Chapter 16 Was that guy a tycoon last night? (Part 6)

Yang Yufang tightly clenched her fists, her teeth gritted as her entire body trembled with rage.

Ji Jingfeng glanced at his mother, fury rising within him, and he abruptly turned around, pointing angrily at Lin Yanqin, "Aunt..."

Suddenly, Yang Yufang grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand back, "Jingfeng, let's not stoop to her level."

Her fingers tightened, firmly gripping his wrist, her body still slightly shaking.

Yang Yufang pulled Ji Jingfeng upstairs, into his room, and closed the door. She leaned against the wall, shedding her facade of strength, looking quite hurt.

Her birth, within the Ji Family and among the entire upper class, was no secret, and it was the main reason her son had never held a high status in the Ji Family over the years.

Ji Jingfeng looked at his mother with pity, embracing her, "Mom, Aunt has always been harsh with her words, don't take it to heart."

"Jingfeng, you must make us proud, be good to Anning," Yang Yufang held tightly to Ji Jingfeng's clothes, her gaze through the window, a cold light flashing in her captivating almond eyes.

Behind the coldness, there often lies a wound that can never heal.

"Mom, must I be with Anning?" Ji Jingfeng gently pushed Yang Yufang away, looking at her with a complex look that mixed struggle and helplessness.

On his sixth birthday, he fell ill with a strange disease that could not be cured, and later his mother consulted a fortune teller who told her to find a child bride born on the same year, month, and day as him.

Back when the hospital had no cure, they reluctantly followed the fortune teller's advice and found Anning, bringing her back to the Ji Family, and strangely, his illness truly disappeared.

The fortune teller's predictions came true, and Anning had always lived with them, becoming his child bride.

But so many years had passed, and his health had always been robust, without any issues. Could it also have been just a coincidence?

Yang Yufang's expression suddenly became stern, "This is the last time Mom seriously reminds you, you only have a chance to take over your grandfather's position if you are with Anning, you must be with Anning."

She looked at Ji Jingfeng, her eyes and voice devoid of any warmth.

What was said as a reminder sounded more like a warning.

After speaking, she turned around, opened the door, and left.


Ji Jingfeng watched his mother's departing figure, sighed helplessly. For many years, his mother had clearly favored Anning, and he could understand; in her heart, Anning was his lifesaver, his remedy.

Her insistence on him being with Anning was probably because she feared the worst.


The start of the school year was also the season for new students to enter university, with a sea of people at T University.

Today, most of those present were freshmen, stepping into the university for the first time, their faces filled with happiness and anticipation for university life.