
Hua Jinan nodded. "Do you hear me?"

Su Bei looked up and met his eyes. With a bitter smile, she said, "Yes, I heard you, but I'm sorry. I can't promise you that."

"Oh, why?" The man asked with his raised eyebrows.

Su Bei took a deep breath. "I'll keep trying until my dad's grievance is redressed."

"Leave it to me!" The man looked at her with his deep and dark eyes, exhibiting an exceptional level of resolution.

Su Bei looked at him in astonishment. "Leave it to you?"

"Yes, I'll handle this matter. From now on, you're not allowed to worry about these things. What you need to do is to focus on your pregnancy," said Hua Jinan in a low voice.

Su Bei felt like he didn't understand the graveness of the situation, so she added, "This matter involves many higher authorities from the police force. If you dig further, it might not be just the police force that's involved. My dad passed away for six years. Since then, my mother and I tried to sue them, but nothing came out of it even till this day."

Hua Jinan smiled. "Why? Don't you trust me?"

Su Bei shrugged. Even without her saying, the message was obvious.

The man suddenly closed their distance, blowing his warm breath into her ear, which caused her to cringe.

His deep voice was music to the ears. "You'll slowly find out what kind of a person your future husband is."

Su Bei pushed him away. "Who exactly are you? Aren't you from the triad? I'm telling you, this is not the underworld's matter. You can't resolve this with your fists. Don't you do anything and screw this up for me."

A subtle smile stretched from Hua Jinan's thin lips. "Does your husband look brainless to you?"

Su Bei felt a little out of breath. She did not want to argue with him, yet, he was full of the fighting spirit.

"Hey, Mr. Hua. There's nothing between us, alright? Stop calling yourself that."

Who is your wife?

Hua Jinan smiled. "Well, you'll call me that, sooner or later."

Su Bei ignored him as she covered herself with the quilt. "I'm sleepy, and I'm going to bed."

The man looked at the quilt and chuckled softly. "Are you sure you're sleepy and not hungry?"

Before his voice trailed off, a strange sound was heard.

Her stomach was rumbling.

The quilt was suddenly pulled off from her head, showing the innocent and forbearing look of a woman. 

"Fine, I have to tell you that your son is hungry."

After getting pregnant, she got hungry faster than before. She became more anxious as she needed to eat as soon as she said she was hungry. If she waited for too long, she would have the sudden urge to puke.

Hua Jinan nodded with a smile. "Got it. Just wait over here."

He lifted his foot and stepped out. Before he turned around, he pinched her nose.

As though this were a casual act that had happened many times before in the past, the gesture was natural and straightforward.

However, Su Bei tensed up after his contact.

A moment later, the door was opened, and a dining table was brought in.

On the table were all her favorite dishes that were nutritious and not greasy.

He had gotten them ready earlier on.

He passed the chopsticks to her. "Dig in."

Su Bei wondered if she had mistaken it, but there was a pampered look in the man's eyes.

That man sat beside her, feeding her with his chopsticks. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

"The baby is developing well, but you have malnutrition. This will affect him." His deep voice was heard.

Su Bei had already taken her food. She looked anxious and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hua Jinan raised his arm and stroked her head as he said, "Don't worry. It's not a big problem. You have a slight calcium deficiency. In other words, the baby is underdeveloped."

Su Bei nodded, and there was a mix of feelings.

Previously, she had hoped for a miscarriage.

But when she heard that the baby was underdeveloped, she felt slightly anxious and upset.

At this moment, the man's phone rang. He furrowed his brows as he picked up. "Hello... Yan'er is back? All right, I'll be over now!"

After he hung up the phone, he mentioned a few reminders and left in a hurry.

Su Bei looked at his departing figure and pondered to herself. Yan'er!