Chapter 3: Deal with the Demon

Stanford University. California.

November 2, 2005.

"Sam better be back here before Monday!" Jessica complained as she walked back into her dorm room. Her heels clashing against the carpeted floor. "He worked so hard for this, and it will be such a pity if that brother of his destroys it all…"

It has been a full weekend since Sam left with Dean. Honestly speaking, Jessica really didn't like Dean Winchester. He was almost completely different from Sam. Sam was polite, and that Dean was flirting with her the minute he knew her name. Something told her Dean wasn't into academics either. She would really hate to see Dean pulling Sam down the wrong path.

Suddenly, Killian voice cut her off.

"Be careful, Jess. Someone's in the living room."

"What?" Jessica's eyes was immediately filled with caution as her footsteps came to a halt. "Where?"

"On the sofa."

"Cover me." Jessica replied quietly before slowly walking to a counter by the door. Much to her comfort, her handgun was still there. Words couldn't explain how glad she was at her placement of the weapon. Whenever she left, she would put the gun close to the door so she could get to it as soon as she entered the room. After she came home, she would carry it around with her until she puts it in the nightstand when she went to sleep.

With the handgun in hand, she turned and walked into the living room to confront the mysterious intruder.

As the lights were turned on, Jessica was shocked to realize the intruder was someone she was more than familiar with.


Brady was a friend to both her and Sam in Stanford. Hell, he even introduced the two to each other! But now, as the man sat in a sofa in the living room with his legs crossed, there was a sense of cockiness from him that Jessica has never seen before.

He didn't even bother with hiding himself after breaking in. Seeing Jessica enter, he turned to her with a vicious smirk on his cheeks.

"Jess. You're back."

"Brady, what are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Jessica demanded. She was fearless, and she had reasons to be.

Brady's smirk wasn't touched by Jessica's questions. If anything, Jessica's spirit only inspired Brady's urge for violence.

"You know what? I am only supposed to kill you, but I will be more than happy to have some fun with you before that."

Brady slowly stood up. Jessica raised her weapon. She didn't know what was wrong with Brady, but knew she couldn't let the man get close to her. Guns were great equalizers, but their usefulness was directly proportional to the distance between her and the target.

"Stay back, Brady! I don't want to shoot you, but I'm not afraid to!" At the same time, Jessica turned to her most trusted advisor. "Kil, what the hell is wrong with him?"

"A more appropriate question is, what the hell is he." Killian answered quietly. "Go on. Ask him that."

He didn't tell Jess the answer immediately. After all, he wouldn't stay with Jessica forever. If the girl wanted to stay near the Winchesters, she needed to learn to be independent.

"What are you?" Jessica relayed the question.

"Oh me?" Brady stared at Jessica's beautiful face. "Funny that you asked."

The next second, Brady's eyes turned pitch black.

"I am a Demon."

Even as he said that, Brady's gaze was trained on Jessica. He couldn't wait to see the fear in her eyes. A lot of times, Demons like him didn't even need to show their true selves, but they did so anyways because it would create some fear in their victims, and what was the point of killing if the victims weren't terrified?

Killing a victim who wasn't screaming was like killing someone in their sleep. Any Demon who resorted to that type of murdering was a disgrace to the entire Demon kind. Brady was a true believer in that.

Much to his disappointment, Jessica barely rose her eyebrows.

"Oh. Demon. Of course."

She really didn't know what to say. Hell, she has been possessed by a traveler of a different world for 15 years! And this traveler has told her stories about beings that could destroy entire worlds with the snap of a finger! How could someone with an eye problem intimidate her?

"Uh…" Inside her head, Killian groaned. That was really a bad idea. "Come on Jess! Pretend to be scared! Get some more information out of him."

"Oh." Jessica realized her mistake, but when she tried to make up for it, it was already too late. She opened her mouth, awkwardly wondering if she should scream.

But that would wake the neighbors…and it's gotta hurt my throat for a few days at least.

"Rrrrr!" Brady growled. He was in such a good mood! But now Jessica's reaction made him feel like he just took a big bite into a beef hamburger, only to discover it was covered in worms. "I am going to make you die screaming!"

He charged forward, knocking over a chair in the way.

Jessica lowered her head. She really didn't want to shoot this Brady inside an apartment. The aftermath would be so messy! Facing the encroaching Demon, she silently turned to Killian.

"Kil, it's your turn. Take my body and kick that Demon's ass."

The next second, Brady stopped in his tracks. Utter terror flashed across his face.

The blonde woman in front of him suddenly floated into the air. Slowly, her body was covered by a layer of red armor. A strange double-handed weapon formed in her right hand. Her expression turned ice cold.

