It's Enough That I Like You (1)

Qiao Mu stayed at the hospital for the entire day. At noon, Yu Yiduo came to deliver her lunch.

Qiao Mu was extremely apologetic. " Auntie, my father is sick and I have to trouble you. I'm really sorry. "

" Child, what are you talking about? Just wait for your father to wake up. Everything will be fine. You still have Li Yan and the Li family behind you. We are all your support. " Yu Yiduo patted Qiao Mu's shoulder.

"Thank you, Auntie." Qiao Mu was so grateful that she wanted to cry. She had always been used to having no one to rely on. Now that there were so many people who were thinking about her, even if the current situation was worse, she could still hold on!

After Yu Yiduo left, Qiao Mu continued to guard the ward.

Suddenly, Qiao Jiannan's fingers moved. Qiao Mu looked up and saw Qiao Jiannan open his eyes.


Qiao Jiannan opened his mouth and said with difficulty,"Mu Mu…"