Who can Stop Them?

Right Dark Angel, who was standing beside Su Chen, smiled darkly. "According to what I know, Ling Qing sent quite a number of people, as well as people from the miracle doctor's sect. Do you think you can go against them with your strength? We only want Apollo and Unknown Island, who can create level seven weapons. The potion shop and other things are all yours."

Ling Qing and the miracle doctor sect…

This was something a small Cloud Island could not resist.

The Cloud Island elder was silent for a moment before finally agreeing with their decision.

"Let's start with … the Dugu Family!" Su Chen finally smiled in satisfaction. Her eyes were filled with malice.

The Dugu Family …

"Missy's potion shop has been occupied?" The first elder's expression changed. "Not only that, but our Dugu Family's young bloodline has also been seriously injured by a seventh-level expert?!"