[5 years later] It was the first day of my senior year. I hate the first days of school. It feels even more awkward especially since I don't know what's going to happen next. School is whatever I mean I'm screwed everywhere even at home but at least at school, it's a little bit calmer and no one bothers me for the most part. It's practically as if I'm not even there which is great. I often don't talk to people it's not that they bother me I'm okay talking to people but I prefer to keep my distance.
I usually observe instead which most people must think I'm either a creep or have a crush on them. Even though I'm quiet I'm not shy at all. School starts at nine I put my alarm two hours earlier because I like to get there when no one is around and it's also 30 minutes away but since I always need to walk it, it takes me about 40 minutes more to get there. My alarm didn't wake me up, instead, it was my mom who threw some really cold water and yelled at me. After the incident from five years ago, my mom hates and blames me for it. Which I don't blame her because so do I.
Every morning since I was twelve instead of her morning kisses it was her pouring me a bucket full of water and ice to wake me up as a punishment and reminder of what I did. Sometimes she would take off my alarm so I can either get to school late or stay at home so that she can scream at me and make me do all the work. I got up to take a shower, wipe the floor, and wash all my blankets so that they would get cleaned and then dry. I was practically used to it by now. Remembering how happy our family was back then only seems like a dream.
I came out of the shower and got ready to go. I walked downstairs after putting on my shoes and saw my brother jason sleeping on the couch with a book on his face. I lightly tapped him and said " Jason go sleep on your bed your gonna catch a cold." Jason slowly opend his eyes and smiled at me as he said: "thank you for caring about me." He reached out to get his phone and checked the time. Hey, Lu shouldn't you be leaving isn't today your first day of school? Yeah, why? Isn't it past your time? I was so confused. He showed me his phone it was already 8:40. I quickly said goodbye and was ready to run out the door when Jason suddenly grabbed my arm and said don't worry about it I'll give you a ride I don't work today. He smiled at me and said, "just wait for me I'll just go get my keys, I'm sorry you're going to be a little late to school."
Don't worry it's not your fault my alarm didn't go off. Huh? that's weird hasn't your alarm been acting up a lot. Why don't you tell mom to buy you a new one? She hasn't had time. We'll if one of these days I have time after work I'll buy you one. There's no need ill just look for my other one thank you though. Oh alright but if you don't find one let me know, I found my keys let's go. Jason was the only one nice to me and he would hardly be home due to work. He doesn't know that my mom doesn't like me and I'm not planning on letting him know. He is too nice and I don't want to stress him out or worry him with something as small as this. If he knew he would be very upset with my mom and try to help me but he already does more than enough.
He doesn't even let me get a job because he wants me to focus on school since he knows I want to work at my uncle's company. He really has high expectations of me and I'm going to try my very best to not let him down. He has always supported the idea of me wanting to work at my uncle's I don't know the reasons as to why but I'm guessing its because he wants to spend more time with me since he's always working there. The ride to school was pretty quite accept for the fact of all the cars beeping due to the traffic. We had finally got there he dropped me off at the front and said goodluck as he sped off.