Chapter 43: Entered His Apartment (Part 7)

After finishing the soup, she turned around and lifted the empty bowl for Ji Chicheng to see, "Uncle, I finished."

It was a habitual gesture. When she was little and fell ill, obedient children who took their medicine always received praise.

Back when she first arrived at the Ji Family, she tried her best in everything, from significant achievements in studies to minor matters like taking medicine when sick.

She always spared her mother any bit of worry.

Every time she obediently took her medicine, her mother would compliment her on being good. In her childhood, her constitution was quite weak; she fell ill often, so showing off to her only true loving mother after taking medicine had become her habit.


Seeing the man standing motionless, his face the picture of indifference, Anning quickly withdrew her hand, and even the mischievous smile on her face disappeared as well.

Have you lost your mind, Anning?

To act so childishly in front of Chicheng.

Regret was already too late, she bowed her head with her face flushed, and her voice as tiny as a mosquito's hum, "Uncle, I'll go wash the bowl."

With that, she stepped toward the kitchen. She had surveyed the entire house when she walked in and knew the way to the kitchen.

She had just taken a step when Ji Chicheng's hand suddenly reached out to her, he took the bowl from her and placed it back on the coffee table, "Someone will take care of it."

Someone will take care of it... was it the owner of the dress she was wearing?

"Let's go."

Caught up in her thoughts, Chicheng called out to her indifferently and was already heading for the door.

Watching his tall figure, Anning hurried to catch up.

Once inside the elevator, they stood side by side, with a distance of one person between them.

Anning felt her face was still very hot, her entire body felt like it was on fire, her head a bit dizzy.

She knew that this was no longer just a symptom of embarrassment, but the rhythm of a coming cold.

The temperature in the car was a bit high. As Anning sat down, it felt even hotter, and Chicheng was slow to turn on the air conditioning. Worse yet, he had locked the windows too; she couldn't even crack a window for some air.

Her body's heat was intolerable, the symptoms of a fever very apparent.


Finally, she gathered the courage to speak up. Because of the fever, her voice was already a bit hoarse.

"Hmm," Chicheng responded from the front without turning back to look at her.

Anning pursed her lips, weighing her words, "I'm feeling really hot, could we crack a window a little?"

With him, even basic human rights were absent; to open a car window, she needed his consent.

To her relief, Chicheng wasn't making it difficult for her; he rolled down her side of the window halfway.

Although it was only open on her side, preventing a draft, the incoming air from outside still brought her a sense of coolness and comfort.

She tilted her head, resting it against the car window, her eyelids heavy, half-closing her eyes as she watched the man in the driver's seat.


In her drowsiness, Anning's brain was somewhat out of control, as she called out to Chicheng with a soft voice, like a kitten's mew.

This made Chicheng's entire body soften for a moment; he couldn't help but turn his head to look at the girl in the back seat.

Her body lay there limply, curled up small, and his defenses instantly crumbled, "Hmm, what's wrong?"

His voice was a tenderness Anning had never heard before.

However, she was too drowsy to sense the abnormality, and said, "I heard you're going to teach at T University?"

Suddenly, her head couldn't support itself and lurched forward, which briefly brought her back to some alertness. She quickly sat up straight, her face burning hot; she patted it with both hands.