Her eyes shined in crimson red energy.

Brady took a step back. She wasn't human! She definitely wasn't human! Shockingly, the girl before him reminded him of his master, Azazel. No other Demon he knew was as menacing!

"Jess? Jess?" Now in Jessica's body, Killian called out for the original owner, but he got no response. That was what he expected. Jessica's soul was still human. It lacked the power to sense the surrounding without the aid of a physical meat suit.

Good. That allowed him to do things behind the girl's back…

Killian turned to Brady. He despised the crisp female voice, but he had to work with what he had at hand. Plus, he doubted the Demon was in a situation to make comments about his voice.

"I know you are merely a pawn, Demon. Contact your master. Tell him...tell him I want to chat."

Brady shook. This wasn't anywhere near to what he was told in the mission briefing! Go in and sit in the darkness like a boss. Maim an ordinary human being. Hang her on the ceiling. Make sure she's alive until Sam Winchester returns. Finally, light her up! Where the fuck did that include the ordinary human being overpowering him and forcing him to call his master down for a chat?

If he knew this would happen, he would call in sick for the day and let some other miserable son of a bitch take this job.

But as of now, he was stuck here, too afraid to move a muscle.

Getting no response from the Demon, Killian frowned. He really didn't have too much time to waste here. Perhaps a near-death experience would be enough to motivate the Demon. But he stopped almost as soon as he started.

A man stood in front of him. A wide grin on his lips. To most ordinary human beings, he looked like another one of their kind, but Killian could sense his true form.

His eyes were yellow. Unlike the black-eyed Demons, there was some white in his eyes.

Demon Brady took a step back and lowered his head in obedience, but neither Killian nor the yellow-eyed Demon bothered to waste even a single second with him.

"Let me introduce myself," The yellow-eyed Demon did what seemed like a bow. "my name is Azazel, and I am a Prince of Hell."

He was being uncharacteristically respectful.

Killian lifted his chin.

"Killian. Well, I would say my titles, but they hold no meaning in this world."

Azazel tilted his head as he scanned Killian from top to bottom.

"I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. What are you? You are not a Demon. You are not an Angel. Yet you have the power to possess this girl's body. I have never seen a creature like you before."

"Me? I am just a traveler from another world."

"Ah, so you are a voyager. Tell me, voyager, what do you want?"

Killian's eyes suddenly turned red again as his grip on his halberd tightened. Azazel flinched. He was so close to using his powers in retaliation, but stopping a fight was so much tougher than starting one. He wasn't ready to raise arms against someone as mysterious as Killian unless he absolutely had to.

Thankfully, Killian got ahold of himself at the last moment.

"Don't ever, ever call me Voyager, Demon. Where I came from, Voyagers refer to a very specific group of lowlife."

"Very well. What do you want, Killian?"

Azazel had to admit he didn't enjoy this conversation one bit. Ever since the beginning, he has been masterminding everything. He has been with the Winchester family before Sam and Dean's parents even met. After Sam was born, he has been pulling strings around his life all along. In fact, he was the one behind pushing Jessica and Sam together. The entire time, he had total control, or that was what he thought.

Since the very beginning, Jessica Moore has always been a tool. Her entire purpose was to get close to Sam Winchester, only to die in a particularly spectacular fashion. To Azazel, her only value was in her death, which would push Sam to grow more and more powerful.

The power inside this tool demonstrated frightened him. It was as if someone who has owned a house for thirty years suddenly discovered there was a dungeon in the basement. It made him feel like everything was getting out of hand. That was why he was so eager to come in and confront Jessica.

"Simple." Killian replied, going straight to the point. "I want to make a deal with you."

"Normally, only Crossroad Demons make deals, but for someone like you, I am willing to make an exception."

"You are after something, Azazel. Why else would you send assassins after Jessica, especially now? What do you want with Sam and Dean Winchester?"

"I'm afraid that is my secret."

"Well, then let me ponder around that a bit, if you don't object." Killian wasn't finished. "I didn't really have much free time, but I still did some digging after Jessica and Sam got together. Sam has a special type of power inside him, which led me to look into his family. Guess what I found?"

Azazel's face twitched.

"Most of Sam's ancestors were normal. Well, hunters, but normal nonetheless, but Sam's mother, Mary Winchester, passed away in a fire when Sam was exactly six months old. Coincidence? I think not. Yet the question remains. What could a Demon, a Prince of Hell, no less, want with an ordinary boy? I have never really met one of your kind before today, but if legends hold true, when you give out something, you will receive ten times in return. What can be worth all your attention in this Sam Winchester?"

"Take a guess."

