76. Loosing control

''Wen Delun, stop spouting nonsense.'' Spoke Shu Ya while she looked at him disapprovingly. ''Marrying. They are not even in their twenties. I know that you all think it should be as fast as possible, but they first have to stability before thinking about setting children in the world. You are already over twenty, why are you not married?''

Wen Delun wanted to to say something but whatever reason he would come with, somehow he knew she would make it even worse. ''I had no time.''

Shu Ya nodded. ''You have no time, but boys have no stability. No savings, no own household, no land. Wen Delun, do not worry about my workers. I will find them fine women, but now it's not time. For them to wait two-three years is not a bad deal. Look, nothing wrong with you either. Now you gathered enough money and now you can marry peacefully. But what can they offer their women?''

Wen Delun became silent so did Hauling. Thinking about it her miss was right. At the moment they can't think about that, and they are indeed still too young.

With a smile Hauling agreement. "True. They are indeed still too young. When they grow a little bit more they might be able to ground their families. But for now, we just going to work hard and save as much as possible."

Shu Ya was quiet for a while then she spoke to Wen Delun. "Soon the classes will start. You need to make a plan. In the morning you will help me with my questions in the afternoon you have to give basic writing classes to my servants. The winter is short so I hope you will be able to teach him a few things."

Wen Delun at first didn't understand what she was talking about, but when it hit him he almost fainted. "Wait, what? I have to teach them?" He just now realized that she never mentioned who will he teach and for how long.

Shu Ya innocently blinked and pouted. "I asked you before are you sure to stay. You can't pull out our deal. Go make plans and afternoon bring it so I can see if it's doable. Don't worry, I have enough ink and paper."

He stood up and in a daze walked to his own room. "What did just happen?" With every step he walked away more dazed he became. When can he then write his book?

Shu Ya snickered bit evilly in her heart. Did he think leeching on her, giving her few classes and hiding in his room? Wishful thinking...

Mingli just entered the room when he saw her mischievously snickering into her own hands while her servants had smiles on their faces as well. ''Miss, all rooms are finished. Luli and Louli just told me to inform you. They would like to know what else to do?''

Shu Ya shook her head. ''They should ask boys do they need help and if not they're done for today and can go back home right away or stay to eat with everyone. Their choice.''

Mingli bowed and went out while looking at Bolin. ''I see miss looking like the cat that just ate a huge mouse. What happened?''

Bolin pointed at the way towards guests rooms. ''She finally told him about his job. He came out completely dazed and started counting on his fingers how many servants or miss has. She is truly amazing. He looked like he would start crying at any moment. Should we tell him that we do know how to read?''

Mingli shook his head. ''Lord Ka planned us two to become overseers for his properties, but at the end let us go after we asked him. He likes our miss very much.''

Bolin nodded. ''I learned from my father that was a small officer in local government and Shin Young I think belongs to an old noble family that fell into disgrace many decades ago, just like Bai family.''

Mingli was astonished. ''He really is...'' He thought about calm and collected demeanour Shin Young showed so many times.

Bolin nodded. ''But lately, the King of the country is pressuring old nobility even more, adding even some troublesome officials that just can't let go pressuring those that can't fight back. So his family went from normal citizens into poor nobility. They are barely surviving. He is sending all his money back home whenever he can so they can at least buy enough food for a while.''

A young voice could be heard behind them. ''What did you just say?''

They turned around and could see Shu Ya on the door looking at them with a strange expression. ''Miss, Shin Young... He told me not to tell you as he was worried you would get worried.'' He wanted to say 'as usual', but stopped himself on time.

Shu Ya stared at Bolin with pressed lips and had the wish to crack it open to see if he has a brain. ''You both are fools. Do I look like some kind of bad person? Of course, I would have given him some money in advance and make him pay it back or work it off. The winter is coming and that country is not rich itself as I understood Wen Delun. If he went back home on time to bring enough money, we wouldn't have this problem now. The problem is me, thinking about that the whole winter long. I hope you are happy.'' She huffed and turned around slamming them door shut.

This was the first time since they met her to see that she lost her calmness. Bolin wanted to go but could hear braking of something inside while scream could be heard. ''Out! Out everyone! I want to be alone. Now!!!''

Louli and Hualing rushed out and stood outside completely flabbergasted. Hualing shook as she heard something else braking and then stillness. She wanted to say something but saw Mingli shaking his head and putting finger on his mouth.

Just at that moment, she realized another thing. Shu Ya might be just a child, but as her servants, they just have to be silent no matter what happens. So she just lowered her head and waited. But no matter how much they waited no sound could be heard.

The night fell slowly and Hong slowly approached with a plate with food. When he saw all of them just standing there quietly he just sighed and knocked on the door. ''Miss, your dinner is here. Please eat it before it becomes cold.''

A cold voice came right back. ''No need. I am too angry now. Bring food back and tell everyone outside to go back to their rooms. I don't want anyone to speak to me tonight. Absolutely anyone.''

Hearing her words they knew realized right away that she really as upset this time. And not a little bit.

Hong sighed. ''Miss, your health...'' But suddenly heard something hitting the door and stepped back.

''I said leave me alone now!'' A furious shout could be heard rights after that.

He just bowed and rushed away while the other four people just stood there and waited.

She opened the door and saw them standing. ''Should I send you all home? If you don't leave until I count to three, all four of you can pack your bags and go wherever you want.'' She slammed the door back and again nothing but silence could be heard from the room.

Louli looked at Hualing that just grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dining room while Bolin and Mingli walked further away and hid behind a wall. They can't let he be completely alone.

Shu Ya opened the door and saw an empty yard and sighed. ''I need time to calm down. Everything was too much. You two go eat and if you really want, just want to come back to watch over me, but don't make noise. Louli and Hualing shouldn't come back here until morning. Understood? I need complete silence to concentrate and calm down. If I can get that I won't get angry for a long, long time.''

They heard the door slowly getting closed and came out of their hiding spot. ''You go eat and then I will go. Tonight we will exchange our spots. They are all coming at the same time here. Maybe she is just too stressed. Her health is not getting any better as well.'' Bolin scrunched his big eyebrows while Mingli nodded.

''Fine. You go. I will stay here and then I will go when you come back.'' But then he saw Wen Delun coming around the corner and pulled him back.

''What... what is it? Something happened?'' He was surprised by there actions.

''Miss was for first time angry. She told us to stay away so she can calm down. If you go now and bother her, her anger might blow up again.'' Mingli whispered while looking at the door.

Wen Delun suddenly grabbed his hand. ''She is angry? Her condition was getting better. If she starts having variations of emotions, her health will make a turn in the wrong direction. Let her calm down. She can't get angry or too excited. If that happens we will have a problem. A big problem indeed.''

The two men could see that he really meant what he said and became afraid. Shu Ya's health is the priority now. If something happens to her...