It's Enough That I Like You (2)

Qiao Mu had completely given up on Zhou Jieru. Her voice was cold and emotionless. " Madam Zhou, my father will be fine. Don't curse him! " Please don't contact me in the future. Whether I'm good or bad has nothing to do with you!"

"Qiao Mu, you don't know how to be grateful. I gave birth to you, raised you until you were five, and sent you to the Qiao family to live a good life. Even if there's no credit, there's hard work. The last time I saw you with Yu Tingyun's cousin, I found out that the man is the CEO of LSAG Group. He's very rich. I was afraid of disturbing your development with him, so I didn't contact you. I thought that you would think of me when you were rich, but you ..."

Qiao Mu couldn't bear to listen to the rowdy voice on the other end of the phone any longer, so she hung up immediately.

Was this woman really her mother? Why was there such a mother in this world who did not care about her child at all!