Is She Very Important to Him?

After Li Yan left the room, Qiao Mu naturally could not sit there obediently.

She came out of the bathroom in a sorry state and put on a bathrobe without even wiping her body. At this moment, she was uncomfortable all over. Most importantly, she was not wearing any underwear!

The bathrobe was open, and she might be exposed if she was not careful. She quickly walked to the cabinet and found the underwear she had prepared beforehand. Just as she was about to change into it, Li Yan had already returned.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to move?"

A cold voice sounded, and Qiao Mu quickly turned around and hid her underwear behind her.

Qiao Mu smiled and kicked her legs, saying indifferently, ""Uncle, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and strode over. He picked Qiao Mu up and placed her on the bed, warning, ""I'm here. I'll apply the medicine for you."