Who Wouldv'e Known

[Five Years Ago] August 28th, 2004, It was a sunny Saturday morning I thought it was going to be the best day of my life but who would have thought it would be quite the nightmare. I still remember everything as if It was just yesterday. It was all fine at the begging, in fact, it even started a little like this. It was 7 in the morning my mom ran into my room she quickly woke me up with a giant smile on her face she lightly kissed my forehead and gently got me off my bed with a giant warm hug, in fact, it was the best one I had ever experienced at the time. She happily and loudly yelled out "happy 12th birthday Lu!"

Before I knew it my room was full. My dad popped up out of nowhere with Jason and Aron my two brothers. They threw confetti at me and made so much noise as they all jumped onto my bed and started fighting. They were all trying to get to me first. They all struggled for a while but as expected my dad got to me first. He hugged me and after wishing me the best he told me "hey how about I take you out to the store and let u choose a cake?"I agreed. I thought nothing else of it, in fact, I was so happy I wasn't even thinking. I mean what else was I supposed to think of it besides being happy and excited about it. I really love my dad, in fact, I love him so much that I didn't even need any presents like the other kids. I was even more excited because it would be the first time I ever got to choose the cake myself. We walked out,  as we were about to leave my dad kissed my mom and my brothers as the usual and then yelled out "goodbye" with a giant bright warm smile.

As we were in the car I got a chill rise up in my spine, suddenly I got this weird feeling. Why did something feel so off? My dad noticed my expression and then said "what's wrong?" as he looked at me and raised his right eyebrow. After a while of me not responding he replied did something happen? Why do you look so sad and worried you should lighten up it's your birthday you should be smiling and always be happy he said with a smile. I looked at his smile for a while and thought to myself, well maybe he's right. I shouldn't be worrying plus he looks even happier as if it was his birthday and he was getting a cake of his own instead. At the thought of that I relaxed and started laughing.

As soon as his dad saw the change he started to relax. Thirteen minutes later after laughing, they noticed they were close to the store, they Parked and got off. Out of excitement I rushed out the car so fast I didn't realize I was in the middle of the street. I looked to my right and saw a car coming towards me at full speed. As I saw the car get near me I was too shocked and it was so fast. At that moment  I heard as the car sped as well as my dad's keys fall to the ground. It  self continuously made me turn his way. When I turned to look at my father his face quickly changed. I had never seen him do such a scary face till now. His eyes were poping he looked so terrified it looked like if he was about to cry it was like if he had just seen something traumatic. The look on his face gave me goosebumps. I always saw him so cheerful and happy that I didn't even know he could do such scary expressions. I was still confused.The next thing I knew was that I was pushed down to the ground it all happened so slow yet so fast.

The slow part was seeing his dad's reaction and the fast part was how fast he was pushed out of the way. Everything was a blur. He heard a really loud noise and as he looked some inches away he saw his dad lying on the ground with a lot of injuries. Lu got up quickly and went to his dad he started crying and couldn't stop. He was crying so much that he could hardly breathe. Even though Lu's injuries were really bad from the push he didn't feel a thing because it was nothing compared to the amount of pain he was having at seeing his dad that way. Someone called the ambulance out of the crowd of people who had surrounded Lu and his father. Lu didn't even notice the people around all he could do was cry and hug his father.

Lu started to cry even more and hugged his dad tighter as the noise of his dad's breathing slowly faded. After that everything was a blur. Who would've thought that what was supposed to be Lu's happiest birthday ended as his father's death? I should've known that after everything is going so well something bad comes after it. Why didn't I know that? I was naive and yet a kid. All I could do at the time was cry, blame myself, and say to myself "I will never let this mistake happen again."