Why Did You Pretend to Be a Normal Person?

They had sealed the entire Street 91 off. Thus, it was strangely quiet.

The golden-haired man watched the limousine drive off through the video.

He could see the woman's posture on the car rooftop. With one hand supporting her weight as she stood on the rooftop, she held the transceiver with her other hand. She then slightly curled her lips up to form an arrogant smile.

However, before he could carefully see her face, the black car had already disappeared from their sight.

He quickly opened the door and got out of the van to inspect the front wheels.

There were two poker cards deeply plunged in it.

The tires had long exploded, but the poker cards remained unharmed.

Upon plucking out the poker cards, the golden-haired man noticed that both were the ace of hearts.