Song San

On the other side of the phone, the chief detective stumped for a moment. "That was fixed by your grandpa."

After that, he added, "When you, Master Yu, was still in the belly."

Su Huiqing was still in the house.

"Send a copy of the Dugu Family's information to me." Yu Shijin didn't wish to talk anymore. He put out his cigarette and said with profound eyes, "I'll discuss this with Grandpa."

He hung up and walked back right away.

He didn't take this Dugu Family matter to heart at all.

The door opened.

Su Huiqing had already almost finished eating. She was supporting her chin with her hand, looking at the dishes on the table as if she was deep in thoughts.

Her slender finger pressed on her lips.

For some reason, she actually felt that this taste was slightly familiar.


The door was pushed open.