"Fair enough. Well, here's my proposal." Killian continued. "I will assist you in accomplishing whatever you want with the Winchester boys. With this body, they will never suspect me. That's my part of the deal."

"No need." Azazel wanted as little to do with Killian as possible. "I have everything under control, thank you very much."

Killian's smile didn't disappear.

"I'm sure, but it's a little hard to control everything when you're dead, don't you think?" He moved his halberd forward threateningly. Violet energy bounced off its surface, hissing as they clashed against each other in mid-air.

" it's this type of deal." Azazel knew it was the type of deal that couldn't be refused. If he said no, this Killian would immediately turn on him. Even if he couldn't exterminate him on the spot, he could constantly disturb his plan. With someone at his power level in the game playing on the opposite team, things would be really messy.

A part of the Demon was screaming. He was one of the four Princes of Hell, for Lucifer's sake! How dare this Killian threaten him? But he didn't do anything rash. If it was just himself at risk, he would die a thousand deaths before submitting, but there were so much greater things at stake…

Of course, deals go both ways.

"Tempting, but what do I have to pay for your service?"

"You said you are a Prince of Hell, great." Killian's eyes darkened. "I'm assuming you have armies of Demon under your command."

Azazel thought about it. There were many big players in Hell, but most of them were down for now. Lucifer, obviously, was in the Cage. Lilith, personally created by Lucifer, outranked everyone else, even him, but she was trapped in Hell. Nonetheless, she had absolute control over Hell.

Still, Azazel and Lilith served the same master. If the situation called for, he could get her to do his biddings.

"You can say that."

"How many Demons are in Hell?" Killian pushed on.

Even Azazel didn't have an answer for it. How many souls were damned to suffer in Hell since its creation? Billions? Trillions? All of them would end up becoming Demons sooner or later. He could only answer vaguely.

"More than anyone can count."

Killian nodded slowly.

"Very well. Your part of the deal is simple. I told you I came from another world, and I intend to go back there. When you accomplish your task, which I assume is freeing your Demons from Hell and conquering Earth or something like that, I want you to lead your army of Demons through the portal between the worlds and serve under my command. With their aid, I will take back my world."

"Wait…" Azazel couldn't believe his ears. "you want my Demons to be your personal army?"


"Well," Now Azazel was looking at Killian like he was a fool. "in that case, we've got ourselves a deal!"

He could give out promises all he wanted right now, but once his task was complete and Killian lost his bargaining chip, then Azazel could betray Killian and turn all the Demons against him with a single order.

"I know what you are thinking, Demon, but I will not be betrayed. Of course, you are welcome to try."

Azazel stared into Killian's eyes, and he knew that wasn't a joke. Finally, he gave it a slight nod.

"Very well. Now, shall we proceed with my plan?"


"First, you need to get out of this meat suit." Azazel glanced at Jessica's body. "I have worked hard to put this girl close to Sam Winchester. She must die."

"That's not happening."

"Rrrr!" For a second Azazel could swear he wanted to screw all his plans and just tear this girl before him apart limb by limb...assuming he could. "Why not? Someone at your level can surely leave this body! What meat suit do you like? If you have a favor for young blonde girls, I can bring you ten of them to choose from. Jessica needs to die!"

Killian looked down on his female hands. Indeed. He could fool a mortal like Jessica, but there was no way he could fool a master of possession like Azazel. He could've left this body years ages ago in search of a new one, but he never did.

"This body is off-limits. She's mine." He looked up at Azazel. Determination in his eyes. Sensing Azazel's confusion, he added. "It's the only way I can be close enough to the Winchesters...and to your plan. Don't want to be abandoned, do I?"

He was explaining to Azazel as well as himself.

Azazel frowned. He stared at Killian like a viper. Hell or Earth, only a few could say no to him, but Killian just happened to be among the few. But that didn't stop him from throwing down a complaint.

"I don't know which world you came from, Killian, but I doubt you are the brightest one there."

Killian grinned. True. His performance today was more than lackluster. The entire time, he was pushing through with brute force and nothing else. He forced a meeting with Azazel. He forced him to join the deal. He threatened Azazel not to betray him, and now, he forced Azazel to make more concessions. If the roles were reversed and Killian was in Azazel's place, he would kill the other guy the first chance he had.

Killian knew if he took a step back, maybe gave up Jessica, everything would go so much smoother, but he still wasn't ready to take that step.

He turned to Brady, who has been sitting in the corner and keeping his head down like a good puppy. If anything, the Demon wished he wasn't here at all. Seeing your boss's most embarrassing moment wasn't quite beneficial to his career prospects.

"We need to put up an act."