Chapter 48: An Unexpected World for Two (Four)

Tears instantly poured out, and, fearful of being seen in her vulnerability, she covered her mouth and ran away.

She had already bought her high-speed train ticket, choosing her time carefully. Sitting by the window, she felt exhausted after crying.

Resting her head against the window, she stared blankly at the passing scenery outside.

"From now on, you are part of the Ji Family. Your status will be incredibly honorable, so you must forget your own parents. Otherwise, you'll not only harm yourself but also your parents."

"Don't hit me, I won't run away again, and I won't miss my mom anymore."


The cellphone in her bag suddenly vibrated twice, pulling her out of her trance. She wiped the tears from her face and rummaged through her bag for her phone. A message from an unknown number appeared on the screen.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

Seeing the content of the message, Ji Anning assumed it was sent to her by mistake. She was about to put her cell phone back in her bag.

Suddenly, another message arrived.

"Dear An'an, what are you doing?"

An'an... Ji Anning was taken aback and felt a sudden surge of caution.

"Who are you?"

She replied warily, and the person on the other end responded immediately, "We shared a bed just a few days ago; have you forgotten me so soon?"

Heavens! It was that guy, the one who raped her!

Thanks to him, she had lived a life worse than death these past few days and had even considered suicide—and here he was, daring to harass her again.

Ji Anning's anger rose in an instant, "You demon, you'll go to the eighteenth level of hell."

The other party replied, "I'll make sure to love you well before I go to hell."

The words "love you well" sent a chill down Ji Anning's spine.

She warned, "I'm warning you, if you dare touch me again, I will definitely call the police."

"I want to touch you, touch you, touch you... I love touching you. Do you believe I'll touch you tonight?"

Tonight? Ji Anning shuddered, hastily deleted the message history, and blocked the number.

She wouldn't leave the house tonight; she was determined not to. If she didn't leave the house, that guy surely wouldn't dare to come in and lay hands on her.

Drifting into thoughts, Ji Anning soon fell into a drowsy sleep.


Oh, tomorrow is Saturday.

After returning home, Ji Anning stood at the courtyard gate and sighed for a while before finally stepping inside. It was past six o'clock; Ji Ruoqian had already come back from school.

The sound of her voice came from the living room. Ji Anning braced herself to face the cold looks from the mother and daughter as she entered.

"Yo, Ji Anning, you still know how to come back."

Just as Ji Anning had expected, the moment she stepped in, Ji Ruoqian's snide voice reached her ears.

Ignoring her, she changed her shoes, went inside, passed the sofa, nodded at Lin Yanqin seated there, and headed straight for the stairs.

"Weren't you going to attend the Cultural Bureau's event?"

The Cultural Bureau's event!

That's right, today was Friday.

Ji Anning's eyes widened, stopping in her tracks, baffled for a second. She quickly took out her phone from her bag, turned it on and hurried upstairs.

After the phone booted up, several messages came through, all from Yang Yufang, asking when she would return, why her phone was unreachable, stating that she had left first, and instructing her to take a cab directly there when she came back.

Ji Anning read the messages as she went back to her room, opened the wardrobe, and the two dresses she had shopped for with Yang Yufang the previous day caught her eye first.

One white and one light yellow.