Burning with Anger

The training grounds…

A month ago, this place was filled with people every day, waiting for Su Huiqing, Yu Shijin, and the rest to come out.

However, there was almost no one left.

The elder in charge of the training grounds looked at the guard who came out of the door with a slight hope in his eyes. "How is it? Did you see anything?"

The guard shook his head. "According to the people who came out, Missy should have entered the middle path. When I entered, there was no movement on that path at all."

"No?" The eyes of the elder guarding the training grounds darkened. After a moment, he said, "Close the training grounds completely."

He gave Su Huiqing and Yu Shijin 20 days.

He would open the door every day for the past 20 days.

This was already illegal for him, but he didn't care. Every time he opened the door, there was hope; however, he was disappointed every time.