Calling The Doctor Over

I noticed she was deep in thought so I kept quiet for a while and then asked so what did you tell the doctor? She looked at me as if she was trying to hold in her laugh and said, "I told them that we usually hang out there. I had nothing else to do at home so I went to see if you were there. And when I got there I saw you trying to commit suicide. I was going to try to save you but when I got there it was too late you had already jumped.

The funniest part was I told them we were friends and they believed it pfffttt." What you changed the story and said I was the one who was going to jump off? Are you out of your mind? Apparently you are since you were the one who pushed me off. Hey, I told you it wasn't on purpose that's why your not supposed to sneak up on people. Whatever it was my fault as well as yours. Lu actually didn't mind much anyway and let it go right away. Then he asked, "did they contact my family?" Then she looked at me and said "yeah."For a second I got worried and thought they contacted Jason but then she kept going and said "your mother?." She looked kind of confused I couldn't stop thinking of reasons why she was confused and I was a little tired to think right now so I asked, Why are you confused?

She looked shocked by my question and then replied "I was surprised because at first, you looked worried when I said that your family was contacted, but then I said it was your mom and you looked more relaxed and not only that but you didn't ask where she was or why she wasn't here when you woke up. For a second she stopped talking about that topic and looked as if she just realized something. She must've just figured out that I already know my mom doesn't like me and wouldn't come to check up on me so there was no point in trying anymore. Then she continued and said, "but now I'm shocked because people usually can't tell how I feel or react unless I tell them but yet you noticed I was confused? Really? Was I really paying that much attention to her that now I can even notice that? Nah, I don't think so. After she said that I kept thinking of why the reason must be and just replied with "its probably because I'm used to paying close attention to others." I wasn't lying it was my only reasonable explanation I can think of.

I suddenly remembered weren't you going to say something when I woke up? Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you what were you doing up there so late. Lu only told her that he liked to go up there to think and because he really likes the view but he didn't tell her he practically lives up there. He noticed that she looked as if she felt bad for him when she was talking about my mom some telling her about this was not a good idea and plus they don't know each well. They won't even see each other after so there was no point in telling her and it's not as if she was going to find out. I was surprised that she didn't find my belongings up there I usually hide them good forgot to hide them the day before. Out of nowhere she got up and said, " I forgot to let the doctor know you're up." She quickly ran to get him. After a while checking Lu Xian said, " so how's Lu doing?" 

I was a little surprised that she knew my name but figured she obviously knew it was because she heard it from the nurse."Lu is doing better than expected he will be able to leave tomorrow after we take some more tests to make sure. The doctor jokingly said what are you made of steel? You fell off from a high height yet you only got some bruises on your body, some scratches on the face, and a cut on your arm? That's unhuman and a miracle. What the doctor didn't know was that the cut on my arm wasn't from the fall but from the cup threw at me earlier. But it really didn't make sense how did I get more hurt with a cup thrown to my arm instead of falling off a building?

The doctor looked at me and then looked at her. After hile of what looked like thinking, he asked how long have you guys been friends for? We simply answered with not too long ago. The doctor laughed at our reaction. He must've been misunderstanding the situation. Anyone else who saw them thought the same thing It seemed as if they knew each other for a long time and no one would ever suspect that really it was all a misunderstanding.