Who Was the One Talking Just Now?

Chu Xuning pressed a button, and it opened a door to a passageway that led towards the laboratory. He then took out a few mini handheld transceivers and gave them to Yu Xiangyang and the others.

"Our enemies have also entered the laboratory base. They are inside the room where Doctor Luxe is in and in three other passageways to your left." They could hear a young yet bright voice from the transceivers. "Remember, after you guys have found Doctor Luxe, you must leave through the middle passageway. The other passageways would only lead you to a dead-end."

It was a clear and deep voice, but it had a hint of laziness in it.

The voice belonged to Chi Yue.

He had already taken control of the entire monitor room in the base.

"Qingqing, what's wrong?" Qu Yan, who stood nearest to Su Huiqing, felt her discomfort.