Gentle, Sudden Change

Qiao Mu was speechless.

She knew that he would definitely make fun of her!

The hand that was drying her hair finally stopped. Qiao Mu raised her head and saw Li Yan bringing a hairdryer over. He plugged it in and started drying her hair.

Qiao Mu stared at Li Yan in a daze. By the time she reacted, he had already dried her hair.

The little thing's silly look made Li Yan feel a little helpless. He could not help but remind her,"You have strength now? There's still water on your body. Go wipe yourself and take off your sleeping robe."

Take off your robe…

Qiao Mu's eyes instantly widened, and her face reddened unnaturally.

He saw her expression clearly. From her shy look, it was obvious that she had misunderstood him.

Li Yan patted her head gently. " What are you thinking about? Your pajamas are wet. Go change into your pajamas. "

Qiao Mu's face turned even redder. Who asked him to not speak clearly!