Who Arranged The Engagement? Does He Have A Death Wish?

The Night Bar.

It was the most mysterious bar in the International Association.

It was also the primary base for Number One Intelligence Agency. Nearly all the powers wished to have this agency for their own. However, these people had never even met the guy behind the agency before. There was no way any of them could gain control of the group.

Qu Yan knew Su Huiqing needed to settle some serious business, and so led Qing Zi over to the dance floor.

Su Huiqing followed Apollo to the bar counter.

She tapped the countertop and spoke to the bartender. "Give me your signature drink."

"The same for me," Apollo said.

Two signature drinks were soon placed before them. The liquid was a gradient of colors and looked very lovely.

"Everything is in here." Su Huiqing took a sip before tossing a thumb drive on the counter.

"This is…" Apollo downed his drink, feeling the liquid burn his throat.