, but once Sam comes back, I'm going to have a good chat with him."
Jessica was hardly bothered. After all, what could go wrong in just two days?
She had no idea.