Uncle, I Can Support You

In Li Yan's office, Lei Yi was about to leave after reporting his work when Li Yan took out a card from his pocket and handed it over.

"Go and withdraw the money from this card. Buy two stocks and save it after increasing it tenfold."

Lei Yi was a little puzzled. Li Yan had an account that specialized in trading stocks, so he would never take out extra money to buy stocks.

Although Lei Yi did not know Young Master Li's intentions, he still did as he was told.

However, when Lei Yi took out the money, he was shocked to find that there was only 340,000 yuan in the card. When he saw the owner of the bank, he understood that Young Master Li was making money for his wife.

Lei Yi professionally bought two stocks that would definitely make a profit. Although he was very confident, he was still very careful. If he lost the money of Young Master Li's family, he estimated that he would have to pay back ten times the amount from his own pocket.

At the Li family's villa.